The issueZPass
method allows you to issue a new ZPass credential on-chain. This method handles the on-chain interaction for creating a new ZPass credential.
(OnChainOptions): An object containing the necessary parameters for on-chain interaction:programName
(string): The Aleo program namefunctionName
(string): Name of the function to executeinputs
(string[]): Array of input parameters for the functionfee
(number): Transaction fee in microcreditsprivateFee
(boolean): Whether to use private feefeeRecord
(string, optional): Record for private fee payment if private fee is used
Returns a Promise that resolves to a string containing the transaction ID of the issued ZPass.
(string): The transaction ID of the issued ZPass
const transactionId = await zpass.issueZPass({
functionName: functionName,
inputs: [signature, `{
issuer: ${issuer},
subject: ${subject},
dob: ${dob},
nationality: ${nationality},
expiry: ${expiry}
`{ salt: ${salt} }`,
fee: 300000,
privateFee: false,