Automated 3D magnetic flux density mapping system
#Software and hardware
- Ubuntu 20.04
- Python 3.9
- Arduino UNO:
- Arduino gShield:
- Any 3D CNC/3D printer arm (see picture in 3DFM/Photo/)
- USB Hall-probe (Metrolab THM1176 used here).
Install single trigger code for the THM1176 probe (
- place all 'pyTHM1176' subdirectory files into the 3DFM folder.
Flash GRBL 1.1h (i.e. the *.hex file) to the Arduino UNO.
- see
- use HexUploader ( or similar
Change '/dev/ttyACM0/' of the and code to match your Arduino UNO port.
- most often it is the same
Power ON the Arduino + gShield using a 24 V power supply unit
- connect probe USB
- connect CNC USB
Run (projection) or (volume).
- recommend running at first to test function.
- this is a very simple code to understand & reconfigure.
- must calibrate the steps for your machine (for example, x_forwords = 'G91 X-0.17 F100000')
- other detailed calibrations can be done by modifying the .hex file through Arduino IDE.
- 3DFM will map in a zig-zag pattern over a defined volume.
- current default mapping range is 13.5 cm x 13.5 cm x 1 cm in steps of 3 mm x 3 mm x 1 mm.
- this code can be modified for measurement using any other USB probe (for example, RF fields, temperature, etc)
#Various useful code
- '' to be used to bring gantry head back to starting point (no measurements).
#Future work
- various functions (homing, etc)
- circular 3D filling, other motion
- Bx, By, Bz, temperature data storage
- 3D visuals of mapping region and field plotting during process