-Tells your computer what to do
Commands -ls --> lists out the command of the current directory(folder) -cd -->changes the directory that your in
.. --> goes up one directory
/ --> separates navigating multiple directories
mkdir --> creates a new directory
touch --> creates a new file
mv and rm --> moves a directory and rm is removing a directory (use the explorer bar instead if not using often) (might remove to many directories/files)
code [directory name] --> opens VS code at the specified director
. --> refers to the current directory
&& --> do one command after another finishes
- Extentions of a command
- Example: Is -a (shows all the files and directories in the current folder)
- Git --> version control system using git commands that keep track of the history of files
- Github --> place to store your pojects (repository)
git commands
git init --> allows a project to use git commands
git status --> Shows what has been added/changed/deleted since the last commit
git add [file names] --> moves the files/folders from the working directory area to the staging area
git commit --> takes everything from the staging area and makes it permanent * mostly permanent
-m "message" --> shortcut for writing a message on your commit
git remote --> another location
add --> add connection
nickname --> name of the connection (most commonly origin)
location --> Where is the actual connection
git branch --> tells us which branch were on
git branch -m [branch name]--> renames the main branch to the brance name specified
git push --> send your code somewhere
nickname --> nickname of the place that you want to send your
branch name --> which branch you want to push
3 stages
- working directory (red)
- staging area (green)
- project