kazoo Changes
Changes to 4.3 after version 4.3.30
Resolved Tickets
- As an admin I want the busy but unused MODb change notification messages suppressed so that my system uses slightly less CPU
- [[4.3] KAZOO-6081: created a system_config param to exclude certain MODb doc… (#5678)
KAZOO-6081: created a list of doc types to exclude from the change notifications
KAZOO-6081: make apis](446e4f2) by bitbashing
Unticketed Commits
- SSSU-52: [4.3] port request activation charge (#5688) master: https://github.com/2600hz/kazoo/pull/5683 by icehess
- HELP-43124: pass endpoints in intial order (#5692) by icehess
- bputtick - rework get_limit/3 logic to correctly parse pvt/public (#5684) * Rework get_limit/3 logic * Pesky trailing spaces! by bputtick
- add originate to stepswitch resource type handled (#5691) by icehess