This repository contains example programs written in C++/CUDA and Python/Numba(CUDA) programming language. The examples demonstrate general purpose programming tasks utilizing CUDA enabled GPUs. The repository includes examples of:
- Vector addition (raw): This examples shows how to use C++/CUDA and python/Numba(CUDA) to perform mathematical operations on arrays. The code demonstrates how to create two arrays, add them together, and store the result in a third array. The code also includes comments to help explain each step
- Vector addition with Unified Memory & Vector addition with Perfecting: Shows, in C++/CUDA, how to avoid writing and copying to and from the gpu device by using "cudaMallocManaged" and one way to speedup calculations using "cudaMemPrefetchAsync".
- Matrix multiplication: This example shows how to use C++/CUDA and Python/Numba(CUDA) to perform matrix operations. The code demonstrates how to create two matrices, multiply them together, and store the result in a third matrix.
** More examples on the way **