TaskWave is a web application for managing tasks, workspaces, and lists. This README provides an overview of how to use the application and its API. You can interact with the API to create and manage workspaces, lists, tasks, and user accounts.
To use the TaskWave API, you need to make HTTP requests to the provided endpoints. Below is the base URL for the API:
Base URL: http://your-server-url.com/api
Some routes require authentication. You should include a valid JSON Web Token (JWT) in the "Authorization" header of your requests to authenticate.
Authorization: Bearer your-jwt-token
- Route: POST
- Description: Register a new user.
- Request Body Example:
"name": "John Doe",
"email": "[email protected]",
"password": "your-password"
- Route: POST
- Description: Log in an existing user.
- Request Body Example:
"email": "[email protected]",
"password": "your-password"
- Route: POST
- Description: Log out the currently authenticated user.
- Route: POST
- Description: Create a new workspace.
- Request Body Example:
"name": "Project Workspace",
"description": "This is a workspace for a project.",
"createdBy": "user-id-here"
- Route: GET
- Description: Get a list of all workspaces.
- Route: GET
- Description: Get details of a specific workspace by its ID.
- Route: PUT
- Description: Update an existing workspace by its ID.
- Request Body Example:
"name": "New Workspace Name",
"description": "Updated description."
- Route: DELETE
- Description: Delete a workspace by its ID.
- Route: GET
- Description: Get all lists within a specific workspace, including their tasks.
- Route: POST
- Description: Create a new list within a workspace.
- Request Body Example:
"title": "To-Do List",
"workspace": "workspace-id-here"
- Route: GET
- Description: Get all lists within a specific workspace.
- Route: GET
- Description: Get details of a specific list by its ID.
- Route: PUT
- Description: Update an existing list by its ID.
- Request Body Example:
"title": "Updated List Title"
- Route: DELETE
- Description: Delete a list by its ID.
- Route: POST
- Description: Create a new task within a list.
- Request Body Example:
"title": "Task 1",
"description": "Description of Task 1",
"list": "list-id-here"
- Route: GET
- Description: Get all tasks within a specific list.
- Route: GET
- Description: Get details of a specific task by its ID.
- Route: PUT
- Description: Update an existing task by its ID.
- Request Body Example:
"title": "Updated Task Title",
"description": "Updated task description",
"list": "list-id-here",
"priority": "High",
"completed": true
- Route: DELETE
- Description: Delete a task by its ID.
This documentation provides a comprehensive guide on how to use the TaskWave application and its API. Replace "your-server-url.com"
, "your-jwt-token"
, "user-id-here"
, "workspace-id-here"
, and "list-id-here"
with actual values when making requests.
Feel free to explore and use TaskWave to manage your tasks and projects efficiently!
Replace `"your-server-url.com"`, `"your-jwt-token"`, `"user-id-here"`, `"workspace-id-here"`, and `"list-id-here"` with the actual values relevant to your project. This README.md file can be placed in your GitHub repository to provide clear documentation for users and contributors.