Switching from casperjs to puppeteer. July 2017, phantomjs maintainer declare project is over. A last release has been compile and available. So it's time to switch. Because most of the scripts are pure js codes, that's really easy to switch from a browser to another.
documentation about puppeteer :
- the api description :
- the old git page about the api
download and install last LTS node.js version. npm shall be available
npm install puppeteer
Linux box installation is pretty similiar because nodejs packages are regulary outdated, so download your nodejs installation and follow the requirements. download and install last LTS node.js version then
npm install puppeteer
follow casperjs installation steps : Last phantomjs releases are available there
take care to take the last one
use timeout when using crontab and don't forget to declare PATH (crontab don't have default .profile)
node puppeteer_sosh.js --id=0600000000 --pwd=mypassword --path=/my_path/
use timeout when using crontab and don't forget to declare PATH (crontab don't have default .profile)
node puppeteer_bp.js --id=0600000000 --pwd=000000 --path=./
note : your can add suffis parameter in order to rename downloaded PDF with the right suffix name if you have several accounts
node puppeteer_bp.js --id=0600000000 --pwd=000000 --path=./ --suffix=CCP_XXXXXXX_