A TypeScript SDK for the MOT History API.
To build the package, execute the following command:
npm run build
Developers/Engineers can test the SDK with or without client credentials.
a. The test uses environment variables with fallback values if you test without credentials:
const clientId = process.env.MOT_CLIENT_ID || "dummy-client-id";
const clientSecret = process.env.MOT_CLIENT_SECRET || "dummy-client-secret";
const apiKey = process.env.MOT_API_KEY || "dummy-api-key";
It uses dummy values if you don't set environment variables, allowing folks to run tests without real credentials.
b. You can set the environment variables before running the tests to use real credentials:
export MOT_CLIENT_ID=enter_real_client-id
export MOT_CLIENT_SECRET=enter_real_client_secret
export MOT_API_KEY=enter_real_api_key
npm run test
Unset the environment variables after completing the tests:
To install the package, run the following command:
npm install mot-js-sdk
Here is an example of how you can use the SDK to build real-world applications:
import MotApiSdk from 'mot-js-sdk';
// Initialize the SDK with your credentials
const sdk = new MotApiSdk(
async function integrateMotApiSdk() {
try {
// Retrieve vehicle by registration
console.log("Retrieving vehicle by registration:");
const vehicleByReg = await sdk.getVehicleByRegistration('AB12CDE');
// Retrieve vehicle by VIN
console.log("\nRetrieving vehicle by VIN:");
const vehicleByVin = await sdk.getVehicleByVin('WBAJL51050G799651');
// Bulk download
console.log("\nBulk download data:");
const bulkDownload = await sdk.getBulkDownload();
// Renew credentials
console.log("\nRenewing credentials:");
const newCredentials = await sdk.renewCredentials({
awsApiKeyValue: process.env.MOT_API_KEY!,
email: '[email protected]'
console.log("New client secret:", newCredentials.clientSecret);
} catch (error) {
console.error("An error occurred:", error);
// Run the integration
Set up your environment variables:
export MOT_CLIENT_ID=enter_real_client_id
export MOT_CLIENT_SECRET=enter_real_client_secret
export MOT_API_KEY=enter_real_api_key
Execute the script with ts-node
ts-node mot-js-sdk-integration.ts
You can use this support form to request an API Key.
You can read the API documentation to understand what's possible with the MOT History API. If you need further assistance, don't hesitate to contact the DVSA.
This project is licensed under the MIT License.
(c) 2024 - 2025 Finbarrs Oketunji.
The MOT History API JavaScript/TypeScript SDK is Licensed under the Open Government Licence v3.0