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File metadata and controls

507 lines (354 loc) · 10.8 KB

A bit of everything

Tried to make a MVC framework, do not know how it will end..

My Urge to build this..

For all the documentations and videos i followed to learn programming, some concepts seemed bit overwhelming. Therefore, i started copying and pasting a lot of code to get things completed. Everything worked very well until i asked myself, will i ever try to understand WHAT and HOW.


A bit of framework which tries to simplify creating php web projects.



Define your routes at src/Core/routes.php

Adding a new routes


'get' and 'post' are the request types, you can additionally use 'delete' & 'patch'

'about' and 'contact' are the requested URL.

'PagesController' is the name of the Controller.

'about' and 'save' are the methods declared inside their controllers.

'@' is used as a separator.


All controllers must be placed inside src/Controllers folder. ( A bit opinionated :) )


User request can be handled with various methods of Request class.

Capture the URL of the request


Capture request method (get,post, patch ...)


Capture a specific $_GET value of the request


Here the $field is the name of the anticipated field.

Capture a specific $_POST value of the request


Here the $field is the name of the anticipated field.

Capture all the $_POST values of request


Capture all the properties uploaded files



Bit supports two types of responses, View and JSON

Respond as a view page


viewfile is the name of placed in view folder, viewfile can be of names *.view.php or *.php or *.html

$dataToBePassed is the data variable that needs to be passed to the view

Respond with JSON data


$data must be of type array

Example of the usage of request and response methods. We will try to display the data entered by user

namespace Bit\Controllers;

use Bit\Core\Response;
use Bit\Core\Request;

 * OrderController
class OrderController
  public function newOrder()
    $userOrder = [];

    //Request::all() will provide all the $_POST values

    foreach(Request::all() as $field => $value)
      $userOrder[$field] = $value;

    //ConfirmOrder is the view page and we are passing user's
    //entered data to this view with array $userOrder





Sessions in Bit can be manipulated with some of the methods defined in the Sessions class.

Store a new Session data.


$key is the unique identifier of the data that can be stored in Session. $value is the data that needs to be stored in session

Retrieving Session data


$key is the unique identifier of the data that was previously saved

Destroy specific Session data


Destroy all the Session data



Bit helps us to deal with files operations easily with LocalFileHandler class. You can also use third party packages like flysystem, but the adapter class must implement FileHandlerInterface. Unlike other classes it does not use Static methods.

The LocalFileHandler class is already bound to App Container, so there is no need to instantiate it.

Get file name

$uploadedFile = Request::file();

Get file size

$uploadedFile = Request::file();

Get file extension

$uploadedFile = Request::file();

Copy File to a new destination

$uploadedFile = Request::file();
App::get('filesystem')->copy($uploadedFile, $destination);

Delete file at a location


Create a new directory

App::get('filesystem')->createDir($directoryPath, $permissions);

$permissions signifies the directory permissions, its defaults to 755


Bit makes interaction with variety of databases easy. It uses the QueryBuilder class which acts as a wrapper around php's PDO class. It supports all the database types which is supported by PDO. So, you need to make sure that PDO drivers for the database type is installed in the system.

Configurations for the database can be defined in the configs.php file, explanation has been provided in the later part of this documentation.

QueryBuilder class is already bound to App container already. So it can be acccesed with App::get('database')

Retrieving data from a table


Retrieving data from particular columns from a table

App::get('database')->select($tablename, $parameters);

$parameters can be single value or an array

Executing Raw SQl queries

App::get('database')->query($query, $clauses);

$query is the prepared statement e.g.

select * from Orders where OrderID = :orderID and Customer = :Customer

$clauses must be an associative array of column names and values which are defined in the prepared statement $query, e.g.

$clauses = ['orderID' => 23, 'Customer' => 'John'];


The concept of Model in MVC (Real World) is still bit unclear for me. In Bit Models are like collaborator which deals with data of a particular table only. Feel free to add business logic to these.

Models should be placed in the Models Folder. You can extend the BaseModel class in your Model class to take advantage of the simple data manipulation methods.

If your model extends BaseModel class then it must declare the table() property.

namespace Bit\Models;

 * Order Model
class Order extends BaseModel
    //Should return the tablename
    //which this Model will deal with

    protected function table()
        return 'Orders';


Some of the methods for handling data are

Finds all records based on provided conditions

$values = ['orderID' => 23, 'Customer' => 'John'];

(new Order)->find($values);

Finds first record based on provided conditions

$values = ['order' => 'Expresso'];

(new Order)->findFirst($values);

Get all the data of the Model

(new Order)->findAll();

Save data in Model

$data = ['order' => 'Expresso', 'table' => 4, 'quantity' => 'min',
                                            'Customer' => 'smith'];
(new Order)->save($data);

You can only save one record at a time

Update data in Model

$newValues = ['order' => 'latte', 'quantity' => 'max'];

$conditions = ['orderID' => 43, 'Customer' => 'smith'];

(new Order)->update($newValues, $conditions);

Delete data from the Model

$cancelOrder = ['Customer' => 'smith'];

(new Order)->delete($cancelOrder);


Authentication in Bit is just bare bones. LocalAuthentication class is responsible for handling authentication, it only uses php sessions, nothing more fancy. It implements the AuthenticationInterface. You can replace it with any other authentication types like JWT, but make sure to implement the interface AuthenticationInterface.

LocalAuthentication is bound to the App Container and can be accessed by App::get('auth')

Log a user into the system

App::get('auth')->login($user, $redirectPath);

$user is associative array of clauses to check if record exists in table $redirectPath is the route path where user will be redirected if credentials match.


namespace Bit\Controllers;

use Bit\Core\Response;
use Bit\Core\Request;
use Bit\Core\App;

 * UserController
class UserController
  public function loginpage()
      //In the example we are hard coding,
      //in your case it should have come from
      //Request::all() or $_POST values

      $user = [ 'email' =>'[email protected]',
                'password' => 'myPasswordIsComplicated',];

      //User will be redirected to 'logged' route if
      //credentials matches the data in User table


Log a user out of the system


$redirectPath is the route where user will be redirected

Check if a user is logged in or not


$redirectPath is the route where user will be redirected if system finds that the request did not came from logged in user.

This method can act as a guard to restrict users from accessing resources or pages which is meant for logged in user only.


namespace Bit\Controllers;

use Bit\Core\Response;
use Bit\Core\Request;
use Bit\Core\App;
use Bit\Models\User;

 * UserController
class UserController
  public function profile()
      //user will be redirected to 'login' route
      // in case system finds user is not logged in


      $user = Request::request($userID);

      $userData = (new User)->findFirst($user);



App Container

App Container sounds overwhelming but, in Bit its just a class which can saves various kind of values by keys.Think of it as an associative array. Its only purpose is to access objects easily.

Do not try to make it more complicated.

New Configurations and objects can be bound to app class in the src/Core/Bindings.php page

App::bind('keyname', new YourObject())


'keyname' is the name of the key, which can be used later to retrive the value.

App::bind() binds values to App Container App::get() retrives the value bound by keyname


You can define various types of configurations in the configs.php file. This file expects a return type of array. This file can be excluded from the version control to avoid sensitive data to be part of package.

Define your database configurations

'database' => [

  'dbdriver' => 'databasedriver',
  'dbname' => 'databasename',
  'host' => 'databasehost',
  'username' => 'databaseuser',
  'password' => 'password',
  'options' => ['other options']


configs file returns an associative array.

New configurations like caching and logging can be added to it.

Binding new configurations

You can bind new configurations by appending new values in configs.php

'mail' => [
  'driver' => 'mailchimp',
  'apikey' => '124scs5$34jsd',
  'type' => 'tsl',

Bind your new configs in src/Core/Bindings.php

App::bind('mail' , App::get('configs')['mail']));

....more improvements underway