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Package hygiene (#82)
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* package hygiene

* add `Mass` and `Stiffness` types
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dkarrasch authored Sep 29, 2021
1 parent c11d455 commit f153c95
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Showing 25 changed files with 554 additions and 558 deletions.
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion Project.toml
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@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
name = "CoherentStructures"
uuid = "0c1513b4-3a13-56f1-9cd2-8312eaec88c4"
version = "0.4.4"
version = "0.4.5"

ArnoldiMethod = "ec485272-7323-5ecc-a04f-4719b315124d"
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265 changes: 146 additions & 119 deletions docs/Manifest.toml

Large diffs are not rendered by default.

2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion docs/makeimages.jl
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Expand Up @@ -48,7 +48,7 @@ ctx = regularTriangularGrid((100,100), [0.0,0.0],[2π,2π])
pred = (x,y) -> ((x[1] - y[1]) % 2π) < 1e-9 && ((x[2] - y[2]) % 2π) < 1e-9
bdata = BoundaryData(ctx,pred)

id2 = one(Tensors.Tensor{2,2}) # 2D identity tensor
id2 = one(Tensor{2,2}) # 2D identity tensor
cgfun = x -> 0.5*(id2 + dott(inv(DstandardMap(x))))

K = assembleStiffnessMatrix(ctx,cgfun,bdata=bdata)
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11 changes: 6 additions & 5 deletions docs/src/
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Expand Up @@ -162,7 +162,8 @@ u[20] = 2.0; u[38] = 3.0; u[56] = 4.0
plot_u(ctx, u, 200, 200, bdata=bdata, colorbar=:none)

To apply boundary conditions to a stiffness/mass matrix, use the `applyBCS` function. Note that `assembleStiffnessMatrix` and `assembleMassMatrix` take a `bdata` argument that does this internally.
To apply boundary conditions to a stiffness/mass matrix, use the `applyBCS` function. Note
that both `assemble` functions take a `bdata` argument that does this internally.

## Plotting and Videos

Expand All @@ -172,8 +173,9 @@ The simplest way to plot is using the [`plot_u`](@ref) function. Plots and video

## Parallelisation

Many of the plotting functions support parallelism internally.
Tensor fields can be constructed in parallel, and then passed to [`assembleStiffnessMatrix`](@ref). For an example that does this, see
Many of the plotting functions support parallelism internally. Tensor fields can be
constructed in parallel, and then passed to [`assemble(Stiffness(), _)`](@ref). For an
example that does this, see
TODO: Add this example

Expand All @@ -185,8 +187,7 @@ CurrentModule = CoherentStructures
### Stiffness and Mass Matrices


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47 changes: 23 additions & 24 deletions src/CoherentStructures.jl
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Expand Up @@ -2,42 +2,41 @@ module CoherentStructures

# use standard libraries
using LinearAlgebra
using ProgressMeter
using LinearAlgebra: checksquare
import ProgressMeter
using SparseArrays
using SparseArrays: nzvalview, dropzeros!
using Distributed
using SharedArrays: SharedArray
using Statistics: mean

# import data type packages
import StaticArrays
using StaticArrays: SVector, @SVector, SArray, SMatrix, @SMatrix
import Tensors
using Tensors: Vec, Tensor, SymmetricTensor
import AxisArrays
using StaticArrays: SVector, @SVector, SMatrix, @SMatrix
using Tensors: Vec, Tensor, SymmetricTensor, basevec, dott, tdot, otimes, symmetric
using AxisArrays: AxisArray, ClosedInterval, axisvalues

import DiffEqBase
import OrdinaryDiffEq
const ODE = OrdinaryDiffEq
import Distances
const Dists = Distances
import NearestNeighbors
const NN = NearestNeighbors
import Interpolations
const ITP = Interpolations
using DiffEqBase: DiffEqBase, initialize!, isconstant, update_coefficients!, @..
using OrdinaryDiffEq: OrdinaryDiffEq, ODEProblem, ODEFunction, ContinuousCallback,
terminate!, solve, Tsit5, BS5, OrdinaryDiffEqNewtonAlgorithm, DEFAULT_LINSOLVE,
alg_order, OrdinaryDiffEqMutableCache, alg_cache, @muladd, perform_step!, @unpack,
unwrap_alg, is_mass_matrix_alg

using Distances: Distances, PreMetric, SemiMetric, Metric, Euclidean, PeriodicEuclidean,
pairwise, pairwise!, colwise, colwise!, result_type

using NearestNeighbors: BallTree, KDTree, inrange, knn, MinkowskiMetric

using Interpolations: Interpolations, LinearInterpolation, CubicSplineInterpolation,
interpolate, scale, BSpline, Linear, Cubic, Natural, OnGrid, Free

# import linear algebra related packages
import LinearMaps
const LMs = LinearMaps
import IterativeSolvers
import ArnoldiMethod
using LinearMaps: LinearMap
using IterativeSolvers: cg
using ArnoldiMethod: partialschur, partialeigen

# import geometry related packages
import GeometricalPredicates
const GP = GeometricalPredicates
import VoronoiDelaunay
const VD = VoronoiDelaunay

using GeometricalPredicates: GeometricalPredicates, Point, AbstractPoint2D, Point2D, getx, gety
using VoronoiDelaunay: DelaunayTessellation2D, findindex, isexternal, max_coord, min_coord

# Ferrite
import Ferrite
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39 changes: 22 additions & 17 deletions src/FEMassembly.jl
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@@ -1,40 +1,45 @@
# Strongly inspired by an example provided on Ferrite's github page, modified and
# extended by Nathanael Schilling

struct Stiffness end
struct Mass end

#Works in n=2 and n=3
tensorIdentity(x::Vec{dim}, _, p) where {dim} = one(SymmetricTensor{2,dim,Float64,3(dim-1)})
tensorIdentity(x::Vec{dim,T}, _, p) where {dim,T} = one(SymmetricTensor{2,dim,T})

assembleStiffnessMatrix(ctx, A, p=nothing; bdata=BoundaryData())
assemble(Stiffness(), ctx; A=Id, p=nothing, bdata=BoundaryData())
Assemble the stiffness-matrix for a symmetric bilinear form
a(u,v) = \\int \\nabla u(x)\\cdot A(x)\\nabla v(x)f(x) dx.
The integral is approximated using numerical quadrature. `A` is a function that returns a
`SymmetricTensor{2,dim}` object and must have one of the following signatures:
* `A(x::Vector{Float64})`;
* `A(x::Vec{dim})`;
* `A(x::Vec{dim}, index::Int, p)`. Here, `x` is equal to `ctx.quadrature_points[index]`,
and `p` is the one passed to `assembleStiffnessMatrix`.
* `A(x::Vector{Float64})`;
* `A(x::Vec{dim})`;
* `A(x::Vec{dim}, index::Int, p)`. Here, `x` is equal to `ctx.quadrature_points[index]`,
and `p` is some parameter, think of some precomputed object that is indexed via `index`.
The ordering of the result is in dof order, except that boundary conditions from `bdata` are
applied. The default is natural (homogeneous Neumann) boundary conditions.
function assembleStiffnessMatrix(ctx::GridContext, A=tensorIdentity, p=nothing; bdata=BoundaryData())
function assemble(::Stiffness, ctx::GridContext; A=tensorIdentity, p=nothing, bdata=BoundaryData())
if A === tensorIdentity
return _assembleStiffnessMatrix(ctx, A, p, bdata=bdata)
return _assembleStiffnessMatrix(ctx, A, p, bdata = bdata)
elseif !isempty(methods(A, (Vec,)))
return _assembleStiffnessMatrix(ctx, (qp, i, p) -> A(qp), p, bdata=bdata)
elseif !isempty(methods(A, (Vec, Int, Any)))
return _assembleStiffnessMatrix(ctx, (qp, i, p) -> A(qp, i, p), p, bdata=bdata)
elseif !isempty(methods(A, (Vector{Float64},)))
return _assembleStiffnessMatrix(ctx, (qp, i, p) -> A(Vector{Float64}(qp)), p, bdata=bdata)
return _assembleStiffnessMatrix(ctx, (qp, i, p) -> A(convert(Vector{Float64}, qp)), p, bdata=bdata)
error("Function parameter A does not accept types supported by assembleStiffnessMatrix")
error("function argument `A` does not admit any of the accepted signatures")
@deprecate assembleStiffnessMatrix(ctx::GridContext, A=tensorIdentity, p=nothing; bdata=BoundaryData()) assemble(Stiffness(), ctx; A=A, p=p, bdata=bdata)

function _assembleStiffnessMatrix(ctx::GridContext, A, p; bdata=BoundaryData())
function _assembleStiffnessMatrix(ctx, A, p; bdata=BoundaryData())
cv = FEM.CellScalarValues(ctx.qr, ctx.ip, ctx.ip_geom)
dh = ctx.dh
K = FEM.create_sparsity_pattern(dh)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -70,7 +75,7 @@ end

assembleMassMatrix(ctx; bdata=BoundaryData(), lumped=false)
assemble(Mass(), ctx; bdata=BoundaryData(), lumped=false)
Assemble the mass matrix
Expand All @@ -86,10 +91,10 @@ Returns a lumped mass matrix if `lumped=true`.
# Example
ctx.mass_weights = map(f, ctx.quadrature_points)
M = assembleMassMatrix(ctx)
M = assemble(Mass(), ctx)
function assembleMassMatrix(ctx::GridContext; bdata=BoundaryData(), lumped=false)
function assemble(::Mass, ctx::GridContext; bdata=BoundaryData(), lumped=false)
cv = FEM.CellScalarValues(ctx.qr, ctx.ip, ctx.ip_geom)
dh = ctx.dh
M = FEM.create_sparsity_pattern(dh)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -123,12 +128,12 @@ function assembleMassMatrix(ctx::GridContext; bdata=BoundaryData(), lumped=false
M = applyBCS(ctx, M, bdata)
return lumped ? spdiagm(0 => dropdims(reduce(+, M; dims=1); dims=1)) : M
@deprecate assembleMassMatrix(ctx::GridContext; bdata=BoundaryData(), lumped=false) assemble(Mass(), ctx; bdata=bdata, lumped=lumped)

Compute the coordinates of all quadrature points on a grid.
Helper function.
Compute the coordinates of all quadrature points on a grid. Helper function.
function getQuadPoints(ctx::GridContext{dim}) where {dim}
cv = FEM.CellScalarValues(ctx.qr, ctx.ip_geom)
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103 changes: 51 additions & 52 deletions src/TO.jl
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Expand Up @@ -50,11 +50,11 @@ function nonAdaptiveTOCollocation(

#Calculate the integral of shape function in the domain (dof order)
shape_function_weights_domain_original = undoBCS(ctx_domain,
vec(sum(assembleMassMatrix(ctx_domain, bdata=bdata_domain), dims=1)),
vec(sum(assemble(Mass(), ctx_domain, bdata=bdata_domain), dims=1)),
#Calculate the integral of shape functions in the codomain (dof order)
#Do not include boundary conditions here, as we end up summing over this later
shape_function_weights_codomain = vec(sum(assembleMassMatrix(ctx_codomain),dims=1))
shape_function_weights_codomain = vec(sum(assemble(Mass(), ctx_codomain), dims=1))

#This variable will hold approximate pullback (in the measure sense)
#of shape_function_weights_codomain to domain via finv
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -102,23 +102,28 @@ function nonAdaptiveTOCollocation(

adaptiveTOCollocationStiffnessMatrix(ctx,flow_maps,times=nothing; [quadrature_order, on_torus,on_cylinder, LL, UR, bdata, volume_preserving=true,flow_map_mode=0] )
adaptiveTOCollocationStiffnessMatrix(ctx, flow_maps, times=nothing; [quadrature_order, on_torus,on_cylinder, LL, UR, bdata, volume_preserving=true, flow_map_mode=0] )
Calculate the matrix-representation of the bilinear form ``a(u,v) = 1/N \\sum_n^N a_1(I_hT_nu,I_hT_nv)`` where
``I_h`` is pointwise interpolation of the grid obtained by doing Delaunay triangulation on images of grid points from ctx
and ``T_n`` is the Transfer-operator for ``x \\mapsto flow_maps(x,times)[n]`` and ``a_1`` is the weak form of the Laplacian on the codomain. Moreover,
``N`` in the equation above is equal to `length(times)` and ``t_n`` ranges over the elements of `times`.
Calculate the matrix-representation of the bilinear form ``a(u,v) = 1/N \\sum_n^N a_1(I_hT_nu,I_hT_nv)``
where ``I_h`` is pointwise interpolation of the grid obtained by doing Delaunay
triangulation on images of grid points from `ctx` and ``T_n`` is the transfer operator for
``x \\mapsto flow_maps(x, times)[n]`` and ``a_1`` is the weak form of the Laplacian on the
codomain. Moreover, ``N`` in the equation above is equal to `length(times)` and ``t_n``
ranges over the elements of `times`.
If `times==nothing`, take ``N=1`` above and use the map ``x \\mapsto flow_maps(x)` instead of the version with `t_n`.
If `times==nothing`, take ``N=1`` above and use the map ``x \\mapsto flow_maps(x)`` instead
of the version with `t_n`.
If `on_torus` is true, the Delaunay Triangulation is done on the torus.
If `on_cylinder` is true, then triangulation is done on cylinder (periodic) x. In both of these cases we require `bdata` for boundary information
on the original domain as well as `LL` and `UR` as lower-left and upper-right corners of the image.
If `on_torus` is true, the Delaunay triangulation is done on the torus.
If `on_cylinder` is true, then triangulation is done on an x-periodic cylinder. In both of
these cases we require `bdata` for boundary information on the original domain as well as
`LL` and `UR` as lower-left and upper-right corners of the image.
If `volume_preserving == false`, add a volume_correction term to ``a_1`` (See paper by Froyland & Junge).
If `flow_map_mode==0`, apply flow map to nodal basis function coordinates.
If `flow_map_mode==1`, apply flow map to nodal basis function index number (allows for precomputed trajectories).
If `flow_map_mode=0`, apply flow map to nodal basis function coordinates.
If `flow_map_mode=1`, apply flow map to nodal basis function index number (allows for
precomputed trajectories).
function adaptiveTOCollocationStiffnessMatrix(ctx::GridContext{2}, flow_maps, times=nothing;
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -183,58 +188,52 @@ function adaptiveTOCollocationStiffnessMatrix(ctx::GridContext{2}, flow_maps, ti
#the old grid
new_density_nodevals = new_density_bcdofvals
while length(new_density_nodevals) != new_ctx.n
push!(new_density_nodevals, 0.0)

new_ctx.mass_weights = [evaluate_function_from_node_or_cellvals(new_ctx,new_density_nodevals,q)
for q in new_ctx.quadrature_points ]
new_ctx.mass_weights = [evaluate_function_from_node_or_cellvals(new_ctx, new_density_nodevals, q)
for q in new_ctx.quadrature_points]
I, J, V = findnz(assembleStiffnessMatrix(new_ctx,bdata=new_bdata))
I, J, V = findnz(assemble(Stiffness(), new_ctx, bdata=new_bdata))
I .= translation_table[I]
J .= translation_table[J]
n = ctx.n - length(bdata.periodic_dofs_from)
push!(As, sparse(I, J, V, n, n))
return mean(As)

#Reordering in the periodic case is slightly more tricky
function bcdofNewToBcdofOld(
) where {dim}

I, J ,V = findnz(K)

#Here I,J are in pdof order for new_ctx

bcdof_to_node_new = bcdof_to_node(new_ctx,new_bdata)
node_to_bcdof_old = node_to_bcdof(old_ctx,bdata)
I .= node_to_bcdof_old[bcdof_to_node_new[I]]
J .= node_to_bcdof_old[bcdof_to_node_new[J]]

old_pdof_n = old_ctx.n - length(bdata.periodic_dofs_from)

return sparse(I,J,V,old_pdof_n,old_pdof_n)
function bcdofNewToBcdofOld(old_ctx::GridContext{dim}, bdata::BoundaryData,
new_ctx::GridContext{dim}, new_bdata::BoundaryData, K) where {dim}
I, J ,V = findnz(K)

# Here I,J are in pdof order for new_ctx
bcdof_to_node_new = bcdof_to_node(new_ctx, new_bdata)
node_to_bcdof_old = node_to_bcdof(old_ctx, bdata)
I .= node_to_bcdof_old[bcdof_to_node_new[I]]
J .= node_to_bcdof_old[bcdof_to_node_new[J]]
old_pdof_n = old_ctx.n - length(bdata.periodic_dofs_from)
return sparse(I, J, V, old_pdof_n, old_pdof_n)

function node_to_bcdof(ctx::GridContext{dim},bdata::BoundaryData) where {dim}
n_nodes = ctx.n - length(bdata.periodic_dofs_from)
bdata_table = BCTable(ctx,bdata)
return bdata_table[ctx.node_to_dof]
function node_to_bcdof(ctx::GridContext{dim}, bdata::BoundaryData) where {dim}
n_nodes = ctx.n - length(bdata.periodic_dofs_from)
bdata_table = BCTable(ctx, bdata)
return bdata_table[ctx.node_to_dof]

function bcdof_to_node(ctx::GridContext{dim},bdata::BoundaryData) where {dim}
n_nodes = ctx.n - length(bdata.periodic_dofs_from)
bdata_table = BCTable(ctx,bdata)
result = zeros(Int,n_nodes)
for i in 1:ctx.n
if result[bdata_table[ctx.node_to_dof[i]]] == 0
result[bdata_table[ctx.node_to_dof[i]]] = i
n_nodes = ctx.n - length(bdata.periodic_dofs_from)
bdata_table = BCTable(ctx,bdata)
result = zeros(Int,n_nodes)
for i in 1:ctx.n
if iszero(result[bdata_table[ctx.node_to_dof[i]]])
result[bdata_table[ctx.node_to_dof[i]]] = i
return result
return result

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -274,8 +273,8 @@ function adaptiveTOFutureGrid(ctx::GridContext{dim}, flow_map;
#Do volume corrections
#All values are in node order for new_ctx, which is the same as bcdof order for ctx2
n_nodes = length(new_nodes_in_bcdof_order)
vols_new = sum(assembleMassMatrix(new_ctx, bdata=new_bdata), dims=1)[1, node_to_bcdof(new_ctx, new_bdata)[1:n_nodes]]
vols_old = sum(assembleMassMatrix(ctx, bdata=bdata), dims=1)[1, 1:n_nodes]
vols_new = sum(assemble(Mass(), new_ctx, bdata=new_bdata), dims=1)[1, node_to_bcdof(new_ctx, new_bdata)[1:n_nodes]]
vols_old = sum(assemble(Mass(), ctx, bdata=bdata), dims=1)[1, 1:n_nodes]

return new_ctx, new_bdata, vols_new ./ vols_old
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -319,12 +318,12 @@ function adaptiveTOCollocation(ctx::GridContext{dim}, flow_map;
throw(AssertionError("Invalid projection_method"))
if volume_preserving
L = sparse(I, npoints, npoints)[node_to_bcdof(ctx,bdata)[bcdof_to_node(ctx_new,bdata_new)],:]
L = sparse(I, npoints, npoints)[node_to_bcdof(ctx, bdata)[bcdof_to_node(ctx_new,bdata_new)],:]
result = ALPHA_bc*L
volume_change_pdof = volume_change[bcdof_to_node(ctx,bdata)]
K = assembleStiffnessMatrix(ctx,bdata=bdata)
M = assembleMassMatrix(ctx,bdata=bdata)
K = assemble(Stiffness(), ctx, bdata = bdata)
M = assemble(Mass(), ctx, bdata = bdata)
volume_change_pdof = (M - 1e-2K)\(M*volume_change_pdof)
volume_change = volume_change_pdof[node_to_bcdof(ctx,bdata)]

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