BitcoinTalk Auto-Reply Script
This script was made for BitcoinTalk (an internet forum) in order to make "bumping" (or auto-replying every 24 hours) a much easier process.
Now support for automic deletions! Deletions are scheduled to a static text file with their relative post time. Whenever the script is started, it will read the file and delete any posts that are 24 hours or older. I built it this way so interrupts (stopping the script) would not affect scheduled items.
Download the lastest version of Python here if needed.
To install requirements, navigate to the folder and execute this command:
pip install -r requirements.txt
in a text editor of your choice to configure the settings. (Use Notepad++ if you are having issues)
Your Captcha Code (or Captcha Bypass Code) is a code that lets you bypass the CAPTCHA on the login page. This is required because the program needs to be automatic, and captcha's can only be completed by humans.
After you login to your account, you may obtain this code here
It should look something like this: 3603681f39b847834842