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WrapModel is a different way of turning JSON data into a usable model object in Swift (while preserving Objective C compatibility). Instead of viewing the JSON as raw input and immediately transforming it into something else, WrapModel wraps the JSON data with an object that knows how to access parts of the data and only performs transformations as needed.

// With a bit of JSON data like this
let modelStr =
    "last-name": "Smith",
    "first-name": "John",
    "most-recent-purchase": "05/02/2018",
    "cust-no": 12345

// A model is defined like this - Objective C compatible with property wrappers (requires Swift 5.1)
class Customer: WrapModel {

	@StrProperty("last-name") var lastName
	@StrProperty("first-name") var firstName
	@DateProperty("most-recent-purchase", dateType: .mdySlashes) var lastPurchase
	@IntProperty("cust-no") var custNumber

// It's possible to use WrapModel with Swift 4.2, but you must declare private properties
// and public accessors if you want to retain Objective C compatibility. See the Usage section below.

// Model properties can be read/written just like any other member of a class.
// The model is marked as mutable/immutable on creation.
if let cust = Customer(json: modelStr, mutable: true) {

	// Read properties
    let fullName = "\(cust.firstName) \(cust.lastName)"
    print("customer is \(fullName)")
    // Mutate a property
    cust.lastPurchase = Date()


  1. Rationale
  2. Requirements
  3. Communication
  4. Why not Codable?
  5. Usage
  6. Thread safety
  7. Model Properties
  8. Property Wrappers & Value Modifiers
  9. Models
  10. Goals (in more depth)
    1. Easy to declare in Swift
    2. Easy to use
    3. Speed
    4. Properties defined once
    5. Easy to transform
    6. Flexible structure
    7. Easy to debug
    8. Enforceable immutability
    9. Objective C compatibility
  11. Integration
  12. Miscellaneous
  13. Finally


WrapModel provides structured access to data models received in the form of JSON. Models can be initialized with the JSON string (or Data) directly, or with a data Dictionary. There are a number of solutions out there that provide this sort of functionality, but WrapModel was created with several specific goals in mind:

  • Easy to declare in Swift
  • Easy to use with a similar usage model as direct properties
  • Speed - transformation of data happens lazily
  • Properties defined once (no second list to maintain)
  • Easy to transform data types and enums
  • Flexible structure
  • Easy to debug
  • Enforceable immutability
  • Objective C compatibility

These goals are presented in a little more detail below, but here are some of the main ways WrapModel meets its goals:

  • retaining the original data dictionary
  • transforming property data lazily on access
  • caching transformed (or mutated) properties to prevent multiple transformations


Swift 4.2+ | iOS 10+

Using Property Wrapper based property definitions requires Swift 5.1


  • To report bugs or request features, please open an issue.
  • If you'd like to contribute changes, please submit a pull request.

Why not Codable?

Why write a new solution when Swift itself includes Codable? Codable is a neat way to convert data to/from model objects by conforming to a protocol. This works well for small, well-defined and consistent data, but the main disadvantages that caused me to overlook it are:

  • If one property requires custom decoding, you have to manually define all keys - now you’re basically defining properties in two places
  • All transformation of data happens up front - slow transformations happen every time regardless of whether you use that property
  • Codable objects are a fairly strict reflection of the structure of the encoded data where I was looking for more flexibility in the structure


Your model class derives from WrapModel. Under the hood, each property is a subclass of WrapProperty which provides typing and transformation. A number of WrapProperty subclasses are provided representing all the basic data types including integers, floating point values, booleans, strings, enums, dates, dictionaries, arrays and submodels (see below).

New property types can be defined by subclassing WrapProperty and providing translation to/from closures so data can be transformed into any type.

Defining a model object - using property wrappers:

WrapModel provides property wrappers for all its provided property types, each with an immutable and mutable variation. All have optional value modifier arguments that can be used to customize values as they're read from or written to the property if desired.

// A Customer model definition using property wrappers - for >= Swift 5.1
// Properties are directly readable and writable using property name. E.g. cust.lastName = "Jones"
class Customer: WrapModel {
	@MutStrProperty("last-name") var lastName: String
	@MutStrProperty("first-name") var firstName: String
	@DateProperty("join-date", dateType: .mdySlashes) var joinDate: Date?
	@IntProperty("cust-no") var custNumber: Int

In addition to the type-specific wrappers provided, two generic property wrappers are available to wrap other WrapProperty subclasses if you create them. Your property object is passed into the wrapper as an argument. The two wrappers let you differentiate between properties that can be read from and written to (@RWProperty) and those which should only ever be read (@ROProperty). These will also accept optional value modifier closure arguments.

// A Customer model definition using property wrappers - for >= Swift 5.1
// Properties are directly readable and writable using property name. E.g. cust.lastName = "Jones"
class Customer: WrapModel {
	@RWProperty( CustomClassProperty("last-name-origin")) var lastNameOrigin: MyCustomClass?

Defining a model object - using WrapProperty objects only:

It's also possible to use bare property objects and access values via the value property on each (from Swift only).

// Properties are accessible via value member. E.g. cust.lastName.value = "Jones"
class Customer: WrapModel {

    let lastName     = WPStr("last-name")
    let firstName    = WPStr("first-name")
    let lastPurchase = WPDate("most-recent-purchase", dateType: .mdySlashes)
    let custNumber   = WPInt("cust-no")

Defining a model object - using private definitions/public accessors:

If you can't use Swift 5.1 or later, you can still get Objective C accessibility for properties using a private definition/public accessor pattern. The properties themselves are declared as private and you provide public accessors to access/write the property values. The properties themselves aren't available to Objective C because they're based on Swift generics.

The public accessors are doing the same work that the property wrappers do for us in Swift 5.1 and later.

// A Customer model definition using private definition/public accessor pattern - Objective C accessible
// Properties are directly readable and writable using property name. E.g. cust.lastName = "Jones".
class Customer: WrapModel {

	// Property definitions
    private let _lastName     = WPStr("last-name")
    private let _firstName    = WPStr("first-name")
    private let _lastPurchase = WPDate("most-recent-purchase", dateType: .mdySlashes)
    private let _custNumber   = WPInt("cust-no")
	// ObjC compatible accessors
	var lastName:String { get { return _lastName.value } set { _lastName.value = newValue } }
	var firstName:String { get { return _firstName.value } set { _firstName.value = newValue } }
	var lastPurchase:Date? { get { return _lastPurchase.value } set { _lastPurchase.value = newValue } }
	var custNumber:Int { get { return _custNumber.value } set { _custNumber.value = newValue } }

Initializing a model object:

No matter how you're model's properties are defined, you initialize it in the same way.

// If you have a dictionary, you init from that
let custData: [String:Any] = [
	"last-name": "Smith",
	"first-name": "John",
	"cust-no": 12345,
	"join-date": "5/22/2019"
let cust = Customer(data: custData, mutable: false)

// or if you have JSON as a String, you can init from that
// WrapModel uses native JSONSerialization to convert to a dictionary
let custJSON: String = """
let cust = Customer(json: custJSON, mutable: false)

Thread safety

WrapModel objects are thread safe after creation. Reading and writing properties goes through a locking mechanism that leverages GCD to allow simultaneous reads and blocking writes. Each model has a lock representing a GCD queue which it shares with any child submodels.

Model Properties

Key paths

Each property is defined with a key path string. This allows the model to find the relevant property data within its data dictionary. While this data is often found at the top level of the dictionary for this model, it doesn't have to be. The key path can be specified as a period-delimited list of keys to dig deeper into the data dictionary.

Default property values

WrapModel properties (and Swift properties in general) have types that are either optional or non-optional. When a property's type is non-optional, a default value is needed in case the model's data dictionary contains no value at the given key path. You can specify a default value for the property in its initializer, but logical default-default values are provided. For example, the default for a non-optional integer property is 0 and the defaults for non-optional collection types is an empty array/dict. The default value of optional types is nil.


@IntProperty("return-limit", defaultValue: 12) var returnLimit: Int // specified default
@IntProperty("min-purch-num") var minPurchases: Int // default value is zero
@OptDictProperty("statistics") var stats:[String:Any]? // default value is nil

Provided property types:

Almost all provided property types have typealiased short names that correspond to a longer name. Both are listed below.

Basic Types

Note that Int and Float require special handling. Simply typecasting a non-integer (like 1.1) will return nil. Also, when a floating point value will often fail to cast as Float due to floating point imprecision that causes the value to only be containable by a Double, so values have to be cast as Doubles first, then downcast to Floats. For Int values, non-integers are rounded.

Note - Int? is not Objective C compatible.

Short name Data type Long name Default value Property Wrapper
WPInt Int WrapPropertyInt 0 [Mut]IntProperty
WPOptInt Int? WrapPropertyOptInt nil [Mut]OptIntProperty
WPFloat Float WrapPropertyFloat 0.0 [Mut]FloatProperty
WPDouble Double WrapPropertyDouble 0.0 [Mut]DoubleProperty
WPBool Bool WrapPropertyBool false [Mut]BoolProperty

NSNumber Types

Short name Data type Long name Default value Property Wrapper
WPNumInt NSNumber? WrapPropertyNSNumberInt nil [Mut]NumIntProperty
WPNumFloat NSNumber? WrapPropertyNSNumberFloat nil [Mut]NumFloatProperty

Integer encoded as string

Input can be either number or string - output is always string. Note - Int? is not Objective C compatible.

Short name Data type Long name Default value Property Wrapper
WPIntStr Int WrapPropertyIntFromString 0 [Mut]IntStrProperty
WPOptIntStr Int? WrapPropertyOptionalIntFromString nil [Mut]OptIntStrProperty


Short name Data type Long name Default value Property Wrapper
WPDict [String:Any] WrapPropertyDict [:] [Mut]DictProperty
WPOptDict [String:Any]? WrapPropertyOptional<[String:Any]> nil [Mut]OptDictProperty


Short name Data type Long name Default value Property Wrapper
WPStr String WrapPropertyString "" [Mut]StrProperty
WPOptStr String? WrapPropertyOptional<String> nil [Mut]OptStrProperty


Enums are expected to be string values in the JSON. Provide a WrapConvertibleEnum-conforming enum as template parameter.

Short name Data type Long name Default value Property Wrapper
WPEnum<T> T WrapPropertyConvertibleEnum specified default or unknown enum [Mut]EnumProperty / [Mut]EnumUnkProperty
WPOptEnum<T> T WrapPropertyConvertibleOptionalEnum nil [Mut]OptEnumProperty


for Wrapmodel subclass types either alone or in a collection

Short name Data type Long name Default value Property Wrapper
WPModel<T> T? WrapPropertyModel nil [Mut]ModelProperty
WPModelDict<T> [String:T] WrapPropertyDictionaryOfModel [:] [Mut]ModelDictProperty
WPOptModelDict<T> [String:T]? WrapPropertyOptionalDictionaryOfModel nil [Mut]OptModelDictProperty

Arrays of submodels

Short name Data type Long name Default value Property Wrapper
WPModelArray<T> [T] WrapPropertyArrayOfModel [] [Mut]ModelArrayProperty
WPOptModelArray<T> [T]? WrapPropertyOptionalArrayOfModel nil [Mut]OptModelArrayProperty
WPEmbModelArray<T> [T] WrapPropertyArrayOfEmbeddedModel [] [Mut]EmbModelArrayProperty
WPOptEmbModelArray<T> [T]? WrapPropertyOptionalArrayOfEmbeddedModel nil [Mut]OptEmbModelArrayProperty

Property Groups

Short name Data type Long name Default value Property Wrapper
WPGroup<T> T WrapPropertyGroup T (non optional) GroupProperty


Short name Data type Long name Default value Property Wrapper
WPDate Date? WrapPropertyDate nil [Mut]DateProperty
WPDateFmt Date? WrapPropertyDateFormatted nil [Mut]DateFmtProperty
WPDate8601 Date? WrapPropertyDateISO8601 nil [Mut]Date8601Property


Note that Int and Float arrays require special handling. Simply typecasting an array of values that contains a non-integer (like 1.1) will return nil. Also, when a Float array is wanted, values will often fail to cast as Float due to floating point imprecision that causes the value to only be containable by a Double, so values have to be cast as Doubles first, then downcast to Floats.

Short name Data type Long name Default value Property Wrapper
WPIntArray [Int] WrapPropertyIntArray [] [Mut]IntArrayProperty
WPFloatArray [Float] WrapPropertyFloatArray [] [Mut]FloatArrayProperty
WPDoubleArray [Double] WrapPropertyArray<Double> [] [Mut]DoubleArrayProperty
WPStrArray [String] WrapPropertyArray<String> [] [Mut]StrArrayProperty
WPDictArray [[String:Any]] WrapPropertyArray<[String:Any]> [] [Mut]DictArrayProperty
WPOptIntArray [Int]? WrapPropertyOptionalIntArray nil [Mut]OptIntArrayProperty
WPOptFloatArray [Float]? WrapPropertyOptionalFloatArray nil [Mut]OptFloatArrayProperty
WPOptDoubleArray [Double]? WrapPropertyOptionalArray<Double> nil [Mut]OptDoubleArrayProperty
WPOptStrArray [String]? WrapPropertyOptionalArray<String> nil [Mut]OptStrArrayProperty
WPOptDictArray [[String:Any]]? WrapPropertyOptionalArray<[String:Any]> nil [Mut]OptDictArrayProperty


You can declare a property as an array of any specified type


More about some property types

Enum properties

If you have a property that represents an enum type, WrapModel provides a property type WrapPropertyEnum (typealiased as WPEnum) that will handle the conversions for you provided your enum:

  • has a RawValue type of Int
  • conforms to the WrapConvertibleEnum protocol

The only requirement to conform to WrapConvertibleEnum is that the enum must implement a conversionDict function that returns a dictionary in the form [String:Enum] where Enum is the enum type of the property.

There are three different property wrappers for WrapConvertibleEnum conforming enum properties:

  • [Mut]EnumProperty is non-optional and will yield a specified defaultEnum enum value. The default value will be exported to a dictionary or JSON if no other value is explicitly set.
  • [Mut]EnumUnkProperty is non-optional and yields a specified unknown enum value when the model doesn't contain a value, but this unknown enum value is never written to the model, even if explicitly set. Unless the unknown value was present in the model originally, it should not be exported to a dictionary or JSON.
  • [Mut]OptEnumProperty is optional and returns nil when no value is present in the model.

Date properties

WrapPropertyDate (WPDate) handles several common formats of dates specified via an enum. Incoming translation from string attempts to decode from the specified date type first, but then also tries all the other types it knows about. Conversion back to string always uses the specified date type. This is the most forgiving date property type.

Date types currently supported by WPDate are:

        dibs               // 2017-02-05T17:03:13.000-03:00
        secondary          // Tue Jun 3 2008 11:05:30 GMT
        iso8601            // 2016-11-01T21:14:33Z
        yyyymmddSlashes    // 2018/02/15
        yyyymmddDashes     // 2018-02-15
        yyyymmdd           // 20180215
        mdySlashes         // 05/06/2018
        mdyDashes          // 05-06-2018
        dmySlashes         // 30/02/2017
        dmyDashes          // 30-02-2017

WrapPropertyDateFormatted (WPDateFmt) is initialized with a DateFormatter format string, so it can handle almost any date formatted as a string in a consistent way, but this also makes it fairly inflexible since the date string must closely match the date format string.

WPDate8601 is initialized with ISO8601DateFormatter.Options flags. The options used along with ISO8601DateFormatter cover most of the variations used when working with ISO 8601 formatted date strings.

Arrays of Embedded Models

In some cases, submodels in an array are buried inside one or more subdictionaries whose only purpose is to wrap the submodel. This often happens when using GraphQL, where models can come wrapped in a "node" dictionary like this:

	"customers": [
		    "node": {
		    	"first-name": "Harry",
		    	"last-name": "Jones",
		    	"cust-no": 123
		    "node": {
		    	"first-name": "George",
		    	"last-name": "Black",
		    	"cust-no": 456

Using an WPEmbModelArray or WPOptEmbModelArray, you can avoid creating model classes for these bare wrappers and instead create a property that simply returns an array of the models themselves. Just specify a period-delimited key path for the embedPath argument of the property initializer and the property object will automatically dig the models out from one or more levels of wrappers.

The declaration of the customers array property would look like this:

@EmbModelArrayProperty("customers", embedPath:"node") var customers:[Customer]

Property Groups

A property group is defined as a submodel, but doesn't go down a level in the data dictionary. This can be useful for two reasons:

  1. If you have a model with a large number of properties, many of which are only used in specific circumstances, then the model is creating a large number of property objects that it may not use. These properties can be grouped and defined in submodels even if they reside at the top of the data dictionary.

  2. If you have a "flattened" data model with logical subgroups of properties, defining them as groups makes access more logical.

For example, with a flat data dictionary that looks like this:

  "id": "9107882",
  "profile-firstName": "Sandy",
  "profile-lastName": "Smith",
  "profile-email": "[email protected]",
  "profile-company": "Sandy's Stuff",
  "contact-firstName": "David",
  "contact-lastName": "Smith",
  "contact-email": "[email protected]",
  "pref-currency": "USD",
  "pref-measurementUnit": "IN",

You can create a model that reflects a more logical hierarchy:

class CustomerModel: WrapModel {

	class Profile: WrapModel {
		@OptStrProperty("profile-firstName") var firstName:String?
		@OptStrProperty("profile-lastName") var lastName:String?
		@OptStrProperty("profile-email") var email:String?
		@OptStrProperty("profile-company") var company:String?
	class Contact: WrapModel {
		@OptStrProperty("contact-firstName") var firstName:String?
		@OptStrProperty("contact-lastName") var lastName:String?
		@OptStrProperty("contact-email") var email:String?
	class Prefs: WrapModel {
		@MutEnumProperty("pref-currency", defaultEnum: .usd) var currency:CurrencyEnum
		@MutEnumProperty("pref-measurementUnit", defaultEnum: .inches) var measurementUnit:MeasurementUnitEnum
	@OptStrProperty("id") var id:String?
	@GroupProperty() var profile:Profile
	@GroupProperty() var contact:Contact
	@GroupProperty() var pref:Prefs

Now, accessing the model looks more natural and the property objects inside the groups aren't actually created until a property in the group is accessed.

var cust: CustomerModel
print("Contact is: \(")
print("Company is: \(")
cust.pref.measurementUnit = .cm

Property serialization

Each WrapProperty has a serializeForOutput member that determines whether it should be emitted when serializing for output to JSON. By default, this is set to true but you can prevent a property from being emitted when serialized for output by specifying false in the property's declaration/initialization.

Custom properties

You can create new subclasses of WrapProperty for whatever property types you need. You only need to provide to and from transformation closures:

// If you want a property of this type based on a data string:
class MyDataType {
	let myStringValue:String
	init(strData:String) {
		myStringValue = strData

// Create a WrapProperty subclass that transforms back and forth between String and MyDataType
class MyDataTypeProperty: WrapProperty<MyDataType?> {
	init(_ keyPath: String) {
		super.init(keyPath, defaultValue: nil, serializeForOutput: true)
		self.toModelConverter = { (jsonValue:Any) -> MyDataType? in
			// Convert dictionary/JSON data to custom property type
			guard let str = jsonValue as? String else { return nil }
			return MyDataType(strData: str)
		self.fromModelConverter = { (nativeValue:MyDataType?) -> Any? in {
			// Convert property data to format that goes in dictionary/JSON
			return nativeValue?.myStringValue 

// Then use it in a model class:
class MyModel: WrapModel {
	@ROProperty( MyDataTypeProperty("dataString")) var dataProperty:MyDataType?

Property Wrappers & Value Modifiers

Generic property wrappers

Declaring your properties using property wrappers requires Swift 5.1 or later.

Two generic property wrappers, ROProperty and RWProperty, are provided which can be used to wrap any WrapProperty type. The WrapProperty instance is passed in as the first argument to the property wrapper like this:

class MyModel: WrapModel {
	@ROProperty( MyDataTypeProperty("dataString")) var dataProperty:MyDataType?

ROProperty is for immutable (read only) properties and provides no setter. RWProperty allows mutation of the property (assuming the model itself is mutable).

Type-specific property wrappers

Property wrappers are also provided for most all of the WrapProperty subclasses included in the library. The arguments for each property wrapper can vary by property type; for example, a defaultValue argument can be specified for StrProperty. For the most part, the type necessary for property wrappers that are generic, like ModelProperty<T> can be gleaned by the compiler from the remainder of the declaration, so there's no need to put the type in angle brackets. Type-specific property wrappers don't require a WrapProperty instance to be passed in. They're created inside the wrapper.

@StrProperty("stringPath") var someString: String
@ModelProperty("modelPath") var submodel: ModelClass // no need to put <ModelClass> after @ModelProperty

All provided property wrappers have an immutable and a mutable variant. They follow the naming convention of including Mut at the beginning of the name for mutable variants. For example, StrProperty is immutable, while MutStrProperty allows the property value to be changed (mutable).

Value modifier arguments

Each provided property wrapper, from the more generic ROProperty and RWProperty to the more type-specific ones like StrProperty and IntProperty, all take optional closure arguments that can modify the property value when accessed or written.

These arguments all have the signature (propertyType)->propertyType where the closure receives the value and returns the same or a modified version of the value.

Immutable property wrappers accept a modifier argument that is passed the model's current property value and has a chance to modify it before it is passed along to the caller. This is an optional argument that, by default, passes the value through unmodified.

Mutable property wrappers accept getModifier and setModifier arguments that are called when getting the model value and setting the model value. These are optional arguments that, by default, pass the value through unmodified.



Most of the model objects we use are immutable, but occasionally the need arises for mutability. A WrapModel object can be created in a mutable state, or a mutable copy can be made:

// If you need a mutable copy
// You can initialize a model from another (with or without its mutations if it was mutable)
let mutableCust = Customer(asCopyOf: cust, withMutations: true, mutable: true)

// Or by using WrapModel's mutableCopy method which returns an Any?
let mutableCust = cust.mutableCopy() as? Customer


WrapModel conforms to Equatable, so models of the same type can be compared using the == operator in Swift or isEqual: or isEqualToModel: in Objective C. Default implementations of these comparisons create dictionaries using the model properties and current data values, then compare the dictionaries.

These comparison methods may (and probably should) be overridden in specific model subclasses in order to make the comparison more specific to the data involved.

Copying models

WrapModel conforms to NSCopying, so you can produce copies using copy() and mutableCopy() but you'll have to typecast the result since those return Any.

You can also instantiate a copy using the copy initializer init(asCopyOf:WrapModel, withMutations:Bool, mutable:Bool). This will produce a typed copy of the given model and you can choose whether the created model is mutable and whether it includes any mutations made to the given model.


If you need the model's current data dictionary to, for example, post to a server endpoint, the model's currentModelData() function will build and return it. This returns a dictionary containing only data for the properties defined by the model, even if the dictionary used to initialize the model contained additional data.

currentModelData() takes two parameters that alter how the dictionary is built:

  1. withNulls: Bool - if true, model properties with no value will emit an NSNull into the data dictionary, which will translate into a nil value if converted to JSON.
  2. forOutput: Bool - if true, only those model properties whose serializeForOutput flag is true will be emitted. This parameter defaults to true.

currentModelDataAsJSON(withNulls:Bool) is also available and returns a JSON string including only model properties whose serializeForOutput flag is true.


WrapModel conforms to NSCoding so you can use classes like NSKeyedArchiver and NSKeyedUnarchiver to archive and unarchive model objects.


(in more depth)

Easy to declare in Swift

Property declarations are generally short and require only the WrapProperty subclass and key path.

Easy to use with a similar usage model as direct properties

Using a WrapModel-based model object is very similar to using direct properties.

Speed - transformation of data happens lazily

By putting off transformations until data is needed, WrapModel avoids a lot of the time usually taken in transforming a data dictionary into a model object. This is especially true for models that are never mutated and models with many transformed properties.

Properties defined once (no second list to maintain)

With Swift 5.1, properties are declared once using a property wrapper. This is the simplest and most straightforward method and provides both Objective C accessibility and compiler enforced immutability of properties when desired.

With usage in Swift only (<5.1), it is possible to define properties once and use them directly via their value member. The property declaration is self-contained and doesn't require a declaration in one place and specification of transformation method somewhere else.

If you can't use Swift 5.1 or later, you may also choose to use the private property definition/public accessor declaration pattern for Objective C compatibility, compiler-enforced immutability, or for other reasons. The two related declarations are closely tied so it's impossible for one to be forgotten and still use the property.

Easy to transform data types and enums

The provided WrapProperty subclasses cover the vast majority of data types needed for most models. At the same time, it's quite easy to create your own subclasses of WrapProperty to use with custom types.

The subclass need only provide a toModelConverter closure that converts the data dictionary type into the model type, and a fromModelConverter closure that does the opposite.

Flexible structure

The structure of a WrapModel's properties does not have to be closely tied to the structure of its data dictionary. It's easy for properties to reach down into deeply nested members of the data dictionary, so creation of many submodel types isn't required in many cases unless it serves your purposes.

You can also create property groups to logically group properties into submodels even if they all reside in the same level of the data dictionary.

Easy to debug

Debugging is facilitated by WrapModel's separation of the original data dictionary from mutations. The model even holds onto the original JSON string when debugging (if initialized from JSON string or data).

Enforceable immutability

A model created as not mutable will not allow its values to be changed and will assert when debugging if an attempt is made to mutate an immutable model object.

Objective C compatibility

With Swift 5.1, property wrappers provide easy Objective C compatibility.

For versions of Swift prior to 5.1, although models must be defined in Swift, it only requires a bit more work to gain complete usability of WrapModel objects from Objective C code using the private property definition/public accessor pattern.


Swift Package Manager

You can add WrapModel to your project via SPM using the Add Packages menu item in Xcode's File menu. Specify this as the repository address:

Set the dependency rules in the dialog and hit the Add Package button.

CocoaPods (iOS 11+, Swift 4.2+)

You can use CocoaPods to install WrapModel by adding it to your Podfile:

platform :ios, '11.0'

target 'MyApp' do
    pod 'WrapModel', '~> 1.0'

Manual (iOS 11+, Swift 4.2+)

Since WrapModel is comprised of just a couple Swift source files, you could download them and compile them into your project manually.


There is an optional global closure named WrapPropertyKeyPathModifier which can be used as a preprocessor for all keyPath names. For example, if you wanted to trim any underscores and/or periods from your keyPath values automatically, you could specify a closure like this:

WrapPropertyKeyPathModifier = { keyPath in
	return keyPath.trimmingCharacters(in: CharacterSet.init(charactersIn: "._"))

There is a pre-defined closure that trims only underscores:

WrapPropertyKeyPathModifier = WrapPropertyTrimUnderscoresKeyPathModifier


I wrote WrapModel to meet all our goals at 1stdibs when we wanted to transition from Objective C Mantle-based models to something Swift-centric. We've been using WrapModel in the 1stdibs production iOS app since 2018. We have a fairly simple protocol-based system that allows us to use mixed WrapModel and Mantle based models together, so we weren't forced to transition everything at once.

Significant contributions to the initial implementation were also made by Gal Cohen.

Now, the whole mobile engineering team at 1stdibs uses and maintains WrapModel and, hopefully, you will too.

Happy Developing!

Ken Worley


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Contributors 4
