Force.com query optimizer
- Determines the best index from which to drive the query, if possible, based on filters in the query
- Determines the best table to drive the query from if no good index is available
- Determines how to order the remaining tables to minimize cost
- Injects custom foreign key value tables as needed to create efficient join paths
- Influences the execution plan for the remaining joins, including sharing joins, to minimize database input/output (I/O)
- Updates statistics
Skinny Tables -
- These are copies of the data for a table with limited number of fields (100 columns).
- Are kept in sync with the source data
- Help in fast data access.
- Can only contain field from the base object
- Need to be enabled by support
- Custom indexes can be created to optimize performance
- Some indexes such as RecordTypeId, Division, CreatedDate, Name, Email are created by default
- Indexes for External Id are created by default
- By default nulls are not considered in the index
- If a where clause narrows down the crietria to 30% for Standard fields or 10% for Custom fields the index is used
- Formula fields which are deterministic are indexed
- A formula field is deterministic if
- It does not use TODAY(), NOW(), etc
- Does not refer to a different object
- Does not refer to a formula field which references a different object
- Owner field
- Standard field with special functionalities
- Two column indexes can also be created for supporting search + sort. These are more efficient than 2 indexes.
Divisions can be used to partition huge volumes of data by business unit
Mashups can be used to get real time data from an external system by either using Canvas or Callouts
Sharing Calculation can be deferred by an admin to speed up data load
Hard Deletes can be used to optimize performance so that data does not go to the recycle bin.
Best Practices for Reporting
- Partition data
- Minimize no of joins (No of objects and relationships on the report)
- Reduce amount of data returned - reduce no of fields
- Use filters which use standard or custom indexes
- Archive unused records
Best Practices for Loading Data through API
- Use the bulk api if you have more than 100,000 records
- insert() is the fastest followed bu update() and then upsert()
- Data should be clean before processing. Error in batches cause the records to be processed row by row.
- Load only changed data
- For Custom integrations - use http keep-alive, use gzip compression, authenticate only once
- Avoid switching on sharing during the load
- Disable Computations such as Apex Triggers, Workflows, etc
- Group records by ParentId to avoid locking conflicts
- Use SF Guid instead of External Id for Parent References
- Bulk API has a limit of the number of records you can load in a day. 300 batches and 10,000 records per batch
Best Practices for Extracting data from the API
- getUpdated() and getDeleted() should be used
- Where more than 1 million records are returned use the Bulk API
- When using the bulk API chunk the queries
Best Practices for Searching
- Avoid Wildcards
- Reduce the no of joins
- Partition data with Divisions
Best Practices for SOQL and SOSL
- Search on Indexed fields
- Avoid quering formula fields
- Don't use nulls in where clause
General Best Practices
- Consider using an Aggregate Data custom object which is populated using batch apex
- Consider using a different value instead of null such as N/A
- Enable Separate Loading of Related Lists setting to reduce the time taken to reduce related list rendering
- Remove the API User from the sharing hierarchy
- Consider using a query which reduces the data set to either 30% or 10%
- Keep the recycle bin empty