Drag & drop in Figma to create a Python GUI with ease
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- Why and how?
- App Preview
- Features
- Made with TkForge
- Usage Guide
- Available names
- Names that have unique features
- CLI Usage Guide
- Add CLI exe to environment variables in Windows
Something like this has already been done by ParthJadhav with Tkinter Designer but I liked the concept and wanted to make something similar if not better from scratch. TkForge interacts with the Figma API to get the details of the file and turns that into code.
- Super easy to use
- Drag and drop GUI maker
- Support for placeholder text
- Support for more than one frame
- Automatically sets foreground to either black or white depending on the background (not always accurate)
- Image hashing
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First, you need to download the executable from the releases page. Next, you need to create a Figma token and copy the url of your project. Then, open the app and paste the token and url of your project into the app and click the button to start the magic! 🪄
Make sure your Figma project uses frames. TkForge turns the content inside frames into working GUI's and ignores anything that is not in a frame.
In the Figma project, make sure to add proper names for all of your elements.
Name | Tkinter Element | 2nd Argument (text after space) |
text (you can also name it anything) |
canvas text | - |
button |
button | - |
image |
canvas image | image file name |
textbox |
entry | placeholder text |
textarea |
text | placeholder text |
spinbox |
spinbox | - |
rectangle |
canvas rectangle | - |
circle |
canvas circle | - |
oval |
canvas oval | - |
line |
canvas line | - |
label |
label | - |
scale |
scale | FROM TO ORIENT |
listbox (Read below before using) |
listbox | - |
If any element starts with these names then it will be considered as that Tkinter element. For example; rectangle 1
, rectangle
, Rectangle
, RecTanGle 69
will all be considered as a rectangle. The capitalization does not matter.
You can use label instead of text if you want to change that text later on.
You can set a name for the image file like this image myImage
. The image will be created with the name myImage.png
Oval and circle act in the same way so you can use either one of those.
Stroke color and stroke width are supported that means if you add a stroke to them in Figma, they will appear with that stroke and stroke width in the Tkinter design as well.
To add placeholder text, simply include it after the element name and a space. For instance, textbox Hello world
or textarea Hello world
. To set the placeholder text color, add placeholder_fg="color_here"
. Example:
textbox_1 = TkForge_Entry(
placeholder="Code Example",
Use textbox_1.is_placeholder(False)
to ensure inserted text doesn't inherit the placeholder color. Retrieve the placeholder text with textbox_1.get_placeholder()
. Placeholder text may require additional handling for various situations.
For the from, to and orient values of the scale element you can put them after the name one after the other separated by spaces. For example; if I want a scale that has from=10, to=50 and orient=HORIZONTAL then I can do scale 10 50
or scale 10 50 HORIZONTAL
and if I want orient=VERTICAL then scale 10 50 VERTICAL
It's recommended to avoid using listbox
as it distorts height and width by a few pixels. Figma units don't work properly so I had to divide them by specific numbers to approximate the Figma look.
If you want to run it from the Python file then use python YOUR_ARGUMENTS_HERE
You can use tkforge --help
to get the help command. If you're using the Python file, use python --help
You may need to use ./tkforge.exe
or something similar if you haven't added the CLI executable to the environment variables.
Here are some example usages:
tkforge --id "my_id" --token "my_token" --out ./app
You can use any one of the command below if you want the output to be in the current directory:
tkforge --id "my_id" --token "my_token"
tkforge --id "my_id" --token "my_token" --out .
tkforge "my_id" "my_token" output_path
You can use any one of the command below if you want the output to be in the current directory:
tkforge "my_id" "my_token"
tkforge "my_id" "my_token" .