OS | Node |
Windows 2019 | 18, 20, 22 |
Windows 2022 | 18, 20, 22 |
Ubuntu 22.04 | 18, 20, 22 |
Ubuntu 24.04 | 18, 20, 22 |
npm install bandwidth-sdk
- Install Prism
npm install -g @stoplight/prism-cli
- Start Prism Mock Server with the OpenAPI Spec
prism mock bandwidth.yml
- Run Tests
npm run test-unit
This generator creates TypeScript/JavaScript client that utilizes axios. The generated Node module can be used in the following environments:
- Node.js
- Webpack
- Browserify
Language level
- ES5 - you must have a Promises/A+ library installed
- ES6
Module system
- CommonJS
- ES6 module system
It can be used in both TypeScript and JavaScript. In TypeScript, the definition should be automatically resolved via package.json
. (Reference)
To build and compile the typescript sources to javascript use:
npm install
npm run build
First build the package then run npm publish
navigate to the folder of your consuming project and run one of the following commands.
npm install bandwidth-sdk --save
unPublished (not recommended):
npm install PATH_TO_GENERATED_PACKAGE --save
The following is a simple example of how to use this module:
import { CallsApi, Configuration } from 'bandwidth-sdk';
const config = new Configuration({
username: BW_USERNAME,
password: BW_PASSWORD
const callsApi = new CallsApi(config);
const body = {
await callsApi.createCall(BW_ACCOUNT_ID, body);
More samples can be found in the Bandwidth Samples GitHub Organization.