Submission to [Harvard CS50s Intro to AI] (
- Week 1: Search
- Degrees: A program that determines how many “degrees of separation” apart two actors are, using IMDB statistics.
- Tictactoe: Using the Minimax Algorithm, a computer opponent was implemented to play Tic-Tac-Toe optimally
- Week 2: Knowledge
- Knights: A program to solve "knights" and "knaves" logic problems using propositional logic
- Minesweeper: A minesweeper solver that uses the game state to make correct decisions
- Week 3: Uncertainty
- PageRank: Pagerank algorithms using the Iterative Model and the Random Surfer Model
- Heredity: Assesses the likelihood that a person will have a particular genetic trait based on various characteristics
- Week 4: Optimization
- A program that generates random crossword puzzles
- Week 5: Learning
- Week 6: Neural Networks
- Week 7: Language