These gradesheets are desgined for organizations dedicated to the memorization of the Holy Quran, allowing progress tracking and reporting for each individual student. It is built using Google Sheets and Google Apps Script (a cloud-based JavaScript platform for automating and extending Google Workspace apps).
For teachers, it's an easily accessible, usable, and transferable tool to record their students' class performances.
For parents and students, it's a place to view progress and performance displayed in an organized and understandable way.
Starting 2019 in HS junior year, this project was my introdcution to CS, a way to give back to my community, and project I continue to maintain.
Throughout this:
- I learned JS (no prior code experiece)
- I learned the Google App Script environment
- I conducted 15+ hours of customer interviews with parents, students, and teachers.
- I lead two volunteers in the development process.
20+ teacher with 50+ studetns over two cities use the tool. Might expand internationally.
Detroit sample student
Los Angeles sample student