Telegram Bingo Bot written in GoLang
Features | Funciones:
Every Game can have multiple Organizers (Organizers change game mode, and register drawn ballots)
- Keep Track of sold boards
Generate Boards
- Each has a unique per game ID
- Unique boards mode
- PNG Image can be rendered for each board
- Organizers can ask for boards like: All Boards, Unsold Boards, Specific Board
Multiple Game Modes (Organizers can change it)
- Horizontal / Vertical Line
- C
- O
- U
- N
- Diagonal / & \
- All
Can handle Multiple Games with Separate Boards
Keeps Track of Balots
Organizers are notified on number of winners as soon as they draw a ballot
Organizers can ask if Board has Bingo
Organizers can ask for drawn balots
Can Relay messages to Group Chat
Important: because we use a CGO enabled package, we are required to set the environment variable CGO_ENABLED=1 and have a gcc compile present within your path.
# If using a MySQL DB (TODO (for now using only sqlite))
export DB_HOST=localhost
export DB_PORT=3306
export DB_NAME=gobingobot
export DB_USER=bingopher
export DB_PASS=secreto
# If you want to run a Telegram Bingo Bot
export TG_KEY="1295700987:AAG2Mr6Z77enrTCUMBZ7oNdPV-QBpqE2DJw"
export MASTER_ID=596025632 #MASTER_ID is the manager's TelegramID
export CGO_ENABLED=1
go run .