Laravel File Explorer is a package for easy file management in Laravel apps, offering features like browsing, uploading, and deleting files.
- Frontend made with VueJS 3
- Light/dark mode toggle
- Utilizes Laravel Flysystem standards for file system operations
- Supports Local, FTP, S3, Dropbox, and other storage options
- Supports File System Operations:
- CURD operations files and directories
- Multi-upload functionality
- Download files
- Image preview
- Video player
- Audio player
- Code editor (Codemirror)
- Laravel events
Install Laravel File Explorer backend with composer
composer require alireza-moh/laravel-file-explorer
Publish configuration file
php artisan vendor:publish --tag=lfx.config
Download the frontend into your project
npm i laravel-file-explorer
Add the FileExplorer component to the vue app
import LaravelFileExplorer from "laravel-file-explorer";
import "laravel-file-explorer/dist/style.css";
Use the component inside your vue component
<LaravelFileExplorer :setting="{baseUrl: 'http://laravel-wrapper.localhost:8084/api/laravel-file-explorer/'}"/>
You may use the LaravelFileExplorerInModal component to display the File Explorer as a popup, which returns an array of the selected files
<LaravelFileExplorerInModal :setting="{baseUrl: 'http://laravel-wrapper.localhost:8084/api/laravel-file-explorer/'}"
The returned array is structured as follows:
diskName: "mobileTV",
parent: "iphone", //the directory where the file is located
name: "1000016101.jpg",
path: "iphone/1000016101.jpg",
type: "file",
size: 2318331,
formattedSize: "2.21 MB",
url: "",
extension: "jpg",
isChecked: true,
lastModified: "2024-08-06 11:27:34",
subDir: []
diskName: "mobileTV",
parent: "iphone", //the directory containing the file
name: "9ABUnSDn0obF94vBHi86kdT4yNJ4smoyaU3bYWM8.jpg",
path: "iphone/9ABUnSDn0obF94vBHi86kdT4yNJ4smoyaU3bYWM8.jpg",
type: "file",
size: 1701551,
formattedSize: "1.62 MB",
url: "",
extension: "jpg",
isChecked: true,
lastModified: "2024-08-05 19:32:33",
subDir: [] //if the directory contains subdirectories, they will also be included in the returned array