PHP >= 7.4.0
The preferred way to install this extension is through composer.
Either run
composer require beter/exception-with-context
or add
"beter/exception-with-context": "~1.0.0" // put the actual version
to the require
section of your composer.json.
Usage of the ExceptionWithContext
use Beter\ExceptionWithContext\ExceptionWithContext;
$exceptionCode = 0;
$previousException = null;
$context = [
'userIp' => '',
'userId' => 1,
'request' => [
'headers' => [ /* put headers data, for example */ ]
$e = new ExceptionWithContext('Action is not allowed for the user', $exceptionCode, $previousException, $context);
// or you may not to pass the context
$e = new ExceptionWithContext('Action is not allowed for the user', $exceptionCode, $previousException);
// or even skip $exceptionCode and $previousException
$e = new ExceptionWithContext('Action is not allowed for the user');
// or set context via setContext method call
$e = new ExceptionWithContext('Action is not allowed for the user');
// and get context back
You may create a chain of exceptions too:
use Beter\ExceptionWithContext\ExceptionWithContext;
try {
} catch (\Throwable $catched) {
$e = new ExceptionWithContext('Something went wrong', 0, $catched, ['key' => 'value']);
You may redefine your base exceptions and add context trait to them. They will behave the same way.
use Beter\ExceptionWithContext\ExceptionWithContextInterface;
use Beter\ExceptionWithContext\ExceptionWithContextTrait;
class CustomException extends \Exception implements ExceptionWithContextInterface
use ExceptionWithContextTrait;
public function __construct($message = "", $code = 0, Throwable $previous = null, array $context = [])
$this->context = $context;
parent::__construct($message, $code, $previous);
$e = new CustomException('Message text', 0, null, ['key' => 'value']);
$e->setContext(['newkey' => 'newvalue']);
Also, you may implement your own custom exceptions, you even don't need to use traits.
Just implement Beter\Exception\ExceptionWithContextInterface
- add context to log messages;
- protect from flooding exception message with placeholded values right into the message;
- pass more data to sentry/logentries/datadog/newrelic and so on.
You need to implement that support by yourself. There are only ideas.
Follow the development and testing doc.
These projects use beter/exception-with-context
- Bulletproof logging for yii2 projects - BETER-CO/yii2-beter-logging
- Yii2 component to generate log entries with a context for the request and response events for the CLI and WEB - BETER-CO/yii2-log-request-response