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Releases: Brayconn/CMPGenerator

Column Home

11 Mar 23:40
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Been a while since I touched this...

TSC can now be generated columns first, instead of just rows first
Maps actually update themselves when their tileset is changed
Tileset resolution can now be set to auto detect (making life in 2x and beyond easier)
A few other quality of life changes

The 0th version

24 Apr 05:27
Choose a tag to compare

...The name makes sense when you read the change log...
Maps and ranges can now be 0 (see?)
Locking the TSC Mode actually works properly now
Code cleanup

The actually fixed version

04 Mar 08:18
Choose a tag to compare

So it looks like the previous version probably didn't work as intended... This one does though.
Replaced some conditional operators. (Thank based rain)
Fixed a bug involving the new scroll bars.

The Hayden & Rain Fix Collection

01 Mar 08:18
Choose a tag to compare

Did some stuff at HaydenStudio's and Rain's suggestions.
Fixed the crash involving the "Apply TSC" menu. (Hayden)
Added keyboard zooming support. (Rain)
Refactored(?) the drawing code. (Me)

Initial Forum Release

27 Feb 05:40
Choose a tag to compare

First public release.
There was a "public" release on the CSMC, but that still was missing an icon, and had a dumb dll you had to keep in the exe's directory. Those have both been fixed in this release.