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2021 Zephyr Developer Summit

Brett Preston edited this page May 6, 2021 · 36 revisions

Event Dates: Tuesday, June 8 - Thursday, June 10, 2021

2021 Zephyr Developer Summit


Tuesday, June 8

PDT CEST Mini-Conference User/Ecosystem Track Contributor Track
7:00AM 4:00PM Testing Mini-Conference Zephyr Power Management 101 - Flavio Ceolin The ESP32 Status on Zephyr - Ricardo Tafas + ESP32: early experiences from the field - Jonathan Beri
7:30AM 4:30PM cont'd cont'd cont'd
8:00AM 5:00PM cont'd USB support in Zephyr - Johann Fischer Weaving Xtensa Yarns with Zephyr, Notes on an Idiosyncratic Architecture - Andy Ross
8:30AM 5:30PM cont'd cont'd cont'd
9:00AM 6:00PM Break Break Break
9:30AM 6:30PM Safety Mini-Conference Logging subsystem overview - Krzysztof Chruściński Golioth: connecting Zephyr-based devices to the cloud - Jonathan Beri
10:00AM 7:00PM cont'd cont'd cont'd
10:30AM 7:30PM cont'd A deep dive into the Zephyr 2.5 device model - Marti Bolivar Machine Learning with TensorFlow Lite Micro on Zephyr - Lauren Murphy
11:00AM 8:00PM cont'd cont'd cont'd

Wednesday, June 9

PDT CEST Mini-Conference User/Ecosystem Track Contributor Track
7:00AM 4:00PM Device Management Mini-Conference Real Time in the Real World, Scheduler Details for Practical Problems - Andy Ross Securing MCUBoot in 5 minutes or less - Jared Wolff
7:30AM 4:30PM cont'd cont'd Using OPC UA with Zephyr - Vincent Lacroix
8:00AM 5:00PM cont'd Using Zephyr for hard real-time applications: motor control - Gerard Marull Paretas Trusted Firmware M in Zephyr - Kevin Townsend
8:30AM 5:30PM cont'd cont'd open
9:00AM 6:00PM Break Break Break
9:30AM 6:30PM Zephyr for Power Electronics Mini-Conference Using Visual Trace Diagnostic on Zephyr Applications - Johan Kraft Demand Paging: when software is bigger than available memory - Daniel Leung
10:00AM 7:00PM cont'd Coredump: a brief introduction and demo - Daniel Leung cont'd
10:30AM 7:30PM cont'd Micropython binding to LVGL in Zephyr OS - Zuzana Miklánková Zephyr Developer Environments (Birds of Feather discussion topic) - Lauren Murphy
11:00AM 8:00PM cont'd Lightning Talks: Open-Source Soup - Zephyr + RISC-V + Open FPGA cont'd

Thursday, June 10

PDT CEST Mini-Conference User/Ecosystem Track Contributor Track
7:00AM 4:00PM Common application configuration for boards Mini-Conference Laird Connectivity’s development journey within Zephyr RTOS and its enablement of faster time to market for wireless product development. - Jonathan Kaye Integrating RISC-V PMP Support in Zephyr - Kevin Hilman
7:30AM 4:30PM cont'd Using CI-based workflow with Renode in bringing TensorFlow Lite to Zephyr - Peter Zierhoffer cont'd
8:00AM 5:00PM cont'd Using Zephyr RTOS in an end-to-end IPv6 IoT solution - Jan Geldmacher Energy-Efficient Zephyr Device Testing System - Chris Vondrachek
8:30AM 5:30PM cont'd Taking Zephyr RTOS to the Virtual Edge - Rob Woolley cont'd
9:00AM 6:00PM Break Break Break
9:30AM 6:30PM open Best Practices for Debugging Devices with Zephyr Quickly - Chris Coleman Developing Hardware for Zephyr - Jared Wolff
10:00AM 7:00PM open cont'd Should you make a module? - Jonathan Beri
10:30AM 7:30PM Closing Keynote: Commercializing Firmware Based on the Zephyr OS <<< <<<
11:00AM 8:00PM cont'd <<< <<<

This free virtual event will feature three tracks:

Track A: Mini-Conference

  • This track is designed to let the organizer(s) focus on discussing an open topic with the other key participants. A successful mini-conference outlines a problem and provides sufficient background so participants can engage in effective discussion. Examples where this style is used: Linux Plumbers, Conference Fishbowl Sessions, extended BOF etc. Goal here is to have an effective discussion session and make progress on an outstanding problem.
  • Some possible topic areas could include:

Networking Stack
Power Management
Topics identified in 2020 developer survey

Track B: User/Ecosystem Track

  • This is designed for sharing knowledge and providing context for other discussions.
  • Some possible topic ideas include:

How is Zephyr being used in products
Demos of tools working with Zephyr
Overview of proposed technologies for inclusion
Summary of what’s happening in subsystems
Updates on west, modules, runtimes, etc.
Security & Safety team updates
Test infrastructure Improvements
BOF topics
Lightning talk on something cool in Zephyr you want to share

Track C: Contributor Track

Key Dates

  • April 7: Call for Papers (CFP) Opens
  • April 20: CFP Closes
  • May 5: Registration Opens > Register at
  • By May 7: Schedule Announcement
  • June 4: Registration Closes
  • June 8 - 10: Event Dates

A Special Thanks to our Programming Committee

  • Anas Nashif, Intel
  • Carles Cufi, Nordic Semiconductor
  • Jonathan Beri, Golioth
  • Keith Short, Google
  • Maureen Helm, NXP
  • Olof Johansson, Facebook

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