Build your NW.js app and generate archives, packages, setup files and more! nwjs-packager focuses on making building NW.js "just work".
- Moves your app's files to a temporary directory and runs
npm install --production
- Option to quickly run your app without building for testing
- Downloads NW.js binaries and combines them with your app's files
- Generates
archives and Windows installer executable files
- Customises app icons
- Properly customises Info.plist / InfoPlist.strings with your app's name
- Adds correct product_string to package.json to allow binaries to be renamed
- Customises executable icons and file properties
- Generates an installer (using Inno Setup)
- Generates a .desktop file for your app
npm install nwjs-packager --save-dev
Add an nwjs-packager
block to your app's package.json file.
"nwjs-packager": {
"nwVersion": "0.45.4",
"appFriendlyName": "Demo App",
"appMacIcon": "bin/icon.icns",
"appWinIcon": "bin/icon.ico",
"files": ["bin/**"],
"builds": {
"linux": {"tar.gz": true},
"osx": {"zip": true},
"win": {"zip": true}
To build your app for the current platform and architecture simply run from a terminal window:
To quickly run your app in NW.js without building it (ie during development) run:
nwp -r
All options should added in your app's package.json file. Possible options with their default values are:
"nwjs-packager": {
// An array of files to include in the output packages. Globs are accepted.
"files": [],
// Location to store downloaded NW.js binaries
"cacheDir": "(os.homedir)/.nwjs-packager/cache",
// Location to store app files ready for packaging
"tempDir": "(os.homedir)/.nwjs-packager/temp",
// Location to output packages to
"outputDir": "(your app's directory)/build",
// The version of NW.js to use (note versions should be in format without the letter "v", eg: "0.44.5")
// The strings "stable", "latest" or "lts" are also permitted
"nwVersion": "stable",
// The "flavor" of NW.js to use (possible values "normal" or "sdk")
"nwFlavor": "normal",
// The nerd name for the app to use in file names (ie there should be no spaces)
"appPackageName": "(the 'name' value in your package.json)",
// The version of the app
"appVersion": "(the 'version' value in your package.json)",
// The file name format of output packages. Can use the special symbols %a%, %v% %p%
// which are replaced with the appPackageName appName, appVersion and NW.js platform (eg osx-x64) respectively
"appOutputName": "%a%-%v%-%p%",
// The nice name of the app to display to the user (ie there can be spaces)
"appFriendlyName": "(the 'name' value in your package.json, made titlecase and with '_' and '-' characters replaced with spaces)",
// A path to a .icns file to use for generating the macOS icon
"appMacIcon": null,
// A path to an .ico file to use for generating the Windows icon
"appWinIcon": null,
// A short description of the app. Used in the macOS Info.plist and Windows fileVersion.
"appDescription": "(the 'description' value in your package.json)",
// The copyright detail of the app. Used in the macOS Info.plist and Windows fileVersion.
"appCopyright": "(a string in the format '© {current_year} {package json 'author' value}')",
// The platforms and outputs to build for
// Possibles values are "deb", "rpm", "tar.gz", "zip", "pkg", "innoSetup" depending on the platform
"builds": {
"linux": {
"tar.gz": true,
"rpm": true, // TODO coming soon!
"deb": true // TODO coming soon!
"osx": {
"zip": true,
"pkg": true // TODO coming soon!
"win": {
"zip": true,
"innoSetup": false // A path to a .iss file should be specified here
// macOS InfoPlist.strings files can be specified to use for different languages here
// Object keys should be in format "locale_id": "/path/to/InfoPlist.strings/file"
// Possible locale ids are listed here:
"infoPlistStrings": {
// If locale file isn't specified, the strings in the file for the object key "default" will be used
// If a "default" file isn't specified, then nwjs-packager will automatically generate one
"default": null
- Installable packages have not been implemented for macOS or Linux yet
- Currently you can only package a build for your current OS and architecture. (See #8)
- Auto generation of Inno Setup .iss files has not been implemented yet
- DO NOT add a
key to your package.json file. This will break nwjs-packager's "run mode" on macOS. nwjs-packager handles adding the aproduct_string
during "build mode" only.
- nwjs-packager-demo - a demo NW.js application used for testing.
- Boats Animator
MIT License. © 2020 Charlie Lee.