- Next.js for both the front end and back end (server actions)
- TypeScript for type safety
- Redux Toolkit for state management
- Neon PostgreSQL with Drizzle for the database and database management
- MUI Charts for charts and Shadcn/Tailwind for styling
- Zod and React Hook Form for form validation
- Clerk for authentication
- GSAP for animations
An advanced calendar (inspired by Google Calendar) with month/year views. It includes the ability to open a modal by clicking on a specific day, as well as the ability to select a month in the year view.
A dedicated History page displaying a full list of trades. It features advanced filtering based on instrument, timeframe, and column.
Thirteen charts that provide comprehensive statistics. Users can filter results based on the selected instrument.
I'm very happy with the landing page design and its mobile version. Every part of the landing page is interactive, providing a richer user experience. At the same time, I'm using Next.js SSG to make the page performant and keep load times short.
Please visit the website and try it out for yourself: Visit.