There are currently the following templates:
- MongoDB 8.0.4
- SQL Server 2017 Express
- SQL Server 2019 Express
- SQL Server 2022 Express
- MySQL Server 5.7
- MySQL Server 5.7.42
- MySQL Server 8.0
- MySQL Server 8.0.34
- Postgres 9.6
- Postgres 13.1
- Postgres 16
- Postgres 16 Web Admin
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The docker-lan network (bridge type) was created with the command:
docker network create --driver=bridge --subnet= docker-lan
Before starting the postgres admin docker (the configuration is located in the Postgres-16_PostgresAdmin folder), you need to run this command:
chown -R 5050:5050 /docker/storage/storage-postgres-adm/
It is recommended to change the USERNAME, PASSWORD and DATABASE NAME
CREATE USER user_kong WITH PASSWORD 'pass_kong1!'; CREATE DATABASE db_kong OWNER user_kong;
It is recommended to change the USERNAME, PASSWORD and DATABASE NAME
CREATE USER user_konga WITH PASSWORD 'pass_konga1!'; CREATE DATABASE db_konga OWNER user_konga;
Before starting the related Kong and Konga dockers, modify the USERNAME, PASSWORD and DATABASE NAME indicated in the relevant dockers and compose with the same data used in the commands previously used to create USER and DATABASE.
Also change the IP-SERVER-DOCKER parameter by replacing it with the ip address of the server hosting the dockers.
The dockers kong-migration and konga-migration, present in the docker compose of Kong and Konga, are used only for the first time to create the database structures for the corresponding services.