Building of a community website themed around snowboard tricks using Symfony framework. You can add description, pictures, video urls to create a wiki-like article and talk about them with other riders !
This site is to used in a WAMP environement, you can use LAMP or XAMP and adapt the settings needed.
- First fork the repository or download it from this page.
- Now download Composer if it's not already on your machine. It will be needed to manage libraries.
- Scoop is a command line installer for Windows used to install Node.js using the command
scoop install node.js
, to manage assets. - Then in .env put the DBMS settings you use, and the mailer you prefer to use.
- Install Symfony CLI if you don't have it already installed.
- Then run this to install all dependencies of the project
composer install
- Create a new database using the DATABASE_URL in .env in a terminal with :
php bin/console doctrine:database:create
- Generate the database schema :
php bin/console doctrine:schema:update --force
- and run this command to load the initial data fixtures :
php bin/console doctrine:fixtures:load
symfony server:start
Open a browser and go to localhost:8000 where the site should be displayed !
Created for the Openclassrooms PHP/Symfony apps developer training.