- Home Assistant Gaggiuino HACS Integration for Gaggiuino. ☕🏠🤖🐍
- Gaggiuino REST Api Wrapper for Python for Gaggiuino. ☕🏠🤖🐍📚
- Home Assistant Pyscript Wrapper to easily instantiate and manipulate HA entities. 🏠🤖🐍
- Laptop Cooling Stand Fan Speed Controller based on your CPU and GPU temperatures. 💻🆒🤖🐍📱
- Microsoft Teams AdaptiveCards API Wrapper for Python 2 and 3 🐍📚
- Python Global Logger for newbies to centralize logging instances. 🐍📚
Stremio-Jackett fork with Tokola support. 🎥🐍🐳
Bandcamp Newsfeed RSS Feed Generator generates your Bandcamp newsfeed RSS feed. 📰🐍🐳
Instagram User RSS Feed Generator generates RSS Feed for an Instagram User. 📰🐍🐳
Rozetka.ua API Wrapper. 🔌🐍📚🐳
Rozetka.ua Keepa for Telegram. 🔌🐍🐳
Rozetka.ua FastAPI Prices Graph API. 🔌🐍🐳
Rozetka.ua Browser Userscript that gets those prices from FastAPI. 🔌
Import Tax Calculator for Ukraine Django Web Service with API and Amazon Userscript. 🐍🐳
YouTube AutoManager that sorts your Feed into your playlists by your filters. 🐍🐳
Update Checker - A Python utility for automatically checking and downloading updates for files and GitHub releases. 🐍
- LLM-based Air Raid Threat Reporter to filter Telegram channels for relevant air raid threats for your 🇺🇦city. 🇺🇦🐍🤖🐳
- Favro.com API Wrapper 🐍📚
📚 — Library 🏠 — Home 🤖 — Automation 🐍 — Python 🐳 — Docker 📰 — RSS 📱 — Microcontroller