This is an addon for the SimplePets v5 plugin.
This addon was not 100% tested but from code testing SHOULD work fine... (I hope...)
- WorldBorder Plugin
(At least v2.1.4)
# What should the bypass permission be set to?
bypass-permission: pet.worldborder.bypass
# Should the addon check when a pet is spawned?
enabled: true
# This message is only visible when you hover over the 'pet failed to spawn' message
# You can make this blank or 'null' if you want no message
reason: '&cYour pet is not able to be spawned in this area'
# Should the addon check when the player mounts the pet?
enabled: true
# Should the pet be removed or should it just be canceled?
remove-pet: true
# Should the addon check when a pet moves?
enabled: true
# Should the pet be removed or should it just be canceled?
remove-pet: true
# Should the addon check when the pets owner is riding it?
enabled: true
# Should the pet be removed or should it just be canceled?
remove-pet: true
# Should the player be dismounted (if remove-pet is set to true this is ignored)?
dismount: true