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Releases: Code52/pretzel
Releases · Code52/pretzel
- #319 - Site with support of html_pages contributed by Roland Bär (rolandbaer)
- #318 - Chocolatey install - Get-BinRoot deprecated
Commits: b7afc2c...8b67720
- #317 - Support for :slug in permalinks contributed by Thomas Freudenberg (thoemmi) +Enhancement
- Fix rss/atom feeds and add site settings in config +Fix
- Add more info on "Error converting markdown" +Enhancement
- Cleaning of Tracing/Logger - Logger is now deprecated +Breaking-change
Commits: 8ffc7d6...35f9a04
- #314 - Fix the files are rendered too much time contributed by Jérémie Bertrand (laedit)
- #313 - Minor typos contributed by Stephen Moon (s-moon)
- #310 - Update FileContentProvider.cs contributed by mark van tilburg (markvantilburg)
- #309 - Update packages.config contributed by mark van tilburg (markvantilburg)
- #306 - Added support for specifying frontmatter defaults in _config.yml contributed by Taco Ditiecher (tditiecher)
- #304 - Added DateToStringFilter to the LiquidEngine. contributed by Taco Ditiecher (tditiecher) +fix
- #298 - Replace Firefly with Nowin contributed by E.Z. Hart (hartez)
- #297 - Prevent adding of duplicate tags during PreProcess() in RazorSiteEngine contributed by E.Z. Hart (hartez)
- #296 - ArgumentException when modifying a page while taste is running +fix
- #164 - Exception while navigating between pages during tasting +fix
- #147 - Sporadically crashes on "Taste" caused by 'Cannot access a disposed object.' +fix
- #102 - Crash when browsing a site hosted in Pretzel taste +fix
Commits: 1e49a17...a0634fd
Breaking changes
- #294 - Fix failing build on dev machine configured for NuGet V3 contributed by Tim Murphy (TimMurphy)
- #293 - Broken razor template inheritance
- #292 - Fix on Razor based pages not being renamed to .html contributed by Kees Schollaart (keesschollaart81)
- #288 - [RFC] new extension point
contributed by Thomas Freudenberg (thoemmi) - #284 - New command : create new post contributed by Keuvain (k94ll13nn3)
Commits: 4d8fcaa1a0...142be2a212
Breaking changes
- #199 - PostUrl should be a Liquid Tag
It should now be used like this
{% post_url %}
- #266 - Merging of dependencies to Pretzel.exe make developing plugins a pain
Pretzel is no longer one unique exe file but a exe, a dll Pretzel.Logic and all of the dependecies dll.
All existing plugins must be recompiled with referencing only Pretzel.Logic.
- #200 - Single category support for liquid posts contributed by Andrey Akinshin (AndreyAkinshin)
- #202 - Add Excerpt feature for pages contributed by Andrey Akinshin (AndreyAkinshin)
- #203 - Support for 404 pages contributed by Damian Karzon (dkarzon)
- #157 - Add support to load dlls in "_plugins" path contributed by Miguel Román (miguelerm)
- #206 - Code block support contributed by Andrey Akinshin (AndreyAkinshin)
- #213 - Adds .htm extension for layouts contributed by Wesley Alcoforado (wesleyalcoforado)
- #216 - Support to other default pages contributed by Wesley Alcoforado (wesleyalcoforado)
- #165 - Make category inherit Drop (so it can be used in templates) contributed by Jordan Wallwork (jordanwallwork)
- #218 - Add --safe parameter to disable custom plugins
- #220 - Add source and destination options contributed by Jérémie Bertrand (laedit)
- #221 - New command, 'Hungry' contributed by (vikingcode)
- #225 - Update permalinks to jekyll's level
- #229 - Add Scriptcs plugins support contributed by Jérémie Bertrand (laedit)
- #233 - Better support for exclude config setting contributed by Damian Karzon (dkarzon)
- #241 - Should support --version switch
- #244 - Extensionless permalinks
- #253 - Run on Mono contributed by Thiago 'Jedi' Abreu (thiagoabreu)
- #259 - Changed date guessing heuristic to use last modification time of posts instead of current time, if no better data is available. contributed by Gábor Gergely (kodfodrasz)
- #260 - Refactor logging contributed by Gábor Gergely (kodfodrasz)
- #274 - Added option to only use categories found in posts's frontmatter by Thomas Freudenberg (thoemmi)
- #274 - added option only_frontmatter_categories contributed by Thomas Freudenberg (thoemmi)
- #277 - allow System.IO.Abstractions in ScriptCs contributed by Thomas Freudenberg (thoemmi)
- #198 - Liquid tag/filter with underscore doesn't works in markdown files
- #201 - Custom metadatas in pages are not available from site.pages in liquid
- #212 - If a post has invalid categories, it won't render contributed by (vikingcode)
- #178 - Create command fixes contributed by Gábor Gergely (kodfodrasz)
- #223 - Tag doesn't inherit from Drop
- #228 - page.url contains broken in latest master version
- #235 - Update FileContentProvider.cs contributed by mark van tilburg (markvantilburg)
- #240 - Error when baking brand new razor template site
- #246 - created site doesn't process liquid tags in posts when shown on homepage
- #249 - Fix for page.url when paginating contributed by Thomas Freudenberg (thoemmi)
- #250 - Inconsistent handling contributed by Thomas Freudenberg (thoemmi)
- #255 - Fix pagination when paginate_link points to a directory contributed by Gábor Gergely (kodfodrasz)
- #257 - Reading namespaces from attributes contributed by Thiago 'Jedi' Abreu (thiagoabreu)
- #263 - Enhanced front matter contributed by Gábor Gergely (kodfodrasz)
- #265 - Fix regenerating site for change in excluded files while tasting contributed by Gábor Gergely (kodfodrasz)
- #269 - Update Rss.liquid contributed by mark van tilburg (markvantilburg)
- #271 - Added missing next and previous items in the page Hash in the Liquid engine contributed by Keuvain (k94ll13nn3)
- #273 - Fix post_url tag contributed by Jérémie Bertrand (laedit)
Commits: 1436ac1f52...d6fa9b28b6
Breaking changes
- #189: Handle bool in yaml
In a YAML frontmatter like the following:
active: true
Recognize that the value of "active" is a boolean and convert it in the datas for DotLiquid so that it is possible to use it in a template like that:
{% if == true %}
Like in Jekyll.
But this will cause a breaking change if anyone have a
{% if == 'true' %}
in a template.
- #181: Added new Jekyll filters and tags by switchspan
- DateToLongStringFilter
- DateToStringFilter
- NumberOfWordsFilter
- CgiEscapeFilter
- UriEscapeFilter
- CommentBlock
- PostUrlBlock
- #185: Allow all *.md, *.mkd, *.mkdn, *.mdown and *.markdown files to be processed
- Add a cleantarget argument which deletes the target directory (_site), like Jekyll does by default
- Improve less compilation
- Add include and exclude configuration features, like in Jekyll
- #189: Add support for category in page permalinks by dkarzon
- #186: site.title can be valorized in _config.yaml and page.ig is generated for every posts and pages