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As of, 2/10/25 this is out of date

The code layout is mostly the same just some stuff is added/changed

Note to judges and others!

If you are on a computer, I would recommend clicking Here (if not already)

And enabling the Outline mode!


This helps follow what I am taking about and how stuff is refenced



We use CPP to program our robot, this means we have an include and src folder.

src is where the code goes and the include folder is for headers and types.

Here are all the files our robot uses that I’ve made

├── main.h
├── autons.hpp
├── utils.hpp
├── globals.hpp
├── screen.hpp
├── a_blue.hpp
├── a_red.hpp
└── a_skills.hpp
├── main.cpp
├── autons.cpp
├── utils.cpp
├── globals.cpp
├── screen.cpp
├── a_blue.cpp
├── a_red.cpp
├── a_skills.cpp
├── --extra files--
├── comicsans.c
└── Spades_No_BG_Small.c

More about me

First, more about me, The programmer for 6627S.

My name is Charlie, I mainly like to code in JavaScript and I like to use OOP, or Object-oriented programming. While C++ is an OOP language I don’t like how the include system works where it will dump all the function names into the root namespace, this is why I have heavy use of namespaces, namespaces allow me to have blocks of code under a name, most of my files have namespaces for them.

The autons.cpp file uses the namespace auton:: this helps me in programming if I want to call a function from autons.cpp I just can put auton:: and see what functions it has using my IDE and IntelliSense.

File namespaces

Here are the files and their namespaces:

a_blue.cpp uses auton::blue::

a_red.cpp uses auton::red::

autons.cpp uses auton::

utils.cpp uses utils::

screen.cpp uses picker::

IDE info

The IDE, or integrated development environment, I use is vscode, vsCode is amazing! As it has IntelliSense, This allows me to see what functions something has quickly.


It will also show me when something is wrong and if my code is written wrong or isn’t complete (as seen, the PID is underlined in red)


This just helps me stay organized while programming our robot.


The first file we are going to go over is our utils.cpp file, this file is for holding utils that I might call offen, the functions here don’t really fit in anywhere else or it's here by my preference.

One thing in utils.cpp is our AutonHelper, what's the AutonHelper? Well it's a very cool class that I came up with, it has the following functions addAuton, getName, listAutons, getCount, getRGB, getAutons, runAuton, getAutonDesc. This helps us make autons more flexible and allows us to quickly make a new one and have it shown on the screen.

// Creates an auton helper requires: name, r, g, b
AutonHelper::AutonHelper(const std::string& name, int r, int g, int b): name(name), color{r, g, b} {}

// Add an auton into the group
void AutonHelper::addAuton(const std::string& autonName, std::function<void()> func, const std::string& autonNameDesc) {
  autons.emplace_back(autonName, func);
  autonsDesc.emplace_back(autonName, autonNameDesc);

// Get the name of the current auton group
std::string AutonHelper::getName() const {
  return name;

// Returns the count of autonomous routines
size_t AutonHelper::getCount() const {
  return autons.size();

// Get the RGB color for this Auton (used in screen.cpp)
std::tuple<int, int, int> AutonHelper::getRGB() const {
  return std::make_tuple(color.r, color.g, color.b);

// Get auton functions
std::vector<std::pair<std::string, std::function<void()>>> AutonHelper::getAutons() const {
  return autons;

// Get auton descriptions
std::vector<std::pair<std::string, std::string>> AutonHelper::getAutonsDesc() const {
  return autonsDesc;

// Runs a specific auton by its name
bool AutonHelper::runAuton(const std::string& autonName) const {
  for (const auto& [name, func] : autons) {
    if (name == autonName) {
      return true;
  return false;

// Returns the description of the auton requested
std::string AutonHelper::getAutonDesc(const std::string& autonName) const {
  for (const auto& [name, desc] : autonsDesc) {
    if (name == autonName) {
      return desc;
  return ":(";

The utils.cpp file also has createAutons and getAutons, in the file we also have a vector called autons, after createAutons makes the autons we add them to this vector, this vector is then sent back when getAutons is called.

// Stores created autons
std::vector<AutonHelper> autons;

// Creates autons
std::vector<AutonHelper> utils::createAutons() {

 // Create "Blue" Autons
 AutonHelper blue("Blue", 0,0,255);
  blue.addAuton("pos", auton::blue::pos,"Pos\nx - ring\nx - tops");
  blue.addAuton("neg", auton::blue::neg,"Neg\nx - ring\nx - tops");
  blue.addAuton("neg_wp", auton::blue::neg_wp,"Neg (WP) Win Point\nx - ring\nx - tops");
  blue.addAuton("neg_elim", auton::blue::neg_elim,"Neg Elim\nx - ring\nx - tops");

 // Create "Red" Autons
 AutonHelper red("Red", 255,0,0);
  red.addAuton("pos", auton::red::pos,"Pos\nx - ring\nx - tops");
  red.addAuton("neg", auton::red::neg,"Neg\nx - ring\nx - tops");
  red.addAuton("neg_wp", auton::red::neg_wp,"Neg (WP) Win Point\nx - ring\nx - tops");
  red.addAuton("neg_elim", auton::red::neg_elim,"Neg Elim\nx - ring\nx - tops");

 // Create "Skills" Autons
 AutonHelper skills("Skills", 204,204,0);
  skills.addAuton("SkillsV3", auton::skills::skillsv3,"Skills V3\nI hate (mondays) skills....");

 // Add the AutonHelpers to the autons
 autons = {blue, red, skills};
  return autons;

// Return the autons
std::vector<AutonHelper> utils::getAutons() {
  return autons;

Ok… but what is this AutonHelper used for??


It is used in our main.cpp, and our screen.cpp files, I will first cover our screen.cpp file, this file is what adds everything to our brain screen, from our logo to all the autons, this file does it all, we also use the Spades_No_BG_Small.c and comicsans.c files in the screen.cpp file.

Spades_No_BG_Small.c is for our logo.

comicsans.c is for our font


The first function is render, this function renders out all the elements on the screen using LVGL. We first make a style and apply comic sans to this style. Now we make the MAIN tabs that we use, this being Autons and Debug after that we call renderAuton and renderDebug we then add our logo to the main screen, if we add it to mainTabView it will not be shown on ALL the screens and will vanish.

void picker::render(void) {
    static lv_style_t style;
    lv_style_set_text_font(&style, &comicsans);

    mainTabView = lv_tabview_create(lv_scr_act(), LV_DIR_TOP, 30);

    lv_obj_t * tab_btns = lv_tabview_get_tab_btns(mainTabView);

    lv_obj_t * autonsTab = lv_tabview_add_tab(mainTabView, "Autons");
    lv_obj_t * debugTab = lv_tabview_add_tab(mainTabView, "Debug");


    // Non tab based stuff

    lv_obj_t * img = lv_img_create(lv_scr_act()); // Create an image object on the active screen

    /* Set the image source */
    lv_img_set_src(img, &Spades_No_BG_Small); // Use the image data declared in SpadesBG.c
    lv_obj_align(img, LV_ALIGN_BOTTOM_RIGHT, 0, 0);


Now onto our renderAuton function, this function renders out our autons

The first step is to disable some default LVGL padding

lv_obj_set_style_pad_all(autonsTab, 0, 0);

Next, we need to set the place where the "Buttons" (or tabs) will live, and the content

autonTabView = lv_tabview_create(autonsTab, LV_DIR_LEFT, 55);
lv_obj_t * tab_content = lv_tabview_get_content(autonTabView);

Now we set some styling, such as making scrolling disabled and setting the background to 0,0,0

lv_obj_clear_flag(tab_content, LV_OBJ_FLAG_SCROLLABLE);
lv_obj_set_style_bg_color(autonTabView, lv_color_make(0, 0, 0), 0);

Next, we get all our autons

std::vector<AutonHelper> autons = utils::getAutons();

Now we have a vector full of our AutonHelpers, we need to loop through this.

for (const auto& autonInfo : autons) {

Inside this loop we get the auton name, create a tab, set some padding, and create the content for the tab group named tabView

We also add the tabView to a tabs vector pair, we will use this later.

std::string name = autonInfo.getName();
lv_obj_t * tab = lv_tabview_add_tab(autonTabView, name.c_str());
lv_obj_set_style_pad_all(tab, 0, 0);

lv_obj_t * tabView = lv_tabview_create(tab, LV_DIR_TOP, 40);
tabs.emplace_back(name, tabView);

Now we get the RGB color we set and set the background to that color

auto [r, g, b] = autonInfo.getRGB();
lv_obj_set_style_bg_color(tabView, lv_color_make(r, g, b), 0);

Next we check if we are doing the Red or Blue auton group, depending on what we are doing we set maxBlue or maxRed to the number of autons the AutonHelper has for this group

if (name == "Blue") maxBlue = autonInfo.getCount();
if (name == "Red") maxRed = autonInfo.getCount();

Now we have all the tabs for the Auton groups we have, that means we have a Blue, Red and Skills tabs shown on our brain screen

Now we need to add the autons that each auton group has, we do that by making anthor for loop and calling getAutons from our AutonHelper

for (const auto& auton : autonInfo.getAutons()) {

In that for loop we make the tab for that auton, create a label and set the label's text to the desciption of the auton using getAutonDesc from our AutonHelper

lv_obj_t * autonTab = lv_tabview_add_tab(tabView, auton.first.c_str());

lv_obj_t * autonLabel = lv_label_create(autonTab);
lv_label_set_text(autonLabel, autonInfo.getAutonDesc(auton.first).c_str());  

Putting this all together we get

void renderAuton(lv_obj_t * autonsTab) {
    lv_obj_set_style_pad_all(autonsTab, 0, 0);

    autonTabView = lv_tabview_create(autonsTab, LV_DIR_LEFT, 55);
    lv_obj_t * tab_content = lv_tabview_get_content(autonTabView);

    lv_obj_clear_flag(tab_content, LV_OBJ_FLAG_SCROLLABLE);

    lv_obj_set_style_bg_color(autonTabView, lv_color_make(0, 0, 0), 0); // rgb(0, 0, 0)

    lv_obj_t * tab_btns = lv_tabview_get_tab_btns(autonTabView);

    std::vector<AutonHelper> autons = utils::getAutons();
    for (const auto& autonInfo : autons) {
        std::string name = autonInfo.getName();
        lv_obj_t * tab = lv_tabview_add_tab(autonTabView, name.c_str());
        lv_obj_set_style_pad_all(tab, 0, 0);

        if (name == "Blue") maxBlue = autonInfo.getCount();
        if (name == "Red") maxRed = autonInfo.getCount();

        lv_obj_t * tabView = lv_tabview_create(tab, LV_DIR_TOP, 40);
        tabs.emplace_back(name, tabView);

        auto [r, g, b] = autonInfo.getRGB();
        lv_obj_set_style_bg_color(tabView, lv_color_make(r, g, b), 0);

        // Add pos, neg, etc... autons to tabs
        for (const auto& auton : autonInfo.getAutons()) {
            lv_obj_t * autonTab = lv_tabview_add_tab(tabView, auton.first.c_str());
            lv_obj_t * autonLabel = lv_label_create(autonTab);
            lv_label_set_text(autonLabel, autonInfo.getAutonDesc(auton.first).c_str());



Next onto our next funtion, this funtion switches the tab we are looking at to the next one, this is where the maxBlue and maxRed come in to be used

First we make sure animations are off and we also get the current main tab group we are on, this will be either the Red, Blue or Skills tab

lv_tabview_set_act(mainTabView, 0, LV_ANIM_OFF);

uint16_t activeAutonTab = lv_tabview_get_tab_act(autonTabView);

We now use a switch funtion, its like a if function but it checks if a variable matches one of the cases defined

switch (activeAutonTab) {
    case 0: {
        // blue auton
    case 1: {
        // red auton

Wait! Why don't we have Skills, well we don't want to select skills when using the next function, if we want to run the Skills autons we will select it via the brain screen

Now for the cases, both cases are the same code, the only thing that changes is the color we are using/checking/switching to

This is where are tabs vector that we made in renderAuton come in

tabs[0] is the blue tab, tabs[1] is the red tab

First we get auton tab we are on, Blue in this case, this makes it so we can just do blueTab and not have to type out tabs[0].second

lv_obj_t * blueTab = tabs[0].second;

Next we get the tab we are on, this will be one of the autons we have for that color

uint16_t activeBlueTab = lv_tabview_get_tab_act(blueTab);

We then add 1 to this by doing


Next we check if we are at the max autons we have for this group

if (activeBlueTab == maxBlue) {}

If we are we set the current auton we are on to 0 this will select the first auton for this color, next we set the tab color we are on to 1 this means we go from the Blue tab to the Red tab

lv_tabview_set_act(blueTab, 0, LV_ANIM_OFF); // Set the auton we are on to the first one
lv_tabview_set_act(autonTabView, 1, LV_ANIM_OFF); // Set the auton tab we are on to 1, aka Blue
break; // Leave switch function

If we aren't at the max autons then we want to switch to the next auton tab

lv_tabview_set_act(blueTab, activeBlueTab, LV_ANIM_OFF);

Putting all this together we get the following

void picker::next() {
    lv_tabview_set_act(mainTabView, 0, LV_ANIM_OFF);

    uint16_t activeAutonTab = lv_tabview_get_tab_act(autonTabView);

    switch (activeAutonTab) {
        case 0: {
            lv_obj_t * blueTab = tabs[0].second;
            uint16_t activeBlueTab = lv_tabview_get_tab_act(blueTab);
            if (activeBlueTab == maxBlue) {
                lv_tabview_set_act(blueTab, 0, LV_ANIM_OFF);
                lv_tabview_set_act(autonTabView, 1, LV_ANIM_OFF);
            } else {
                lv_tabview_set_act(blueTab, activeBlueTab, LV_ANIM_OFF);
        case 1: {
            lv_obj_t * redTab = tabs[1].second;
            uint16_t activeRedTab = lv_tabview_get_tab_act(redTab);
            if (activeRedTab == maxRed) {
                lv_tabview_set_act(redTab, 0, LV_ANIM_OFF);
                lv_tabview_set_act(autonTabView, 0, LV_ANIM_OFF);
            } else {
                lv_tabview_set_act(redTab, activeRedTab, LV_ANIM_OFF);


The main.cpp file where everything comes together.


The first function run when the robot is started is the initialize function, this is one of the most vitial functions on the robot

void initialize() {
 // code...

First we create all of our AutonHelpers

m_autons = utils::createAutons();

Next we render our screen onto the brain


Now we create a task to listen to the button presses from the limit switch


Wait! Why do we use a task for the autonSelc? Well code like a river, if a log get stuck then no more water will come out

In this example, the while(true) {} is the log and will stop the river from flowing, I will show the while(true) {} loop after

Next we do something werid, there is a problem in LVGL where the screen will stop listening for touches, this next code block is ment to minumimise this problem, we run this code during interviews so we can show our brain screen working without having to have a comp switch

if (noCode) return;

Next we clean up some pistons and make sure they are off, we also reset our two bar rational sensor.


Next we set our two bar PID as well as set its exit conditions and set the motor brake mode

liftPID.constants_set(0.03, 0, 0.04);
liftPID.exit_condition_set(80, 2, 250, 10, 500, 500);

Next we set some ez template configs

chassis.opcontrol_curve_default_set(1, 1);

Now we set auton constants


Lastly we reset the IMU and drive motor encoders and then vibrate the controller when we are done


If we put all this togteher we get

void initialize() {
 m_autons = utils::createAutons();

  if (noCode) return;


  liftPID.constants_set(0.03, 0, 0.04);
  liftPID.exit_condition_set(80, 2, 250, 10, 500, 500);

  chassis.opcontrol_curve_default_set(1, 1);




Next is our autonomous function.

void autonomous() {}

First we check if we are just in interView mode, we set runningAuton to true and tell the twobar to STOP

if (noCode) return;
runningAuton = true;

Next we reset the pid, drive and IMU, as well as set the drive mode to HOLD


Now we start our twoBar PID controller so we can use the twoBar during our autons


Now for the auton part, first we get the selected auton on the screen, this returns a vector of 2 numbers, the first number is what color tab we are on, the second number is what auton we are running

std::vector<uint16_t> auton = picker::getAuton();
uint16_t autonColor = auton[0];
uint16_t autonType = auton[1];

If we combine these we can get the autonColor and the autonType we want to run, calling the second() fucntion will actully run the auton we have selected.


This is what it looks like put together

void autonomous() {
  if (noCode) return;
 runningAuton = true;

  std::vector<uint16_t> auton = picker::getAuton();
  uint16_t autonColor = auton[0];
  uint16_t autonType = auton[1];



Next is opcontrol this is the code that run during driver control, this is also an importation function

void opcontrol() {}

First we set autonRunning to false and then check if we are running in noCode mode

runningAuton = false;
if (noCode) return;

We set the drive mode to COAST and the twoBar to HOLD, setting the twoBar to HOLD is purely for safey


Next onto our tasks we create, we make a task for controllerButtons, controllerButtons2 and lift_task


Wait! Why do we have two controllerButton tasks? Well, our two bar uses PID, this means when we use our two bar, we have to LOCK anything else from happening until PID is at the set position. So if we had our two bar and the other buttons in the same task, the other buttons wouldn’t work until the two bar is at the rotation we requested from PID, so our intake, clamp and everything else wouldn’t work anymore until PID is done.

The lift_task is what does the PID calcs and moves the two bar

Next is the driver loop

while (true) {}

First thing we do, is check if we AREN'T conencted to a field controller, like vex net, a comp switch or a smart brain

if (!pros::competition::is_connected()) {}

If we aren't conencted to one then we check if we are pressing B and DOWN

if (master.get_digital(DIGITAL_B) && master.get_digital(DIGITAL_DOWN)) {}

But why do we do this? Well with our code we want to be able to quickly test our autons without having to be connected to a comp switch this allows us to do that

When B and DOWN are pressed the first thing we do is set runningAuton to true, we then run the autonomous function, now a "LOG" is stuck in our river, we will stay at this point until the autonomous function is done running, then we set runningAuton to false and reenable the COAST drive

runningAuton = true;
runningAuton = false;

After the check for the fleid connection check we do our actal driver control, this is made EASY using ez-template, we use the split mode when driving so we use 2 sticks to drive

The first stick (left stick) is forward and backward, the second stick (right stick) is turing left and right, next we do a short wait defined by ez-template so we don't over load this while(true){} loop


Now if we put this together we get

void opcontrol() {
 runningAuton = false;
  if (noCode) return;

  while (true) {
    // Check if we are connected to a field
    if (!pros::competition::is_connected()) {
        // Trigger the selected autonomous routine
        if (master.get_digital(DIGITAL_B) && master.get_digital(DIGITAL_DOWN)) {
            runningAuton = true;
            runningAuton = false;

    pros::delay(ez::util::DELAY_TIME); // Don't change


The next function I will cover is controllerButtons

void controllerButtons() {}

Its in a while(true){} loop to always be checking we are pressing a button

We first check if we are running an auton with isRunningAuton, this will disable the buttons if we are

if (isRunningAuton()) {

Now for each sub system, first is our intake, if we pressing R1 we run the intake, if we are pressing R2 we run the intake backwards, if we aren't pressing anything then we stop the intake

If we didn't have the auton check and ran the auton with our custom auton runner the intake would stop if we turned it on via an auton

if (masterController.get_digital(pros::controller_digital_e_t::E_CONTROLLER_DIGITAL_R1)) {
} else if (masterController.get_digital(pros::controller_digital_e_t::E_CONTROLLER_DIGITAL_R2)) {
} else {

Next is our grabGrab or the clamp, first we check if we pressed L1 if we did we trigger the clamp, if we press L2 we disable the clamp, this is done using set_value on the goalGrab varible

if (masterController.get_digital_new_press(pros::controller_digital_e_t::E_CONTROLLER_DIGITAL_L1)) {
} else if (masterController.get_digital_new_press(pros::controller_digital_e_t::E_CONTROLLER_DIGITAL_L2)) {

Last is our sweeper, its almost the same as our clamp just differnt buttons, LEFT turns on the sweeper, DOWN turns off the sweeper

if (masterController.get_digital_new_press(pros::controller_digital_e_t::E_CONTROLLER_DIGITAL_LEFT)) {
} else if (masterController.get_digital_new_press(pros::controller_digital_e_t::E_CONTROLLER_DIGITAL_DOWN)) {

If we put this all together then we get this

void controllerButtons() {
    while (true) {
        if (isRunningAuton()) { // Disable buttons if we are running auton

        if (masterController.get_digital(pros::controller_digital_e_t::E_CONTROLLER_DIGITAL_R1)) {
        } else if (masterController.get_digital(pros::controller_digital_e_t::E_CONTROLLER_DIGITAL_R2)) {
        } else {

        if (masterController.get_digital_new_press(pros::controller_digital_e_t::E_CONTROLLER_DIGITAL_L1)) {
        } else if (masterController.get_digital_new_press(pros::controller_digital_e_t::E_CONTROLLER_DIGITAL_L2)) {

        if (masterController.get_digital_new_press(pros::controller_digital_e_t::E_CONTROLLER_DIGITAL_LEFT)) {
        } else if (masterController.get_digital_new_press(pros::controller_digital_e_t::E_CONTROLLER_DIGITAL_DOWN)) {



Now for our controllerButtons2 function

void controllerButtons2() {}

This starts the same as controllerButtons, we make a while (true){} loop and check if auton is running

while (true) {
  if (isRunningAuton()) { // Disable buttons if we are running auton

Next we have the buttons them selfs, if we press UP we set the PID target to be 3100 and then wait for the PID to be done, for PID we don't use desimles so its added to the end of the number, so 10.00 degress would be 1000

This sets our twoBar into the loading mode so we can load a ring into it.

if (masterController.get_digital_new_press(pros::controller_digital_e_t::E_CONTROLLER_DIGITAL_UP)) {

Next is the RIGHT button, this button scores the ring onto the wall stake, we set the PID to 13500 and then wait for the PID to be done

if (masterController.get_digital_new_press(pros::controller_digital_e_t::E_CONTROLLER_DIGITAL_RIGHT)) {

If we put this together we get

void controllerButtons2() {
  while (true) {
    if (isRunningAuton()) { // Disable buttons if we are running auton

    if (masterController.get_digital_new_press(pros::controller_digital_e_t::E_CONTROLLER_DIGITAL_UP)) {

    if (masterController.get_digital_new_press(pros::controller_digital_e_t::E_CONTROLLER_DIGITAL_RIGHT)) {




Ok great! We can load and score using our two bar, but how do we put the two bar back down? This is done using lift_task

void lift_task() {}

This is what moves the two bar and it also allows us to put the two bar back down, we do both of these in the same function for safey.

First we run all the code in a while (true) {} loop so its always running Next we get the angle of the two bar using the roatioal sensor

int angle = getAngle();

Now we have the angle of the two bar, now we check if we are pressing B, this is how we put the two bar back down

if (masterController.get_digital(pros::controller_digital_e_t::E_CONTROLLER_DIGITAL_B)) {}

next we check if we are under 10 degress, at 10 degress the two bar is down and if we keep trying to put it down it will cause it to click, if we are then we tell the two bar to go backwards

if (angle > 1000) {

Now we set the angle of the two bar PID to the new two bar angle, we also set quitTask to true this is used in lift_wait

angle = getAngle();
quitTask = true;

If we didn't do this then the PID would just put the two bar back to the postion it was told to go and it won't stay down.

Now what do we do if we arne't pressing B? We do the PID calculations

int wantSpeed = liftPID.compute(angle);

If we put this all together we get

void lift_task() {
  while (true) {
    int angle = getAngle();
    if (masterController.get_digital(pros::controller_digital_e_t::E_CONTROLLER_DIGITAL_B)) {
      if (angle > 1000) {
       angle = getAngle();
       quitTask = true;
    } else {
      int wantSpeed = liftPID.compute(angle);


Next is our getAngle function

int getAngle(){}

Now we get the angle the ratioal snesor is outputting

int angle = twoBarRot.get_position();

Due to the rotation sensor being hyper acturate, it might look like 0 degress but it might be at 359.89, this function sets a reset point angle, if we are past the reset point then we set the angle to 0

if (angle > resetValue) angle = 0;
return angle;

This looks like

int getAngle(){
  int angle = twoBarRot.get_position();
  if (angle > resetValue) angle = 0;
  return angle;


Now for lift_wait, this function will WAIT untill the PID is done running

void lift_wait() {}

Now we make a while loop based off getting the PID status

while (liftPID.exit_condition({twoBar}, true) == ez::RUNNING) {}

Now we do a check to see if we need to stop waitting by doing

if (quitTask) return;

If we put this together we get

void lift_wait() {
  while (liftPID.exit_condition({twoBar}, true) == ez::RUNNING) {
    if (quitTask) return;


In this file we also define our drive, motors, pistons and our limit switch

We do that like so

// Drive setup, LEFT motors, RIGHT motors,  IMU  WheelSize, Drive Speed
ez::Drive chassis({-16,17,-19}, {-13,14,15}, 20, 2.75, 450);

// Controller setup
pros::Controller masterController(CONTROLLER_MASTER);

// Motors
pros::Motor intakeMotor(4, pros::v5::MotorGear::blue, pros::v5::MotorUnits::degrees);
pros::Motor twoBar(-6, pros::v5::MotorGear::red, pros::v5::MotorUnits::degrees);

// Rations
pros::Rotation twoBarRot(1);

// 3 Wire ports
pros::adi::DigitalOut goalGrab('A');
pros::adi::DigitalOut ringGrab('H');
pros::adi::DigitalIn autonButton('C');

// PID
ez::PID liftPID(0.45, 0, 0, 0, "Lift");


Now for autons.cpp this file is for our autons! It mainly holds some helper functions for a_blue.cpp, a_red.cpp and a_skills.cpp


default_constants sets our PID constants for actions

void auton::default_constants() {
  chassis.pid_heading_constants_set(11, 0, 20);
  chassis.pid_drive_constants_set(20, 0, 100);
  chassis.pid_turn_constants_set(3, 0.05, 20, 15);
  chassis.pid_swing_constants_set(6, 0, 65);

  chassis.pid_turn_exit_condition_set(80_ms, 3_deg, 250_ms, 7_deg, 200_ms, 200_ms);
  chassis.pid_swing_exit_condition_set(80_ms, 3_deg, 250_ms, 7_deg, 500_ms, 500_ms);
  chassis.pid_drive_exit_condition_set(80_ms, 1_in, 250_ms, 3_in, 500_ms, 500_ms);


  chassis.slew_drive_constants_set(7_in, 80);

turn and swing

Some helpers are turn and swing, they help us flip our autons easily

void auton::turn(bool flipped, int degrees) {
  if (flipped) degrees = degrees * -1;
  chassis.pid_turn_set(degrees, TURN_SPEED);

void auton::swing(bool flipped, int degrees, int speed) {
  if (flipped) {
    chassis.pid_swing_set(ez::RIGHT_SWING, degrees * -1, SWING_SPEED, speed);
 } else {
    chassis.pid_swing_set(ez::LEFT_SWING, degrees, SWING_SPEED, speed);

intakeSpin and intakeBrake

We also have intakeSpin and intakeBrake This was used for when we had 2 motors for our intake, I kept it in because its faster to type rather then having to use .move

void auton::intakeSpin(int voltage) {

void auton::intakeBreak() {

Colored auton files

As for a_blue.cpp, a_red.cpp and a_skills.cpp, This has the real code that run during auton

Here is the basic layout we use for all those files:

#include "a_blue.hpp"

#include "autons.hpp"
#include "globals.hpp"

int B_DRIVE_SPEED = 115;
int B_TURN_SPEED = 90;
int B_SWING_SPEED = 90;

void auton::blue::pos() { }
void auton::blue::neg() { }
void auton::blue::neg_wp() { }
void auton::blue::neg_elim() { }

These functions are put in our createAutons function in utils.cpp and then called in the autonomous function in the main.cpp file that I talked about first.

One thing that helps use grab goals better is using pid_wait_util

chassis.pid_drive_set(-18, B_DRIVE_SPEED / 2);

This allows us to grab the goal while we are still moving, if we went to the goal and stopped we would hit the goal and this would cause the goal to be moved, so we drive into the goal and grab it and then come to a stop.

In skills we want to be fast but also grab the goal good, using pid_wait_until we are able to slow down before getting to the goal, this makes it so the goal doesn't go flying when we hit it.

chassis.pid_drive_set(-22_in, S_DRIVE_SPEED);

I even told one of our sister teams, 6627B about this and they love it! This is extermly helpful when grabbing goals and making fast autons!

Some PID functions we use alot:

pid_turn_set(x,y) - this sets the PID to turn to X at Y speed

pid_drive_set(x,y) - this sets the PID to go X inches and Y speed

pid_wait_until(x) - this runs the PID until we have X inches left

pid_wait - this fully runs out the PID currently set

The end!

That's it for how our code works! Thank you for taking the time to read this!


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