A plugin designed to make writing menus for Minecraft easy. Menus can be written in the configuration language of your choice: yaml, hocon, json or xml.
- A number of functions to use to customize menus
- Asynchronous functions
- Functions use latebinding
- Addons can be written for more functions
- Use conditions with replacers using EvalEx
- Guis can be written in yaml, json, xml or hocon
- Proxy support
- Bungeecord
- Custom replacers
- Built-in replacer support
- Support for PlaceholderAPI
- User defined macros
- Per Gui, Slot and Global
- Supports macro chaining
- Loading guis from a remote location
- Currently supports loading from a webserver
- Can also load from websites like Github using url parameters
- Different gui types
- Beacon
- Brewing stand
- Chest
- Crafting Table
- Dispenser
- Dropper
- Furnace
- Hopper
- Workbench
- Support for sponge
Just a few uses for DynamicGui.
- Crafting recipes
- Crate rewards
- Help menu
- Hub menu
- Kit preview
- Player information
- Player statistics
- Quests
- Shop
- Staff tools
You can get development builds from Github actions but you will need a Github account.
You find find gui documentation here.
Before contributing please read our documentation on contributing.
repositories {
maven {
url 'https://jitpack.io'
dependencies {
compileOnly 'com.github.clubobsidian.dynamicgui:api:6.1.3'
- Git clone the project
- Generate eclipse files with
gradlew eclipse
- Import project
- Right click on the project
- Add gradle nature
- Git clone the project
- Generate intellij files with
gradlew idea
- Import project
gradlew build