This project is a web-based application developed using the Laravel framework. It is designed to manage and generate invoices. With a user-friendly interface and robust backend, it simplifies the process of invoice management for businesses and freelancers.
Use the command git clone
in your terminal.
Use the command cd repository, replacing repository with the name of the Laravel project you just cloned.
Run the command composer install
in your terminal.
This will install all the necessary PHP dependencies for the Laravel project.
Laravel uses the .env file to handle configuration. You can create your own .env file by copying the provided .env.example file using the command cp .env.example .env
Laravel requires an app key for all projects.
You can generate this key by running the command php artisan key:generate
If the Laravel project uses a database, you’ll need to run migrations using the command php artisan migrate
Make sure to update the .env file with your database information before running this command.
Finally, you can start the Laravel server by running the command php artisan serve
By default, this will start the server on
👤 Ahmed Bdiwy
- Twitter: @ahmed_bdiwy_
- Github: @Bdiwy
- LinkedIn: @ahmed-bdiwy-a904231bb
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