MorePersistentDataTypes is a tiny library that provides a ton of new PersistentDataTypes to use in conjunction with Bukkit's PersistentDataContainer. It also allows you to use any kind of Collection, Map or Array to store your data.
- Adds new PersistentDataTypes for ItemStacks, YamlConfigurations, UUIDs, Locations, and much more!
- Allows to use any kind of Collection, Map or Array as PersistentDataType!
- Of course also supports unlimited levels of nested Collections like
- See below for more information
- Of course also supports unlimited levels of nested Collections like
It is also possible to easily create your own PersistentDataTypes for your custom objects. When they already implement ConfigurationSerializable, it's only one line of code!
It also has the default data types built in, so you can access everything from one class. See at the bottom for a list of all new data types.
You want to save an ItemStack inside a PersistentDataContainer - normally you would have to serialize the ItemStack to a byte array first, or worse, to a base64 String. With MorePersistentDataTypes, you can simply do this:
pdc.set(someNamespacedKey, DataType.ITEM_STACK,myItemStack);
Furthermore, you can store EVERYTHING that implements ConfigurationSerializable using DataType.CONFIGURATION_SERIALIZABLE.
Using collections, arrays or maps is easy. There are predefined methods for certain collection and map types:
Map<String, ItemStack> map = pdc.get(someKey, DataType.asMap(DataType.STRING, DataType.ITEM_STACK));
If you want to use a special collection or map class that's not already included, simply pass a Supplier that returns an empty instance of your desired collection or map type. More information can be found in the Javadocs (see button at the top of this page).
TreeSet<Location> set = pdc.get(someKey, DataType.asGenericCollection(TreeSet::new, DataType.LOCATION));
For arrays, you should use the builtin default array DataType if one exists, for example DataType.STRING_ARRAY. If there is no already existing array DataType, like for UUIDs, you can use the DataType.asArray method:
PersistentDataType<?, UUID[]> uuidArrayDataType = DataType.asArray(new UUID[0], DataType.UUID);
repositories {
maven {
url = ''
dependencies {
implementation 'com.jeff_media:MorePersistentDataTypes:2.4.0'
plugins {
id 'java'
id "com.github.johnrengelman.shadow" version "7.1.1"
shadowJar {
relocate 'com.jeff_media.morepersistentdatatypes', 'YOUR.PACKAGE.morepersistentdatatypes'
Name | Saved as | Class |
BOOLEAN | byte | java.lang.Boolean |
BOOLEAN_ARRAY | byte[] | java.lang.Boolean[] |
CHARACTER | int | java.lang.Character |
CHARACTER_ARRAY | int[] | java.lang.Character[] |
DOUBLE_ARRAY | byte[] | java.lang.Double |
FLOAT_ARRAY | byte[] | java.lang.Float |
SHORT_ARRAY | byte[] | java.lang.Short |
STRING_ARRAY | byte[] | java.lang.String[] |
Name | Saved as | Note | Class |
ATTRIBUTE_MODIFIER | byte[] | org.bukkit.attribute.AttributeModifier | |
ATTRIBUTE_MODIFIER_ARRAY | byte[] | org.bukkit.attribute.AttributeModifier[] | |
BLOCK_DATA | String | | |
BLOCK_VECTOR | byte[] | org.bukkit.util.BlockVector | |
BLOCK_VECTOR_ARRAY | byte[] | org.bukkit.util.BlockVector[] | |
BOUNDING_BOX | byte[] | org.bukkit.util.BoundingBox | |
BOUNDING_BOX_ARRAY | byte[] | org.bukkit.util.BoundingBox[] | |
COLOR | byte[] | org.bukkit.Color | |
COLOR_ARRAY | byte[] | org.bukkit.Color[] | |
CONFIGURATION_SERIALIZABLE | byte[] | org.bukkit.configuration.serialization.ConfigurationSerializable | |
CONFIGURATION_SERIALIZABLE_ARRAY | byte[] | org.bukkit.configuration.serialization.ConfigurationSerializable[] | |
DATE | long | java.util.Date | |
FILE_CONFIGURATION | String | org.bukkit.configuration.file.FileConfiguration | |
FIREWORK_EFFECT | byte[] | org.bukkit.FireworkEffect | |
FIREWORK_EFFECT_ARRAY | byte[] | org.bukkit.FireworkEffect[] | |
ITEM_META | byte[] | org.bukkit.inventory.meta.ItemMeta | |
ITEM_META_ARRAY | byte[] | org.bukkit.inventory.meta.ItemMeta[] | |
ITEM_STACK | byte[] | org.bukkit.inventory.ItemStack | |
ITEM_STACK_ARRAY | byte[] | org.bukkit.inventory.ItemStack[] | |
LOCATION | byte[] | org.bukkit.Location | |
LOCATION_ARRAY | byte[] | org.bukkit.Location[] | |
OFFLINE_PLAYER | byte[] | org.bukkit.OfflinePlayer | |
OFFLINE_PLAYER_ARRAY | byte[] | org.bukkit.OfflinePlayer[] | |
PATTERN | byte[] | org.bukkit.block.banner.Pattern | |
PATTERN_ARRAY | byte[] | org.bukkit.block.banner.Pattern[] | |
PLAYER | byte[] | org.bukkit.entity.Player | |
PLAYER_ARRAY | byte[] | org.bukkit.entity.Player[] | |
PLAYER_PROFILE | byte[] | 1.18.1+ | org.bukkit.profile.PlayerProfile |
PLAYER_PROFILE_ARRAY | byte[] | 1.18.1+ | org.bukkit.profile.PlayerProfile[] |
POTION_EFFECT | byte[] | org.bukkit.potion.PotionEffect | |
POTION_EFFECT_ARRAY | byte[] | org.bukkit.potion.PotionEffect[] | |
UUID | byte[] | java.util.UUID | |
VECTOR | byte[] | org.bukkit.util.Vector | |
VECTOR_ARRAY | byte[] | org.bukkit.util.Vector[] |
When your custom Object already implements ConfigurationSerializable, it's even easier. Just look at the in the examples/ folder.
To make it storable in a PersistentDataContainer, this is all you need:
PersistentDataType<byte[],SerializablePerson> personType = new ConfigurationSerializableDataType<>(SerializablePerson.class);
You can also directly store arrays of your own ConfigurationSerializable objects:
PersistentDataType<byte[],SerializablePerson[]> personArrayType = new ConfigurationSerializableArrayDataType<>(SerializablePerson.class,SerializablePerson[].class);
You can also easily create own generic PersistentDataTypes by creating a new GenericDataType
instance. It expects 4
- The primitive type that's used to store the object
- The complex type / the class of which you want to store an instance of
- A method that converts your object into the primitive type
- A method that converts the primitive type into your object again
For example, this returns a PersistentDataType<Long,Date> that can save java.util.Date
objects inside a
PersistentDataType<Long, Date> dateType = new GenericDataType<>(Long.class,Date.class,Date::new,Date::getTime);
Building this requires Java 17.0.0 or higher. It can still be used by Java 8 or higher, though.
You can find the Javadocs here:
MorePersistentDataTypes goes perfectly well together with my CustomBlockData library, that provides a PersistentDataContainer for every block in your world - without any external storage needed!
Powerful UpdateChecker for your plugins, with only one line of code.
If you need help, feel free to join my Discord server and head to #programming-help:
If you are using this project in your paid plugins, or if you just want to buy me a coffee, I would be happy over a small donation :)