This is my first website that I developed using React JS. An e-commerce website for the convection business that I'm also developing. With the hope that this e-commerce will be able to help local businesses, especially in the field of convection businesses to achieve better quality.
- MDBReact for layouting and make component.
- Reactstrap for layouting and make some component.
- Chat Widget for floating button chat box.
- Sweetalert 2 for make alert pop-up.
- Moment for generate time format.
- Redux and React Redux for manage data from local state and global state.
- Axios for get/post/put/delete data from back-end API.
- Fabric JS for design custom image feature.
- for chat group.
- HTML to Image for generate image from fabricJS export to PNG image format.
- Downloadjs for download PNG image after complete design.