Laravel File Explorer is a package for easy file management in Laravel apps, offering features like browsing, uploading, and deleting files.
- Frontend made with VueJS 3
- Light/dark mode toggle
- Utilizes Laravel Flysystem standards for file system operations
- Supports Local, FTP, S3, Dropbox, and other storage options
- Supports File System Operations:
- CURD operations files and directories
- Multi-upload functionality
- Download files
- Image preview
- Video player
- Audio player
- Code editor (Codemirror)
- Laravel events
Install Laravel File Explorer with composer
composer require alireza-moh/laravel-file-explorer
Publish configuration file
php artisan vendor:publish --tag=lfx.config
Download the frontend into your project
npm i laravel-file-explorer
Add the FileExplorer component to the vue app
import LaravelFileExplorer from "laravel-file-explorer";
import "laravel-file-explorer/dist/style.css";
Use the component inside your vue component
<LaravelFileExplorer :setting="{baseUrl: 'http://laravel-wrapper.localhost:8084/api/laravel-file-explorer/'}"/>
You may use the LaravelFileExplorerInModal component to display the File Explorer as a popup, which returns an array of the selected files
<LaravelFileExplorerInModal :setting="{baseUrl: 'http://laravel-wrapper.localhost:8084/api/laravel-file-explorer/'}"
The returned array is structured as follows:
diskName: "mobileTV",
parent: "iphone", //the directory where the file is located
name: "1000016101.jpg",
path: "iphone/1000016101.jpg",
type: "file",
size: 2318331,
formattedSize: "2.21 MB",
url: "",
extension: "jpg",
isChecked: true,
lastModified: "2024-08-06 11:27:34",
subDir: []
diskName: "mobileTV",
parent: "iphone", //the directory containing the file
name: "9ABUnSDn0obF94vBHi86kdT4yNJ4smoyaU3bYWM8.jpg",
path: "iphone/9ABUnSDn0obF94vBHi86kdT4yNJ4smoyaU3bYWM8.jpg",
type: "file",
size: 1701551,
formattedSize: "1.62 MB",
url: "",
extension: "jpg",
isChecked: true,
lastModified: "2024-08-05 19:32:33",
subDir: [] //if the directory contains subdirectories, they will also be included in the returned array
The Laravel File Explorer with ACL (Access Control List) lets you control what each user can do with files. You can give permissions to each user like creating, reading, updating, deleting, uploading, and downloading files.
Setup: ACL DOC
The Laravel Flysystem integration provides simple drivers for working with local filesystems, SFTP, and Amazon S3
Laravel Documentation: Doc
- For using Dropbox install the
via composer - For using AWS S3 install the
via composer - For using FTP install the
via composer - For using SFTP install the
via composer