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SAMM Self Assessment

So what is the Samm Self Assessment tool?

The Samm Self Assessment tool is an implementation of the OpenSAMM ( process wrapped together into a little Rails application. Its aim is to simplify the measurement of your organisation against OpenSAMM, and to assist in the construction of a roadmap, and subsequent tracking of progress down that roadmap.

Why would you build this?

Well, simply put, we think that OpenSAMM is a great process to help organisations measure the maturity of security within their software development lifecycle. Plus, we wanted something lightweight that could be stood up on a standalone desktop (with Rails), or even hosted on the Internet (Heroku/EC2/etc)

Okay, so why would I measure software security maturity?

Without this measurement trying to improve the state of security within your software development lifecycle is going to be difficult. As they say: You can’t manage what you can’t measure.

Install Instructions

(This is a fairly standard Rails app, so, these instructions are somewhat generic)

1. Install Ruby 1.9.3 (I use RVM -

2. Clone this repo:

$ git clone

3. Change into the ssa directory (RVM may warn if you want to trust the rvmrc file, this sets a new gemset for ‘ssa’)

$ cd ssa

4. Install dependencies with bundler, if you don’t have bundler ‘gem install bundler’ it

$ bundle

5. Copy the example DB config file (and edit it if you wish)

$ cp config/database.yml.example config/database.yml

6. Run the database migrations

$ rake db:migrate

7. Create the secret_token.rb file in ‘config/initializers’

$ vi config/initializers/secret_token.rb

8. Enter the following into the file

Ssa::Application.config.secret_token = "<RANDOM TOKEN>"

9. Rake can be used to generate a random value for you if you wish

$ rake secret

10. By default, registering a new account will require email validation, so update ‘config/initializers/mail.rb’ with appropriate settings.

11. Update ‘config/initializers/devise.rb’ with an appropriate ‘from’ email address

12. If you don’t want users to have to validate their emails, update ‘app/models/user.rb’ and remove the ‘:confirmable’ option.

13. Start up the local server

$ rails s

Thanks and things we couldn’t have built this without