In this web app created advanced layout using Css. Final result demonstration
This web App create used HTML + Sass syntactically awesome style sheets which would be converted to pure css file which then would be used to styling page components on its places. THis oparation done by Node-Sass complier but in order to see the project it is enoght to open index.html file.
- Html
- Css
- Sass
- Npm
Deployed on GitHub Pages
In order to start this project, you will need:
- Get a copy of this project this repository :tour-agency:
Once you have cloned this project
- Go to folder project - $ cd ./tour-agency
- Look for the
file and open in your browser - $ cd ./index.html - In order to make a changes to the project take a look How to Use Section
Features I am going to add to this app:
- Move from HTML and vanilla CSS to React framework
Design inspired by Jonas Schmedtmann on Behance
To clone and run this application, you'll need Git and npm installed on your computer. From your command line:
# Clone this repository
$ git clone
# Go into the repository
$ cd tour-agency
# Install dependency
$ npm install
# Run Compiler
$ npm run compile
# Install live-server globaly
$ sudo npm install -g live-server
# Run Live-Server
$ live-server
# Build Ready Code
$ npm run build
## You are good to go to modify the files and all changes would be render to Go to that link to see changes.
## To Understand more take a look File Structure section
# Entry point
$ cd ./tour-agency/index.html
# Sass files
$ cd tour-agency/sass
# Assets
$ cd ./tour-agency/img
# Compiled css
$ cd ./tour-agency/css
# Npm Documentation
$ cd ./tour-agency/package.json
👤 Bekhzod Akhrorov
- Github:@Bekhzod96
- Twitter: @Begzod
- Linkedin:@Bekhzod AKhrorov
Contributions, issues, and feature requests are welcome!
If you got until here, show your love hitting the ⭐️ button, I'd really appreciate it.
This project is MIT licensed.