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🌎 runescape classic private server mmorpg emulator


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runescape classic private server mmorpg emulator. designed to work with the web-based rsc-client or the java-based mudclient204.



  • download and install Node.js (which comes with npm)

  • for the latest stable release, run:

    # npm install -g @2003scape/rsc-data-server @2003scape/rsc-server
  • to check out the latest unstable features, install git and run:

    $ git clone
    $ cd rsc-data-server && npm install && cd ../
    $ git clone
    $ cd rsc-server && npm install
  • if you are having npm build issues, you may require additional packages. visit the node-canvas github for more information

  • install rsc-client or mudclient204 to login

cli usage

rsc-server connects to rsc-data-server for database saving/loading and managing friends lists across worlds. it supports TCP with TLS or IPC domain sockets.

  • if installed with npm, use (-c <config-file> is optional for both, they will look for config.json in their own directory first):

    $ rsc-data-server -c /etc/rsc-data-server/config.json &
    $ rsc-server -c /etc/rsc-server/config.json
  • if cloned from git:

    $ cd rsc-data-server && npm start &
    $ cd ../rsc-server && npm start

browser usage

create a new Worker instance using ./dist/server.bundle.js or ./dist/server.bundle.min.js. if making any changes to the source, use $ npm run build-browser to re-build these files. you can then pass the worker instance into mudclient's .server property.

const serverWorker = new Worker('./server.bundle.min.js');

    type: 'start',
    config: {
        worldID: 1,
        version: 204,
        members: false,
        experienceRate: 1,
        fatigue: true,
        rememberCombatStyle: false

// mc.server = serverWorker;


Command Description
::addexp <skill> <experience> Add experience to a skill name.
::appearance Toggle the character creation screen.
::bank Open the bank interface.
::bubble <id> Create a player action bubble with an item ID.
::clearinventory Clear your inventory items.
::coords Display your current coordinates.
::dmg <amount> Remove a certain amount of current hitpoints.
::fatigue Set your fatigue to 100%.
::give <username> <id> <amount = 1> Spawn an item in someone else's (online) inventory with optional amount.
::goto <username> Teleport to a username (online).
::gotoentity <type> <id> Teleport to the first entity (npcs, gameObjects, groundItems) of a certain ID.
::item <id> <amount = 1> Spawn an item in your inventory with optional amount.
::kick <username> Forcefully log out a username (online).
::npc <id> Spawn an NPC in your current position.
::setqp <amount> Set your quest points to a certain amount.
::shop <name> Open a shop by name (see rsc-data/shops.json)
::sound <name> Play a sound file (members client only, see rsc-sounds/sounds1.json).
::step <deltaX> <deltaY> Step in a certain direction (delta can be -1, 0 or 1).
::teleport <x> <y> | <region> Teleport to an x, y coordinate or region name (see rsc-data/regions.json).


when using $ rsc-server, pass in -c <config-file> (or edit config.json in the rsc-server directory if cloned from git), or change the object passed into the { type: 'start' } Worker message to modify the following settings:

    // UNIX socket file used if connecting to rsc-data-server on the same
    // machine
    "dataServerFile": "/tmp/rsc-data-server.sock",

    // optional IP/port if connecting to rsc-data-server on another network
    "dataServerTCP": "localhost:9001" || null,

    // password used to authenticate with rsc-data-server
    "dataServerPassword": "test",

    // version to check clients on login
    "version": 204,

    // the unique world index to communicate to rsc-data-server
    "worldID": 1,

    // port to listen to for non-websocket regular TCP clients
    // (for mudclient204)
    "tcpPort": 43594,

    // port to listen to connections
    // (for rsc-client)
    "websocketPort": 43595,

    // country flag to use on the website
    "country": "CAN",

    // disable members features and non-members logins & registration for this
    // world
    "members": false,

    // boost or lower the experience rate
    "experienceRate": 1,

    // enable or disable fatigue gaining
    "fatigue": true,

    // add from/to bank options for certing NPCs (not supported in real RSC)
    "bankCertificates": false,

    // store player combat style in database (not supported in real RSC)
    "rememberCombatStyle": false

see also

  • RSCGo by @spkaeros
    • runescape classic server written in go
  • RuneJS
    • runescape 2 server written in javascript
  • RuneScape Classic Wiki
    • best source of accurate runescape classic data


Copyright (C) 2021 2003Scape Team

This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Affero General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License along with this program. If not, see