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ملاحظة: هذه الإعدادات لا تزال في مرحلة التطوير، وسأقوم بإضافة المزيد من الميزات بصورة مستمرة عندما يتاح لدي وقت أكثر.
يُفضل استخدام هذا الإعداد مع تطبيقات KDE للحصول على أفضل تجربة. إذا اخترت استخدام تطبيقات أخرى، فلا بأس بذلك، ولكن ستحتاج إلى ضبط الإعدادات يدوياً إذا لم يكن لديها ثيم مشابه لبقية التطبيقات.
💡 مهم: للحصول على الوظائف الكاملة للشبكة، يرجى استخدام الفورك الخاص بي من (AGS)، حيث أن النسخة الأصلية لا تحتوي على هذه التحسينات.
- Hyprland
- network-manager-applet
- playerctl
- polkit-kde-agent or polkit-gnome
- FantasqueSansM Nerd Font
- dolphin
- konsole
- brightnessctl
- gammastep
- wl-clipboard
- hyprpicker
- sysstat
- bc
- sassc
- swww
- systemsettings
- acpi
- fish
- gnome-bluetooth-3.0
- power-profiles-daemon
- lm_sensors
- copyq
- KDE Material You Colors
- strawberry
- easyeffects
- blueman
- telegram-desktop
- discord
- kvantum
- firefox
- Gradience for gtk4 Material you themes
# تثبيت البرامج المطلوبة
yay -S base-devel brightnessctl network-manager-applet konsole blueman ark dolphin ffmpegthumbs playerctl kvantum polkit-kde-agent jq gufw tar gammastep wl-clipboard easyeffects hyprpicker hyprshot-git bc sysstat kitty sassc systemsettings acpi fish kde-material-you-colors plasma5support plasma5-integration plasma-framework5 aylurs-gtk-shell-git ttf-jetbrains-mono-nerd ttf-fantasque-nerd powerdevil gnome-bluetooth-3.0 power-profiles-daemon libjpeg6-turbo swww python-regex copyq swww
# تثبيت البرامج الاختيارية
yay -S orchis-theme-git discord firefox visual-studio-code-bin nwg-look-bin qt5ct telegram-desktop strawberry
# Enable rpmfusion repository
sudo dnf install$(rpm -E %fedora).noarch.rpm
sudo dnf install$(rpm -E %fedora).noarch.rpm
# تثبيت البرامج المطلوبه وبرامج اخرى مثل دعم الصوتيات
sudo dnf install ffmpeg --allowerasing
sudo dnf install network-manager-applet playerctl brightnessctl gammastep sysstat sassc plasma-systemsettings acpi fish gnome-bluetooth power-profiles-daemon lm_sensors easyeffects blueman telegram-desktop kvantum konsole pulseaudio-utils polkit-gnome polkit-qt polkit-kde gstreamer1-libav strawberry dnf-plugins-core gstreamer1-plugins-ugly gstreamer1-plugins-bad-free gstreamer1-plugins-bad-freeworld ffmpeg gstreamer1-plugins-base-devel vnstat retroarch inkscape gimp g4music android-tools plasma-integration-qt5 plasma-integration vlc-plugin-gstreamer vlc mpv kget kteatime gwenview unzip p7zip p7zip-plugins unrar copyq jq swww
# تفعيل مستودع هيبر لاند
sudo dnf copr enable solopasha/hyprland
sudo dnf install aylurs-gtk-shell hyprland hyprshot hyprpicker wl-clipboard
# تفعيل مستودع material-you-colors
sudo dnf copr enable luisbocanegra/kde-material-you-colors
sudo dnf install kde-material-you-colors
# تثبيت plasma-desktop
sudo dnf install plasma-desktop ark kate dolphin
# Enable rpmfusion repository
sudo dnf install$(rpm -E %fedora).noarch.rpm
sudo dnf install$(rpm -E %fedora).noarch.rpm
# تثبيت البرامج المطلوبه وبرامج اخرى مثل دعم الصوتيات
sudo dnf install ffmpeg --allowerasing
sudo dnf install lsp-plugins calf rubberband zam-plugins breeze-gtk-gtk4 breeze-gtk-gtk3 kde-connect ffmpegthumbs bluedevil kde-gtk-config kde-settings-pulseaudio kdebugsettings kdenetwork-filesharing kdeplasma-addons plasma-nm plasma-systemmonitor plasma-vault sddm-breeze xwaylandvideobridge NetworkManager-l2tp NetworkManager-libreswan kde-settings-sddm kde-connect-libs imsettings imsettings-libs sddm network-manager-applet playerctl brightnessctl gammastep sysstat sassc plasma-systemsettings acpi fish gnome-bluetooth lm_sensors easyeffects blueman telegram-desktop kvantum konsole pulseaudio-utils polkit-qt polkit-kde gstreamer1-libav strawberry dnf-plugins-core gstreamer1-plugins-ugly gstreamer1-plugins-bad-free gstreamer1-plugins-bad-freeworld ffmpeg gstreamer1-plugins-base-devel vnstat retroarch inkscape gimp g4music android-tools plasma-integration-qt5 plasma-integration vlc-plugin-gstreamer vlc mpv kget kteatime gwenview unzip p7zip p7zip-plugins unrar copyq jq lsp-plugins lmms lsp-plugins-clap lsp-plugins-jack lsp-plugins-ladspa lv2-calf-plugins lv2-calf-plugins-gui lsp-plugins-lv2 lsp-plugins-vst lsp-plugins-vst3 lsp-plugins-jack lsp-plugins-gstreamer lsp-plugins lsp-plugins-clap gh
# تفعيل مستودع هيبر لاند
sudo dnf copr enable solopasha/hyprland
sudo dnf install aylurs-gtk-shell hyprland hyprshot hyprpicker wl-clipboard swww
# تفعيل مستودع material-you-colors
sudo dnf copr enable luisbocanegra/kde-material-you-colors
sudo dnf install kde-material-you-colors
# تثبيت plasma-desktop - غير الزامي
sudo dnf install plasma-desktop ark kate dolphin
ملاحطة: إذا كنت تستخدم نظام تشغيل آخر غير أرش او فيدورا فسوف تحتاج إلى تثبيت جميع البرامج الضرورية. قد تختلف الخطوات بناءً على نوع توزيعتك.
- بالنسبة للتوزيعات القائمة على دبيان/أوبونتو، يمكنك تثبيت البرامج باستخدام
apt install
او البحث عن طريقapt search hyprland
. - بالنسبة لبرامج ادارة الحزم الاخرى، قم بالبحث عن كل برنامج وتثبيته عبر مدير حزم نظامك.
git clone
# عمل نسخة احتياطية لملفاتك الاصلية
mv ~/.config/hypr/ ~/.config/hypr-old
mv ~/.config/ags/ ~/.config/ags-old
mv ~/.config/wofi/ ~/.config/wofi-old
mv ~/.config/easyeffects ~/.config/easyeffects-old
mv ~/.config/fish/ ~/.config/fish/
# نسخ الملفات
cp -r my-hyprland-config ~/.config/hypr
cp -r ~/.config/hypr/config/ags ~/.config/ags
cp -r ~/.config/hypr/config/wofi ~/.config/wofi
cp ~/.config/hypr/config/ ~/.config/fish/
# اعداد الصلاحيات للملفات التنفيذية
sudo chmod +x ~/.config/hypr/scripts/*
sudo chmod +x ~/.config/ags/scripts/*
# اعداد بيئة النظام
# غير ضرورية لانه يتم استخدام nvidia.conf
# استخدمها اذا كنت تعتقد انك تحتاجها فعلا
sudo cp /etc/environment /etc/environmentOLD
echo 'QT_QPA_PLATFORMTHEME=kde' | sudo tee -a /etc/environment
# نسخ اعدادت easyeffects
cp -r ~/.config/hypr/config/easyeffects ~/.config/easyeffects
# نسخ ملفات الثيمات
mkdir ~/.local/share/color-schemes/
mkdir ~/.local/share/konsole/
mkdir ~/.config/Kvantum/
mkdir ~/.config/qt5ct/
mkdir ~/.config/qt6ct/
cp -r ~/.config/hypr/config/plasma-colors/* ~/.local/share/color-schemes/
cp -r ~/.config/hypr/config/kvantum-themes/* ~/.config/Kvantum/
cp -r ~/.config/hypr/config/konsole/* ~/.local/share/konsole/
cp ~/.config/hypr/config/qt5ct.conf ~/.config/qt5ct/
cp ~/.config/hypr/config/qt6ct.conf ~/.config/qt6ct/
mkdir ~/.fonts
cp -r ~/.config/hypr/config/.fonts/* ~/.fonts
mkdir ~/.local/share/icons
tar xvf ~/.config/hypr/config/icons/BeautySolar.tar.gz -C ~/.local/share/icons
tar xvf ~/.config/hypr/config/icons/Delight-brown-dark.tar.gz -C ~/.local/share/icons
tar xvf ~/.config/hypr/config/icons/Gradient-Dark-Icons.tar.gz -C ~/.local/share/icons
tar xvf ~/.config/hypr/config/icons/Infinity-Dark-Icons.tar.gz -C ~/.local/share/icons
tar xvf ~/.config/hypr/config/icons/kora-grey-light-panel.tar.gz -C ~/.local/share/icons
tar xvf ~/.config/hypr/config/icons/Magma.tar.gz -C ~/.local/share/icons
tar xvf ~/.config/hypr/config/icons/NeonIcons.tar.gz -C ~/.local/share/icons
tar xvf ~/.config/hypr/config/icons/la-capitaine-icon-theme.tar.gz -C ~/.local/share/icons
tar xvf ~/.config/hypr/config/icons/oomox-aesthetic-dark.tar.gz -C ~/.local/share/icons
tar xvf ~/.config/hypr/config/icons/Vivid-Dark-Icons.tar.gz -C ~/.local/share/icons
tar xvf ~/.config/hypr/config/icons/Windows11-red-dark.tar.gz -C ~/.local/share/icons
tar xvf ~/.config/hypr/config/icons/Zafiro-Nord-Dark-Black.tar.gz -C ~/.local/share/icons
mkdir ~/.themes
tar xvf ~/.config/hypr/config/gtk-themes/Cabinet-Light-Orange.tar.gz -C ~/.themes
tar xvf ~/.config/hypr/config/gtk-themes/Kimi-dark.tar.gz -C ~/.themes
tar xvf ~/.config/hypr/config/gtk-themes/Nordic-darker-standard-buttons.tar.gz -C ~/.themes
tar xvf ~/.config/hypr/config/gtk-themes/Orchis-Green-Dark-Compact.tar.gz -C ~/.themes
tar xvf ~/.config/hypr/config/gtk-themes/Shades-of-purple.tar.xz -C ~/.themes
tar xvf ~/.config/hypr/config/gtk-themes/Tokyonight-Dark-BL.tar.gz -C ~/.themes
tar xvf ~/.config/hypr/config/gtk-themes/Dracula.tar.gz -C ~/.themes
mkdir ~/.local/share/themes
unzip ~/.config/hypr/config/gtk-themes/ -d ~/.local/share/themes
VISUAL=/usr/bin/nano crontab -e
* * * * * ~/.config/hypr/scripts/
- انشء ملف باسم
في مجلد الهوم
nvim .ahmed-config.json
- قم باضافة الاعدادات حسب جهازك ومنطقتك
"username": "احمد الصعدي",
"profilePicture": "/home/ahmed/wallpapers/profile.png",
"networkMonitor": "wlp0s20f3",
"networkTimeout": 300,
"networkInterval": 1000,
"darkM3WallpaperPath": "/home/ahmed/wallpapers/dark",
"lightM3WallpaperPath": "/home/ahmed/wallpapers/light",
"weatherLocation": "sanaa",
"city": "sanaa",
"country": "yemen",
"usePrayerTimes": true,
"changePlasmaColor": true,
"scripts": {
"dynamicM3Py": null,
"get_wallpapers": null,
"createThumbnail": null,
"gtk_theme": null,
"systemInfo": null,
"deviceLocal": null,
"cpu": null,
"ram": null,
"deviceTemp": null,
"hardwareInfo": null,
"cpuUsage": null,
"ramUsage": null,
"cpuCores": null,
"devicesTemp2": null,
"playerctl": null
Note: This configuration is a work in progress, and I will continue to add more features as time permits.
It is recommended to use this setup with KDE applications for the best experience. If you choose to use other applications, that is fine, but you will need to theme them manually if they do not have a theme similar to the rest of the applications.
💡 Important: For full network functionality, please compile my fork of (AGS), as the original version does not include these enhancements.
- Hyprland
- network-manager-applet
- playerctl
- polkit-kde-agent or polkit-gnome
- FantasqueSansM Nerd Font
- dolphin
- konsole
- brightnessctl
- gammastep
- wl-clipboard
- hyprpicker
- sysstat
- bc
- sassc
- systemsettings
- acpi
- fish
- gnome-bluetooth-3.0
- power-profiles-daemon
- lm_sensors
- copyq
- KDE Material You Colors
- strawberry
- easyeffects
- blueman
- telegram-desktop
- discord
- kvantum
- firefox
- Gradience for gtk4 Material you themes
# Install required applications
yay -S base-devel brightnessctl network-manager-applet konsole blueman ark dolphin ffmpegthumbs playerctl kvantum polkit-kde-agent jq gufw tar gammastep wl-clipboard easyeffects hyprpicker hyprshot-git bc sysstat kitty sassc systemsettings acpi fish kde-material-you-colors plasma5support plasma5-integration plasma-framework5 aylurs-gtk-shell-git ttf-jetbrains-mono-nerd ttf-fantasque-nerd powerdevil gnome-bluetooth-3.0 power-profiles-daemon libjpeg6-turbo swww python-regex copyq
# Install optional applications
yay -S orchis-theme-git discord firefox visual-studio-code-bin nwg-look-bin qt5ct telegram-desktop strawberry
# Enable rpmfusion repository
sudo dnf install$(rpm -E %fedora).noarch.rpm
sudo dnf install$(rpm -E %fedora).noarch.rpm
# Install needed apps with other supporting apps like media support
sudo dnf install ffmpeg --allowerasing
sudo dnf install network-manager-applet playerctl brightnessctl gammastep sysstat sassc plasma-systemsettings acpi fish gnome-bluetooth power-profiles-daemon lm_sensors easyeffects blueman telegram-desktop kvantum konsole pulseaudio-utils polkit-gnome polkit-qt polkit-kde gstreamer1-libav strawberry dnf-plugins-core gstreamer1-plugins-ugly gstreamer1-plugins-bad-free gstreamer1-plugins-bad-freeworld ffmpeg gstreamer1-plugins-base-devel vnstat retroarch inkscape gimp g4music android-tools plasma-integration-qt5 plasma-integration vlc-plugin-gstreamer vlc mpv kget kteatime gwenview unzip p7zip p7zip-plugins unrar copyq jq swww
# Enable Hyprland repository
sudo dnf copr enable solopasha/hyprland
sudo dnf install aylurs-gtk-shell hyprland hyprshot hyprpicker wl-clipboard
# Enable kde-material-you-colors repository
sudo dnf copr enable luisbocanegra/kde-material-you-colors
sudo dnf install kde-material-you-colors
# Install plasma-desktop for its apps
sudo dnf install plasma-desktop ark kate dolphin
# Enable rpmfusion repository
sudo dnf install$(rpm -E %fedora).noarch.rpm
sudo dnf install$(rpm -E %fedora).noarch.rpm
# Install needed apps with other supporting apps like media support
sudo dnf install ffmpeg --allowerasing
sudo dnf install lsp-plugins calf rubberband zam-plugins breeze-gtk-gtk4 breeze-gtk-gtk3 kde-connect ffmpegthumbs bluedevil kde-gtk-config kde-settings-pulseaudio kdebugsettings kdenetwork-filesharing kdeplasma-addons plasma-nm plasma-systemmonitor plasma-vault sddm-breeze xwaylandvideobridge NetworkManager-l2tp NetworkManager-libreswan kde-settings-sddm kde-connect-libs imsettings imsettings-libs sddm network-manager-applet playerctl brightnessctl gammastep sysstat sassc plasma-systemsettings acpi fish gnome-bluetooth lm_sensors easyeffects blueman telegram-desktop kvantum konsole pulseaudio-utils polkit-qt polkit-kde gstreamer1-libav strawberry dnf-plugins-core gstreamer1-plugins-ugly gstreamer1-plugins-bad-free gstreamer1-plugins-bad-freeworld ffmpeg gstreamer1-plugins-base-devel vnstat retroarch inkscape gimp g4music android-tools plasma-integration-qt5 plasma-integration vlc-plugin-gstreamer vlc mpv kget kteatime gwenview unzip p7zip p7zip-plugins unrar copyq jq lsp-plugins lmms lsp-plugins-clap lsp-plugins-jack lsp-plugins-ladspa lv2-calf-plugins lv2-calf-plugins-gui lsp-plugins-lv2 lsp-plugins-vst lsp-plugins-vst3 lsp-plugins-jack lsp-plugins-gstreamer lsp-plugins lsp-plugins-clap gh
# Enable Hyprland repository
sudo dnf copr enable solopasha/hyprland
sudo dnf install aylurs-gtk-shell hyprland hyprshot hyprpicker wl-clipboard swww
# material-you-colors
sudo dnf copr enable luisbocanegra/kde-material-you-colors
sudo dnf install kde-material-you-colors
# Install plasma-desktop for its apps - Optional
sudo dnf install plasma-desktop ark kate dolphin
Note: If you use an operating system other than Arch or Fedora, you will need to install all required dependencies. The specific steps may vary depending on your distro.
- For Debian/Ubuntu-based systems, you can install dependencies using
apt install
or search usingapt search hyprland
. - For other package managers, search for each dependency and install using your system's package manager.
git clone
# backup your files
mv ~/.config/hypr/ ~/.config/hypr-old
mv ~/.config/ags/ ~/.config/ags-old
mv ~/.config/wofi/ ~/.config/wofi-old
mv ~/.config/easyeffects ~/.config/easyeffects-old
cp ~/.config/fish/ ~/.config/fish/
# copy files
cp -r my-hyprland-config ~/.config/hypr
cp -r ~/.config/hypr/config/ags ~/.config/ags
cp -r ~/.config/hypr/config/wofi ~/.config/wofi
cp ~/.config/hypr/config/ ~/.config/fish/
# set permissions for scripts
sudo chmod +x ~/.config/hypr/scripts/*
sudo chmod +x ~/.config/ags/scripts/*
# setup environment
# Not needed anymore becuase we are using nvidia.conf
# only use it if you think you realy need it
sudo cp /etc/environment /etc/environmentOLD
echo 'QT_QPA_PLATFORMTHEME=kde' | sudo tee -a /etc/environment
# Copy easyeffects settings
cp -r ~/.config/hypr/config/easyeffects ~/.config/easyeffects
# copy theme files
mkdir ~/.local/share/color-schemes/
mkdir ~/.local/share/konsole/
mkdir ~/.config/Kvantum/
mkdir ~/.config/qt5ct/
mkdir ~/.config/qt6ct/
cp -r ~/.config/hypr/config/plasma-colors/* ~/.local/share/color-schemes/
cp -r ~/.config/hypr/config/kvantum-themes/* ~/.config/Kvantum/
cp -r ~/.config/hypr/config/konsole/* ~/.local/share/konsole/
cp ~/.config/hypr/config/qt5ct.conf ~/.config/qt5ct/
cp ~/.config/hypr/config/qt6ct.conf ~/.config/qt6ct/
mkdir ~/.fonts
cp -r ~/.config/hypr/config/.fonts/* ~/.fonts
mkdir ~/.local/share/icons
tar xvf ~/.config/hypr/config/icons/BeautySolar.tar.gz -C ~/.local/share/icons
tar xvf ~/.config/hypr/config/icons/Delight-brown-dark.tar.gz -C ~/.local/share/icons
tar xvf ~/.config/hypr/config/icons/Gradient-Dark-Icons.tar.gz -C ~/.local/share/icons
tar xvf ~/.config/hypr/config/icons/Infinity-Dark-Icons.tar.gz -C ~/.local/share/icons
tar xvf ~/.config/hypr/config/icons/kora-grey-light-panel.tar.gz -C ~/.local/share/icons
tar xvf ~/.config/hypr/config/icons/Magma.tar.gz -C ~/.local/share/icons
tar xvf ~/.config/hypr/config/icons/NeonIcons.tar.gz -C ~/.local/share/icons
tar xvf ~/.config/hypr/config/icons/la-capitaine-icon-theme.tar.gz -C ~/.local/share/icons
tar xvf ~/.config/hypr/config/icons/oomox-aesthetic-dark.tar.gz -C ~/.local/share/icons
tar xvf ~/.config/hypr/config/icons/Vivid-Dark-Icons.tar.gz -C ~/.local/share/icons
tar xvf ~/.config/hypr/config/icons/Windows11-red-dark.tar.gz -C ~/.local/share/icons
tar xvf ~/.config/hypr/config/icons/Zafiro-Nord-Dark-Black.tar.gz -C ~/.local/share/icons
mkdir ~/.themes
tar xvf ~/.config/hypr/config/gtk-themes/Cabinet-Light-Orange.tar.gz -C ~/.themes
tar xvf ~/.config/hypr/config/gtk-themes/Kimi-dark.tar.gz -C ~/.themes
tar xvf ~/.config/hypr/config/gtk-themes/Nordic-darker-standard-buttons.tar.gz -C ~/.themes
tar xvf ~/.config/hypr/config/gtk-themes/Orchis-Green-Dark-Compact.tar.gz -C ~/.themes
tar xvf ~/.config/hypr/config/gtk-themes/Shades-of-purple.tar.xz -C ~/.themes
tar xvf ~/.config/hypr/config/gtk-themes/Tokyonight-Dark-BL.tar.gz -C ~/.themes
tar xvf ~/.config/hypr/config/gtk-themes/Dracula.tar.gz -C ~/.themes
tar xvf ~/.config/hypr/config/gtk-themes/adw-gtk3.tar.gz -C ~/.themes
mkdir ~/.local/share/themes
unzip ~/.config/hypr/config/gtk-themes/ -d ~/.local/share/themes
VISUAL=/usr/bin/nano crontab -e
* * * * * ~/.config/hypr/scripts/
- Create a file with the name
in your home directory.
nvim .ahmed-config.json
- Add these settings
"username": "Ahmed Alsaadi",
"profilePicture": "/home/ahmed/wallpapers/profile.png",
"networkMonitor": "wlp0s20f3",
"networkTimeout": 300,
"networkInterval": 1000,
"darkM3WallpaperPath": "/home/ahmed/wallpapers/dark",
"lightM3WallpaperPath": "/home/ahmed/wallpapers/light",
"weatherLocation": "sanaa",
"city": "sanaa",
"country": "yemen",
"usePrayerTimes": true,
"changePlasmaColor": true,
"scripts": {
"dynamicM3Py": null,
"get_wallpapers": null,
"createThumbnail": null,
"gtk_theme": null,
"systemInfo": null,
"deviceLocal": null,
"cpu": null,
"ram": null,
"deviceTemp": null,
"hardwareInfo": null,
"cpuUsage": null,
"ramUsage": null,
"cpuCores": null,
"devicesTemp2": null,
"playerctl": null
Category | Screenshots |
Dark | |
Light | |
Neutral | |
Menu |