This is a project to manage my movies. It shows howto use Angular with Spring Boot 3 and Jpa. For development it uses a H2 database. For persistent data it uses Postgresql. The databases are initialized and updated with Liquibase. For fulltext search in actor biographies and movie overviews Hibernate Search is used.
Author: Sven Loesekann
Technologies: Angular, Angular-Cli, Ng-Bootstrap, Typescript, Spring Boot, H2, Postgresql, Liquibase, Jpa, Maven, Java, Hibernate Search
- A simple Transactional Outbox Pattern implementation with Spring
- Using KRaft Kafka for development and Kubernetes deployment
- An advanced complex datamigration solution
- The MovieManager project has 3 Test Types
- Spring Boot 3 update experience
- An Angular Autocomplete From UI to DB
- Advanced Kubernetes setup for Spring Boot App with Postgresql DB
- Scalable Jwt Token Revokation in Spring Boot
- Advanced Filtering and Fulltextsearch using Hibernate Search with Angular/Spring Boot
- It imports movie data from the movie database. The imported movies can be searched by movie title and Genere.
- The actors can be searched by actor name.
- The project manages its users with a login/signin and can import different movies for different users.
- The loggedout/revoked tokens are checked now.
- The movie overviews and actor bios are indexed for fulltext search with searchterms.
- The ngx-simple-charts library entry point 'base-services' is used for the Jwt token handling.
The project serves as example for the integration of Angular, Spring Boot with Jpa and relational databases in clean architecture. The Angular frontend uses the Ng-Bootstrap components and the 'ngx-simple-charts' library with its entry point for Jwt token handling. The backend manages/initialzies the H2/Postgresql databases with Liquibase. The data access is done with Jpa and Spring Repositories. Actor bios and Movie overviews are indexed and searched with Hibernate Search. The movies are imported with Spring WebClient. The architecture is checked with ArchUnit in a test. The security setup is done with Spring Security and Jwt Tokens, that are locked after logout. Test examples for the controllers/services/repositories.
The project has a System Context Diagram, a Container Diagram and a Component Diagram. The Diagrams have been created with Structurizr. The file contains the commands to use Structurizr and the directory structurizr contains the dsl file.
In the file are the commands to pull and run Postgresql in a Docker image locally. To build a Jar with Postgresql setup build it with 'mvnw clean install -Ddocker=true'. In Eclipse the maven profile 'standalone-postgresql' has to be activated and a run/debug configuration with the VM parameter '' has to started. The database will be initialized by Liquibase. The Liquibase scripts are setup with preconditions that the tables/sequences/indexes are only created if they do not exist.
In the helm directory is a kubernetes setup to run the moviemanager project with minikube. The Helm chart deployes the postgres database and the moviemanager with the needed parameters(SpringProfile is in values.yaml) to run. It uses the resource limit support of Jdk 16 to limit memory. Kubernetes limits the cpu use and uses the startupprobes and livenessprobes that Spring Actuator provides.
To import movies a key needs to be provided at signin. To get such a key according to this Faq
Hibernate Search recreates the indexes for the movie overviews and actor bios at startup, if the amount of movies or actors has changed. The indexes are used to support search terms in the indexed texts.
It is test data provided for the User 'John' and the Password 'Doe'. Then a movie with an actor is available for testing. The login data is also needed for the /h2-console.
The Spring Actuator interface with Prometheus interface can be used as it is described in this article:
Monitoring Spring Boot with Prometheus and Grafana
To test the setup the application has to be started and the Docker Images for Prometheus and Grafana have to be started and configured. The scripts '' and '' can be used as a starting point.
Postgresql 13.x or newer.
Eclipse IDE for Enterprise Java and Web Developers newest version.
Java 21 or newer
Maven 3.9.5 or newer.
Nodejs 18.13.x or newer
Npm 8.19.x or newer
Angular Cli 17 or newer.