diff --git a/examples/image-processing/README.md b/examples/image-processing/README.md
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+# ZMQ client-server for parallel image processing(resize).
+This program is an example of parallel programming with zeromq(for workers syncrhonization). it allows to apply a set of operations on images such as resize, to_gray, threshold, or flip.
+We have a client-server architecture (see https://zguide.zeromq.org/docs/chapter3/), the clients are workers who will process the images, each worker can request a task from the server. A worker cannot execute several tasks at the same time, which makes it possible to have a balanced system in terms of load.
+# cpu usage (parallel zeromq image processing)
+  |
+# benchmark
+- sequential-processing Flickr8k image dataset
+ 2022-09-28 10:11:11,714 - image-logger - INFO: server has processed 8090/8091 images in 224s
+- parallel-processing(zeromq ROUTER-DEALER) Flickr8k image dataset
+ 2022-09-28 10:13:15,137 - image-logger - INFO: server has processed 8091/8091 images in 026s
+# code organization
+- main.py
+ - this file is the entrypoint
+ - it exposes two modes(sequential-processing, parallel-processing)
+ - use **python main.py --help** to see availables subcommands
+- worker.py
+ - this file contains the implementation of the zeromq worker
+ - each worker has two sockets(dealer and subscriber)
+ - the dealer socket will be used for async communcation between server and worker
+ - the subscriber socket allows the server to be able to broadcast messages such as (KILL SIGNAL)
+# initilization
+ # create virtual env
+ python -m venv env
+ # activate virutal env
+ source env/bin/activate
+ # upgrade pip
+ pip install --upgrade pip
+ # install dependencies
+ pip install -r requirements.txt
+# run the programm
+## helper
+ # main help
+ python main.py --help
+ # sequential mode help
+ python main.py sequential-processing --help
+ # parallel mode help
+ python main.py parallel-processing --help
+## This program has two modes :
+- sequential mode
+ ```bash
+ python main.py sequential-processing
+ --path2initial_images /path/to/source/images
+ --path2resized_images /path/to/target/images
+ --image_extension '*.jpg'
+ --size 512 512
+ ```
+- parallel mode
+ ```bash
+ python main.py parallel-processing
+ --path2initial_images /path/to/source/images
+ --path2resized_images /path/to/target/images
+ --image_extension '*.jpg'
+ --nb_workers 8
+ --size 512 512
+ ```
diff --git a/examples/image-processing/cpu_usage.jpg b/examples/image-processing/cpu_usage.jpg
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Binary files /dev/null and b/examples/image-processing/cpu_usage.jpg differ
diff --git a/examples/image-processing/log.py b/examples/image-processing/log.py
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index 000000000..04ee82a20
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+++ b/examples/image-processing/log.py
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+import logging
+ level=logging.DEBUG, format='%(asctime)s - %(name)s - %(levelname)s: %(message)s'
+logger = logging.getLogger('image-logger')
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ logger.debug('... log is up ...')
diff --git a/examples/image-processing/main.py b/examples/image-processing/main.py
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index 000000000..9d2dd1ce6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/image-processing/main.py
@@ -0,0 +1,193 @@
+import multiprocessing as mp
+import pickle
+import time
+from glob import glob
+from os import path
+from typing import List, Tuple
+import click
+from log import logger
+from PIL import Image
+from worker import process_images
+import zmq
+@click.group(chain=False, invoke_without_command=True)
+def cmd_group(clk: click.Context):
+ subcommand = clk.invoked_subcommand
+ if subcommand is not None:
+ logger.debug(f'{subcommand} was called')
+ else:
+ logger.debug('use --help to see availables subcommands')
+ '--path2initial_images', help='initial images location', type=click.Path(True)
+ '--path2resized_images', help='resized images location', type=click.Path(True)
+ '--image_extension', help='image file extension', default='*.jpg', type=str
+ '--size', help='new image size', type=click.Tuple([int, int]), default=(512, 512)
+def sequential_processing(
+ clk: click.Context,
+ path2initial_images: click.Path(True),
+ path2resized_images: click.Path(True),
+ image_extension: str,
+ size: Tuple[int, int],
+ image_filepaths: List[str] = sorted(
+ glob(path.join(path2initial_images, image_extension))
+ )
+ nb_images = len(image_filepaths)
+ logger.debug(f'{nb_images:05d} were found at {path2initial_images}')
+ start = time.time()
+ for cursor, path2source_image in enumerate(image_filepaths):
+ image = Image.open(path2source_image)
+ resized_image = image.resize(size=size)
+ _, filename = path.split(path2source_image)
+ path2target_image = path.join(path2resized_images, filename)
+ resized_image.save(path2target_image)
+ print(resized_image.size, f'{cursor:04d} images')
+ end = time.time()
+ duration = int(round(end - start))
+ logger.info(
+ f'server has processed {cursor:04d}/{nb_images} images in {duration:03d}s'
+ )
+ '--path2initial_images', help='initial images location', type=click.Path(True)
+ '--path2resized_images', help='resized images location', type=click.Path(True)
+ '--image_extension', help='image file extension', default='*.jpg', type=str
+ '--nb_workers', help='number of workers to process images', default=2, type=int
+ '--size', help='new image size', type=click.Tuple([int, int]), default=(512, 512)
+def parallel_processing(
+ clk: click.Context,
+ path2initial_images: click.Path(True),
+ path2resized_images: click.Path(True),
+ image_extension: str,
+ nb_workers: int,
+ size: Tuple[int, int],
+ try:
+ router_address = 'ipc://router.ipc'
+ publisher_address = 'ipc://publisher.ipc'
+ ctx: zmq.Context = zmq.Context()
+ router_socket: zmq.Socket = ctx.socket(zmq.ROUTER)
+ publisher_socket: zmq.Socket = ctx.socket(zmq.PUB)
+ router_socket.bind(router_address)
+ publisher_socket.bind(publisher_address)
+ image_filepaths: List[str] = sorted(
+ glob(path.join(path2initial_images, image_extension))
+ )
+ nb_images = len(image_filepaths)
+ logger.debug(f'{nb_images:05d} were found at {path2initial_images}')
+ if nb_images == 0:
+ raise Exception(f'{path2initial_images} is empty')
+ workers_acc = []
+ server_liveness = mp.Event()
+ worker_arrival = mp.Value('i', 0)
+ arrival_condition = mp.Condition()
+ workers_synchronizer = mp.Barrier(nb_workers)
+ for worker_id in range(nb_workers):
+ worker_ = mp.Process(
+ target=process_images,
+ kwargs={
+ 'size': size,
+ 'worker_id': worker_id,
+ 'router_address': router_address,
+ 'publisher_address': publisher_address,
+ 'worker_arrival': worker_arrival,
+ 'server_liveness': server_liveness,
+ 'arrival_condition': arrival_condition,
+ 'workers_synchronizer': workers_synchronizer,
+ 'path2resized_images': path2resized_images,
+ },
+ )
+ workers_acc.append(worker_)
+ workers_acc[-1].start()
+ arrival_condition.acquire()
+ server_liveness.set() # send signal to worker
+ arrival_condition.wait_for(
+ predicate=lambda: worker_arrival.value == nb_workers, timeout=10
+ )
+ if worker_arrival.value != nb_workers:
+ logger.error('server wait to long for worker to be ready')
+ exit(1)
+ logger.info('all workers are up and ready to process images')
+ cursor = 0
+ keep_loop = True
+ start = time.time()
+ while keep_loop:
+ socket_id, _, msgtype, message = router_socket.recv_multipart()
+ if msgtype == b'req':
+ if cursor < nb_images:
+ path2source_image = image_filepaths[cursor]
+ router_socket.send_multipart(
+ [socket_id, b'', path2source_image.encode()]
+ )
+ cursor = cursor + 1
+ if msgtype == b'rsp':
+ content = pickle.loads(message)
+ if content['status'] == 1:
+ print(f"{content['worker_id']:03d}", f"{cursor:04d} items")
+ keep_loop = cursor < nb_images
+ # end loop over images
+ end = time.time()
+ duration = int(round(end - start))
+ logger.info(
+ f'server has processed {cursor:04d}/{nb_images} images in {duration:03d}s'
+ )
+ except Exception as e:
+ logger.error(e)
+ finally:
+ logger.debug('server is waiting for worker to quit the loop')
+ publisher_socket.send_multipart([b'quit', b''])
+ for worker_ in workers_acc:
+ worker_.join()
+ if ZEROMQ_INIT == 1:
+ publisher_socket.close()
+ router_socket.close()
+ ctx.term()
+ logger.info('server has released all zeromq ressources')
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ cmd_group()
diff --git a/examples/image-processing/requirements.txt b/examples/image-processing/requirements.txt
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+++ b/examples/image-processing/requirements.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
diff --git a/examples/image-processing/worker.py b/examples/image-processing/worker.py
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index 000000000..a301f0c35
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/image-processing/worker.py
@@ -0,0 +1,134 @@
+import multiprocessing as mp
+from os import path
+from typing import Tuple
+from log import logger
+from PIL import Image
+import zmq
+def process_images(
+ size: Tuple[int, int],
+ worker_id: int,
+ router_address: str,
+ publisher_address: str,
+ path2resized_images: str,
+ worker_arrival: mp.Value,
+ arrival_condition: mp.Condition,
+ server_liveness: mp.Event,
+ workers_synchronizer: mp.Barrier,
+ try:
+ ctx: zmq.Context = zmq.Context()
+ dealer_socket: zmq.Socket = ctx.socket(zmq.DEALER)
+ subscriber_socket: zmq.Socket = ctx.socket(zmq.SUB)
+ dealer_socket.connect(router_address)
+ subscriber_socket.connect(publisher_address)
+ subscriber_socket.set(zmq.SUBSCRIBE, b'') # subscribe to all topics
+ poller = zmq.Poller()
+ poller.register(dealer_socket, zmq.POLLIN)
+ poller.register(subscriber_socket, zmq.POLLIN)
+ liveness_value = server_liveness.wait(
+ timeout=10
+ ) # wait atleast 10s for server to be ready
+ if not liveness_value:
+ logger.error(f'worker {worker_id:03d} wait too long for server to be ready')
+ exit(1)
+ arrival_condition.acquire()
+ with worker_arrival.get_lock():
+ worker_arrival.value += 1
+ logger.debug(
+ f'worker {worker_id:03d} has established connection with {router_address} and {publisher_address}'
+ )
+ arrival_condition.notify_all()
+ arrival_condition.release()
+ logger.debug(f'worker {worker_id:03d} is waiting at the barrier')
+ workers_synchronizer.wait(timeout=5) # wait at the barrier
+ worker_status = 0 # 0 => free | 1 => busy
+ keep_loop = True
+ while keep_loop:
+ if not server_liveness.is_set():
+ logger.warning(f'server is down...! worker {worker_id:03d} will stop')
+ break
+ if worker_status == 0:
+ dealer_socket.send_multipart([b'', b'req', b'']) # ask a job
+ worker_status = 1 # worker is busy
+ incoming_events = dict(poller.poll(100))
+ dealer_poller_status = incoming_events.get(dealer_socket, None)
+ subscriber_poller_status = incoming_events.get(subscriber_socket, None)
+ if dealer_poller_status is not None:
+ if dealer_poller_status == zmq.POLLIN:
+ try:
+ _, encoded_path2image = dealer_socket.recv_multipart()
+ path2source_image = encoded_path2image.decode()
+ image = Image.open(path2source_image)
+ resized_image = image.resize(size=size)
+ _, filename = path.split(path2source_image)
+ path2target_image = path.join(path2resized_images, filename)
+ resized_image.save(path2target_image)
+ dealer_socket.send_multipart([b'', b'rsp'], flags=zmq.SNDMORE)
+ dealer_socket.send_pyobj(
+ {
+ 'incoming_image': path2source_image,
+ 'worker_id': worker_id,
+ 'status': 1,
+ }
+ )
+ except Exception as e:
+ logger.error(e)
+ logger.error(
+ f'worker {worker_id:03d} was not able to process : {path2source_image}'
+ )
+ dealer_socket.send_multipart([b'', b'rsp'], flags=zmq.SNDMORE)
+ dealer_socket.send_pyobj(
+ {
+ 'incoming_image': path2source_image,
+ 'worker_id': worker_id,
+ 'status': 0,
+ }
+ )
+ worker_status = 0 # worker is free => can ask a new job
+ if subscriber_poller_status is not None:
+ if subscriber_poller_status == zmq.POLLIN:
+ topic, _ = subscriber_socket.recv_multipart()
+ if topic == b'quit':
+ logger.debug(
+ f'worker {worker_id:03d} got the quit signal from server'
+ )
+ keep_loop = False
+ # end while loop ...!
+ except KeyboardInterrupt:
+ pass
+ except Exception as e:
+ if workers_synchronizer.broken:
+ logger.warning(
+ f'worker {worker_id:03d} will stop. the barrier was broken by some workers'
+ )
+ else:
+ logger.error(e)
+ finally:
+ if ZEROMQ_INIT == 1:
+ poller.unregister(subscriber_socket)
+ poller.unregister(dealer_socket)
+ subscriber_socket.close()
+ dealer_socket.close()
+ ctx.term()
+ logger.info(f'worker {worker_id:03d} has released all zeromq ressources')