Dazzler is a Python (>=3.6) async web framework. Create dazzling fast pages with a layout of python components and bindings to update from the backend.
Install with pip: $ pip install dazzler
- Fast WebSocket based communication, deliver updates in realtime to thousands of connected clients at once.
- Lightweight bundles for fast initial page load.
- Support for third party integrations via middlewares.
- Session & authentication systems.
- No HTML/CSS/JS knowledge required, write everything with Python.
- Multi page based.
- Hot reload.
- Tons of components.
Create a page with a layout and assign a binding to set the output component children when clicked on.
from dazzler import Dazzler
from dazzler.system import Page, Trigger, BindingContext
from dazzler.components import core
app = Dazzler(__name__)
page = Page(
core.Html('H2', 'My dazzler page'),
core.Input(identity='input', placeholder='Enter name'),
core.Button('Click me', identity='click-me'),
@page.bind(Trigger('click-me', 'clicks'))
async def on_click(context: BindingContext):
name = await context.get_aspect('input', 'value')
await context.set_aspect(
'output', children=f'Hello {name}'
if __name__ == '__main__':
Full documentation hosted on readthedocs.
Get help for the command line tools: $ dazzler --help