This is a little control to browse through a collection of items like they were cards in a deck or in rolling file device (rolodex). Mostly useful on mobile, but desktop compatibility has been added for ease of debugging.
To reduce memory footprint only 3 cards are loaded at any given time but you can browse an infinite number of items. Also the collection is loopable.
The code is still a bit messy and betaish but maybe you can make good use of it.
- 增加了Effect gallery,
- 增加了部分API,
- 增加了CMD支持,
- 对代码其它部分进行了较多改动。
- Config:
- direction: 'v', // h 、v
- effect: 'rotate', //rotate 、 zoom 、 slide 、 gallery
- loop: true, //循环播放
- pageDotShow: false, //进度提示点,样式可自定义
- pageDotContainer: 'body',
- deg: 25,
- duration: .28,
- perspective: '300px',
- resizePolling: 100,
- dataset: [], //必传
- Event:
- onUpdateContent: function(el,data,dataIndex) {}
- Method:
- destroy()
- enable()
- disable()