Library for converting roman numerals to arabic and vice versa.
Versions before 3.0.0
require java 8. Since 3.0.0
required java version is 17.
Current latest version - 3.7.0
Maven dependency:
All artefacts in maven central
Main class dealing with roman numerals is RomanInteger. It provides constants for basic numerals, used in roman system, public constructors, parsing methods, overrides for hashCode and equals, implementations of Comparable, Cloneable and Serializable. Comparable implementation is NOT consistent with equals.
Caching of parse results can be enabled/disabled, default state is disabled. Supports plugging in custom RomanIntegerCache implementations and caches initialized in advance.
Supports adding custom symbols for the next order of values, extending the supported range of roman numerals.
RomanInteger objects are immutable.
RomanInteger validObject = new RomanInteger("XV", "15");
RomanInteger validArabicParse = RomanInteger.parse("16");
RomanInteger validRomanParse = RomanInteger.parse("XVI");
Invalid(exceptions are thrown)
RomanInteger invalidObject = new RomanInteger("XV", 16);
RomanInteger invalidRomanParse = RomanInteger.parse("XG");
RomanInteger invalidArabicParse = RomanInteger.parse("4000");
//enable caching of parsed instances
RomanInteger romanInteger1 = RomanInteger.parse("11");
RomanInteger romanInteger2 = RomanInteger.parse("11");
//romanInteger2 is the same instance as romanInteger1
//disables caching and clears the cache
RomanInteger romanInteger3 = RomanInteger.parse("11");
RomanInteger romanInteger4 = RomanInteger.parse("11");
//romanInteger3 and romanInteger4 are different instances
//plug in custom cache implementation
RomanInteger.setCache(parserCache -> new CustomCache(parserCache, otherDependency));
//plug in cache initialized in advance with provided data
RomanInteger.setCache(parserCache -> new UniDirectionalRomanIntegerCache(parserCache, MapStorage.strict(TreeMap::new), new ProvidedInitializationData()));
//plugin cache with custom storage
RomanInteger.setCache(parserCache -> new DefaultRomanIntegerCache(parserCache, customStorage, new RomanIntegerArrayInitializationData(new BasicNumeralsInputSource())));
RomanInteger.setCache(parserCache -> new DefaultRomanIntegerCache(parserCache, customStorage, new NoOpMapData<>()));
Range extension
RomanInteger.extend('A', 'b');
//extends the range with A = 5000 and B = 10000, max value becomes 39999
RomanInteger res1 = RomanInteger.parse("29359");
//prints -> 29359 - BBMBCCCLIX
RomanInteger res2 = RomanInteger.parse("BBBACCLX");
//prints -> 35260 - BBBACCLX
//clears all registred extensions, leaving only the basic symbols
Since 3.7.0
supports command line execution of the jar. Use --help
or -h
to list the options.
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the file for details.