Welcome to the Web3Bridge Cohort XII training program! This repository is used for submitting tasks, tracking student progress, and grading assessments. Follow this guide to ensure a smooth contribution process.
Create a personal copy of this repository on your GitHub account.
- Visit the repository page: Web3bridge-Web3-Cohort-XII
- Click the "Fork" button at the top right of the page.
Download your forked repository to your local machine:
git clone https://github.com/<your_username>/Web3bridge-Web3-Cohort-XII
cd Web3bridge-Web3-Cohort-XII
Keep your fork updated with the latest changes from the main repository:
git remote add upstream https://github.com/Bloceducare/Web3bridge-Web3-Cohort-XII
git pull upstream master
git push origin master
Tasks are categorized by week and day. Navigate to the appropriate folder:
cd submissions/week-<week_number>/day-<day_number>
cd submissions/week-1/day-1
Each student should create a folder using their registered name and project name:
mkdir <your_name>-<project_name>
mkdir JohnDoe-Merkle-Tree
Place your task files inside your folder. Ensure proper documentation and organization.
Save your changes and push them to your forked repository:
git add .
git commit -m "Add Week <week_number> Day <day_number> task for <your_name> <project_name>"
git push origin main
git add .
git commit -m "Add Week 1 Day 1 task for JohnDoe Merkle Tree"
git push origin main
- Go to the original GitHub repository in your browser: Web3bridge-Web3-Cohort-XII.
- Click on the Pull Requests tab.
- Click New Pull Request and select "Compare across forks" if needed.
- Select your forked repository and branch as the source, and the master branch of the original repository as the destination.
- Provide a descriptive title and include details about your project in the description.
Example PR Title:
Add Week 1 Day 1 task for JohnDoe Merkle Tree
Mentors may leave comments or request changes. Make updates accordingly and push again.
- Ensure your project is complete, well-documented, and functional before submitting.
- Follow the repository's coding and folder structure guidelines.
- Create a new folder each week and place all files and assets related to that week's project in the folder.
- PRs should have meaningful descriptions.
- Regularly sync the repository to get the latest updates.
- If you encounter any issues, contact your training facilitator for help.
- Navigate to the tasks/week-<week_number>/ folder.
- Create a markdown file named
. - Provide clear instructions and expectations.
- Commit and push your changes.
git add tasks/week-1/Day-1-task.md
git commit -m "Add Week 1 Day 1 Merkle Tree Task"
git push origin main
Navigate to the submissions/week-<week_number>/ folder.
If a task is given for a specific day, create a corresponding day subfolder (
). -
Example: submissions/week-3/day-2/
Students will submit inside this subfolder using their Registered Name and Project Name as their personal directory.
Example: submissions/week-3/day-2/JohnDoe-Merkle-Tree/
- Check the Pull Requests (PRs) tab on GitHub.
- Open a PR and review the student’s work.
- Leave comments for corrections if needed.
- Approve the PR if it meets expectations.
- Merge the PR after approval.
Thank you for contributing to Web3Bridge Cohort XII! Happy coding!