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PHP >= 7.4.0


The preferred way to install this extension is through composer.

Either run

composer require beter/exception-with-context

or add

"beter/exception-with-context": "~1.0.0"  // put the actual version

to the require section of your composer.json.


Usage of the ExceptionWithContext:

use Beter\ExceptionWithContext\ExceptionWithContext;

$exceptionCode = 0;
$previousException = null;
$context = [
    'userIp' => '',
    'userId' => 1,
    'request' => [
        'headers' => [ /* put headers data, for example */ ]

$e = new ExceptionWithContext('Action is not allowed for the user', $exceptionCode, $previousException, $context);

// or you may not to pass the context

$e = new ExceptionWithContext('Action is not allowed for the user', $exceptionCode, $previousException);

// or even skip $exceptionCode and $previousException

$e = new ExceptionWithContext('Action is not allowed for the user');

// or set context via setContext method call
$e = new ExceptionWithContext('Action is not allowed for the user');

// and get context back

You may create a chain of exceptions too:

use Beter\ExceptionWithContext\ExceptionWithContext;

try {
} catch (\Throwable $catched) {
    $e = new ExceptionWithContext('Something went wrong', 0, $catched, ['key' => 'value']);

You may redefine your base exceptions and add context trait to them. They will behave the same way.

use Beter\ExceptionWithContext\ExceptionWithContextInterface;
use Beter\ExceptionWithContext\ExceptionWithContextTrait;

class CustomException extends \Exception implements ExceptionWithContextInterface
    use ExceptionWithContextTrait;

    public function __construct($message = "", $code = 0, Throwable $previous = null, array $context = [])
        $this->context = $context;

        parent::__construct($message, $code, $previous);

$e = new CustomException('Message text', 0, null, ['key' => 'value']);
$e->setContext(['newkey' => 'newvalue']);

Also, you may implement your own custom exceptions, you even don't need to use traits. Just implement Beter\Exception\ExceptionWithContextInterface.

Ideas for usage

  • add context to log messages;
  • protect from flooding exception message with placeholded values right into the message;
  • pass more data to sentry/logentries/datadog/newrelic and so on.

You need to implement that support by yourself. There are only ideas.

Development and testing

Follow the development and testing doc.

Related projects

These projects use beter/exception-with-context: