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Working With Maven

Sean Flanigan edited this page Feb 5, 2015 · 14 revisions

Maven settings for Zanata


This document outlines the usage of maven within the zanata-war project.

Installing Maven on Fedora

Download Maven from Version 3.0.x is recommended.

... as root

Extract the archive to e.g. /opt/apache-maven-3.0.

You then need to ensure the mvn command is in your path. As root, create a file such as /etc/profile.d/ with the following contents:

export MAVEN_HOME=/opt/apache-maven-3.0

After restarting your console-session, you should now be able to run mvn.

... as user

Extract the archive to e.g. ~/apps/apache-maven-3.0.

You then need to ensure the mvn command is in your path. Add these lines to your .bashrc (or similar)

export MAVEN_HOME=~/apps/apache-maven-3.0

After restarting your console-session, you should now be able to run mvn.

Building and testing zanata-server

By default, if you run mvn verify, both Arquillian tests and functional tests will be run. The build will download and install a local copy of the app server to use in the test. But you do need to specify an app server:

WildFly 8

For WildFly (recommended for development):

mvn -Dwildfly8 verify

Overriding the WildFly version (only tested with 8.2.0):

mvn -Dwildfly8 \
 -Dcargo.installation= \
 -Dcargo.basename=8.2.0.Final verify


To test against EAP6, you will need to provide a URL containing EAP6 as a zip. For instance:

mvn -Djbosseap6 \
 -Dcargo.installation= \
 -Dcargo.basename=myjbosseap63 verify

Skipping tests

To skip Arquillian tests:

mvn verify -Dwildfly8 -DskipArqTests ...

To skip functional tests:

mvn verify -Dwildfly8 -DskipFuncTests ...

To skip both:

mvn verify -DskipArqTests -DskipFuncTests ...

To skip all tests:

mvn verify -DskipUnitTests -DskipArqTests -DskipFuncTests ...

Testing with random ports

By default, the build will use the same appserver ports for every build. If you try to run multiple simultaneous builds on the same machine, you will get port conflicts. is a wrapper script which pre-allocates a number of random ports for the tests to use, then runs mvn with your chosen options.

For instance:

./ -Dwildfly8 verify

If you need to allocate the ports directly (or you want to add a new port), see etc/scripts/allocate-jboss-ports and etc/scripts/allocate-ports.

Maven Profiles used with Zanata (zanata-war)

  • wildfly8 - Enable testing against Wildfly 8 (automatically installed under target/)
  • jbosseap6 - Enable testing against EAP 6 (NB: you need to provide a URL for an EAP zip; automatically installed under target/)
  • nogwt - Skips GWT compilation (for use with DevMode)
  • chrome - speeds up GWT compilation by targeting Safari/Chrome browsers only
  • firefox - speeds up GWT compilation by targeting Mozilla browsers only
  • explode - Enables exploded deployment during the 'package' phase
  • replace-static - Replace exploded deployment without triggering a redeployment. Useful when you are just changing xhtml or similar static content.
  • dev - Activates common development settings (enable debug, import test data)
  • mysql - Activates settings for using mysql as the datasource (H2 is the default)
  • eclipse - Activates common development settings for eclipse

Useful command-line options

  • -Dgwt.validateOnly - check GWT modules but don't compile them
  • -Dgwt.compiler.skip - another (more standard) way of skipping GWT compilation
  • -Dtest=MyTest - runs only tests which match *MyTest*; useful for re-running a unit test
  • -Dit.test=MyTest - runs only tests which match *MyTest*; useful for re-running an integration test
  • -Darquillian.jboss.home=/my/jboss - When running integration tests, tells maven where to find the jboss server to use. [Obsolete]

Common Commands

Generate Eclipse Configuration

mvn -Peclipse,dev,nogwt -DskipTests=true install eclipse:clean eclipse:eclipse

Exploded deployment to local JBoss server

mvn -Pexplode -DskipTests package

or more commonly one of these (disable GWT compilation; enable debug and testdata):

mvn -Pexplode,nogwt -DskipTests package
mvn -Pchrome -DskipTests package

Run integration tests

mvn -Pnogwt -Darquillian.jboss.home=/my/jboss verify

Using the Maven Repositories (optional reading)


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