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Create empty committ.yml #7

Create empty committ.yml

Create empty committ.yml #7

Workflow file for this run

# This is a basic workflow that is manually triggered
name: Manual workflow
# Controls when the action will run. Workflow runs when manually triggered using the UI
# or API.
# Inputs the workflow accepts.
# Friendly description to be shown in the UI instead of 'name'
description: 'Person to greet'
# Default value if no value is explicitly provided
default: 'World'
# Input has to be provided for the workflow to run
required: true
# The data type of the input
type: string
# A workflow run is made up of one or more jobs that can run sequentially or in parallel
# This workflow contains a single job called "greet"
# The type of runner that the job will run on
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
# Steps represent a sequence of tasks that will be executed as part of the job
# Runs a single command using the runners shell
- name: Send greeting
run: echo "Hello ${{ }}"- name: Setup .NET Core SDK

Check failure on line 32 in .github/workflows/manual.yml

View workflow run for this annotation

GitHub Actions / .github/workflows/manual.yml

Invalid workflow file

You have an error in your yaml syntax on line 32
uses: actions/[email protected]
# Optional SDK version(s) to use. If not provided, will install global.json version when available. Examples: 2.2.104, 3.1, 3.1.x, 3.x, 6.0.2xx
dotnet-version: # optional
# Optional quality of the build. The possible values are: daily, signed, validated, preview, ga.
dotnet-quality: # optional
# Optional global.json location, if your global.json isn't located in the root of the repo.
global-json-file: # optional
# Optional package source for which to set up authentication. Will consult any existing NuGet.config in the root of the repo and provide a temporary NuGet.config using the NUGET_AUTH_TOKEN environment variable as a ClearTextPassword
source-url: # optional
# Optional OWNER for using packages from GitHub Package Registry organizations/users other than the current repository's owner. Only used if a GPR URL is also provided in source-url
owner: # optional
# Optional NuGet.config location, if your NuGet.config isn't located in the root of the repo.
config-file: # optional
# Optional input to enable caching of the NuGet global-packages folder
cache: # optional
# Used to specify the path to a dependency file: packages.lock.json. Supports wildcards or a list of file names for caching multiple dependencies.
cache-dependency-path: # optional
name: learn-github-actions
run-name: ${{ }} is learning GitHub Actions
on: [push]
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
- uses: actions/checkout@v4
- uses: actions/setup-node@v3
node-version: '14'
- run: npm install -g bats
- run: bats -v
- name: Cache
uses: actions/[email protected]
# A list of files, directories, and wildcard patterns to cache and restore
# An explicit key for restoring and saving the cache
# An ordered list of keys to use for restoring stale cache if no cache hit occurred for key. Note `cache-hit` returns false in this case.
restore-keys: # optional
# The chunk size used to split up large files during upload, in bytes
upload-chunk-size: # optional
# An optional boolean when enabled, allows windows runners to save or restore caches that can be restored or saved respectively on other platforms
enableCrossOsArchive: # optional, default is false
# Fail the workflow if cache entry is not found
fail-on-cache-miss: # optional, default is false
# Check if a cache entry exists for the given input(s) (key, restore-keys) without downloading the cache
lookup-only: # optional, default is false