Utility to parse Markdown frontmatter with MDX in Gatsby using GraphQL Schema customization
This package encompasses the work shared in this blog post.
yarn add gatsby-plugin-mdx-frontmatter
Add following to your gatsby-config.js
plugins: [
resolve: 'gatsby-plugin-mdx-frontmatter'
Example markdown file we want to attach MDX to:
title: My article
- value: >-
Item 1 **value**
- value: >-
Item 2
<Button>React-powered button</Button>
- value: >-
Item 3 __value__
content: >-
Here's a **cool** graph!
<Graph />
Article content.
We can use the provided mdx
resolver to attach to each field in your gatsby-node.js
exports.createSchemaCustomization = ({ actions: { createTypes } }) => {
type Mdx implements Node {
frontmatter: MdxFrontmatter
type MdxFrontmatter {
items: [ItemValues]
content: String @mdx
type ItemValues {
value: String @mdx
You can then use <MDXProvider />
and <MDXRenderer />
as normal for these fields:
import { MDXProvider } from "@mdx-js/react";
import { MDXRenderer } from "gatsby-plugin-mdx";
import Button from "../components/Button";
import Graph from "../components/Graph";
const Article = ({ frontmatter, body }) => (
<MDXProvider components={{Button, Graph}}>
{frontmatter.items.map((item) => (
<li key={item.value}>