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spongezhang committed Jul 30, 2016
0 parents commit d8c5bdb
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Showing 107 changed files with 491 additions and 0 deletions.
131 changes: 131 additions & 0 deletions
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@@ -0,0 +1,131 @@
MOT - Moving Object Segmentation and Tracking System
####Terms of Use

Copyright (c) 2003 by DVMM Laboratory

Department of Electrical Engineering</br>
Columbia University</br>
Rm 1312 S.W. Mudd, 500 West 120th Street</br>
New York, NY 10027</br>

Di Zhong and Shih-Fu Chang, Columbia University


MOT is a moving object segmentation and tracking system for salient objects
over long period in general video sources. The system utilizes innovative
methods of combining color and edge information in improving the object motion
estimation results. It then uses the long-term spatio-temporal constraints to
achieve reliable object tracking over long sequences.

The system contains two stages. In the first stage, we apply an iterative
motion layer detection process based on the estimation and merging of affine
motion models. Each iteration generates one motion layer. The difference from
existing methods is that motion models are estimated from spatially segmented
color regions instead of just pixels or blocks. In the second stage, temporal
constraints are applied to detect moving objects in spatial and temporal space.
Layers in individual frames are linked together based on characteristics of
their underlying regions. One or more layers will be declared as motion objects
according to specific spatio-temporal consistency rules.

The input are decoded frames in either PPM, GIF or JPEG format. The system does
not include an interface to decode MPEG video into image files. One can use the
AMOS system to decode MPEG streams and build database of video shots.

In this binary distribution, we provide the classes for local segmentation and
global detection. We also provide sample Java codes to extract region information
described in OIF files. Before using the system, the video clip should have
been segmented into individual shots and store individual frames in PPM format.


The system is developed in Java language on Sun Solaris 2.5, Windows NT 4.0,
Windows 2000, or Windows XP. It requires following software packages.

a) JDK 1.1.6+ or 1.2 (with JIT compiler)

The final installation will include following directory structure:
00README.txt --- this file
test.db --- an example database file (generate by AMOS)
runmot.bat --- run object tracking for the example database file
image --- general image I/O and processing functions
feature --- segmentation and feature computation
db --- management of video shots and objects
VisualNumerics --- numeric functions from the third party
odet --- main program for object segmentation and tracking
test --- this is the root directory of "test.db" and repository
of frames of a sample shot "1009"
sample --- sample code for extracting region information
makesample.bat --- how to compile the region information sample code
runsample.bat --- execute region information extraction
README_for_db_file --- interpretation of "db" file


As previously discussed, it include two steps to track moving objects, which
are both provided with binary Java codes. The last step is to extract the
region information, kept in *.OIF files, and is demonstrated in a sample code.

#####3.1 Local Segmentation

Usage: Java odet.ObjectDetection {v.db} {th} {min_size}
where: v.db --- the database file for video shots
th --- the color merging threshold
min_size --- minimum size of tracked regions (in number of pixels)

This program generates intermedia segmentation results in OIF files, including:
- salient regions
- foreground or background classification at individual frames

The source video sequences, in PPM formats, are located in ".\test\1009\frames\" and
OIF files are further generated in ".\test\1009\odet\".

#####3.2 Global Detection

Usage: java odet.GlobalDetection {v.db} {min_mv} {min_lifespan}
where: v.db --- the database file for video shots
min_mv --- the minimum number of frames with motion
min_lifespan --- the minimum number of total frames

This program generates final moving object. Outputs are stored to PPM files
under the directory ".\test\1009\odet\" for each image sequence.

#####3.3 db File

The interpretation of the "db" file is exemplified in "README_for_db_file.txt".

#####3.4 Example

[path to Java run time program] java odet.ObjectDetection test.db 20 100
[path to Java run time program] java odet.GlobalDetection test.db 8 15

Please reference "runmot.bat" for these scripts and parameters. Before
executing the program, pease make sure Java environment and corresponding
PATH are well configured.

####4. Region information extraction

Each image will be segmented into regions defined by boundary boxes
and masks and described in *.OIF file. To know how to extract region
information, please reference "RegionInfoDoc.tex" in directory "sample".

####5. Misc.

Before executing the binary distribution and compiling the sample code, please
MAKE SURE that Java runtime and development enviroment are well configured.
21 changes: 21 additions & 0 deletions README_for_db_file.txt
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@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
// The interpretation of the "test.db" file is as the following
// For simplicity, we suggest using a "db" file for a single shot.
// If there are multiple shots to process, generate *.db files in
// batch.

.\test // storing corresponding frames within shots, here shot "1009" only
100000 // next_shotid
1 // number of shots
// one blank row is necessary here. This cannot be omitted.
1009 // shot id (same as folder name under the path designated on the first line)
-UNKNOWN- // video file name (for mpeg2dec. This is not used in MOT)
234300 // start time (not used in MOT)
50 // duration (not used in MOT)
40 // start frame number
30 // number of frames
352 // width of the frame
240 // height of the frame
2 // (not used in MOT)
6002138 // (not used in MOT)

Binary file added VisualNumerics/math/BLAS.class
Binary file not shown.
Binary file added VisualNumerics/math/BLASA.class
Binary file not shown.
Binary file added VisualNumerics/math/Complex.class
Binary file not shown.
Binary file added VisualNumerics/math/ComplexA.class
Binary file not shown.
Binary file added VisualNumerics/math/ComplexCholesky.class
Binary file not shown.
Binary file added VisualNumerics/math/ComplexLU.class
Binary file not shown.
Binary file added VisualNumerics/math/ComplexMatrix.class
Binary file not shown.
Binary file added VisualNumerics/math/ComplexQR.class
Binary file not shown.
Binary file added VisualNumerics/math/ComplexSVD.class
Binary file not shown.
Binary file added VisualNumerics/math/ComplexVector.class
Binary file not shown.
Binary file added VisualNumerics/math/DoubleCholesky.class
Binary file not shown.
Binary file added VisualNumerics/math/DoubleLU.class
Binary file not shown.
Binary file added VisualNumerics/math/DoubleMatrix.class
Binary file not shown.
Binary file added VisualNumerics/math/DoubleQR.class
Binary file not shown.
Binary file added VisualNumerics/math/DoubleSVD.class
Binary file not shown.
Binary file added VisualNumerics/math/DoubleVector.class
Binary file not shown.
Binary file added VisualNumerics/math/MathException.class
Binary file not shown.
Binary file added VisualNumerics/math/Sfun.class
Binary file not shown.
Binary file added VisualNumerics/math/Statistics.class
Binary file not shown.
Binary file added db/ObjectFeature.class
Binary file not shown.
Binary file added db/RegionFeature.class
Binary file not shown.
Binary file added db/StructureFeature.class
Binary file not shown.
Binary file added db/VideoDB.class
Binary file not shown.
Binary file added db/VideoObject.class
Binary file not shown.
Binary file added db/VideoRegion.class
Binary file not shown.
Binary file added db/VideoShot.class
Binary file not shown.
Binary file added feature/AffineModel.class
Binary file not shown.
Binary file added feature/EdgeMap.class
Binary file not shown.
Binary file added feature/OpticalFlow.class
Binary file not shown.
Binary file added feature/RegionInfo.class
Binary file not shown.
Binary file added feature/Segment.class
Binary file not shown.
Binary file added feature/Snake.class
Binary file not shown.
Binary file added image/ImageData.class
Binary file not shown.
Binary file added image/ImageIO.class
Binary file not shown.
Binary file added image/ImageProc.class
Binary file not shown.
Binary file added image/IndexSortable.class
Binary file not shown.
Binary file added image/IntVector.class
Binary file not shown.
Binary file added image/Mask.class
Binary file not shown.
Binary file added image/PubFunc.class
Binary file not shown.
Binary file added image/Sortable.class
Binary file not shown.
Binary file added image/XPolygon.class
Binary file not shown.
Binary file added image/luv4096.dat
Binary file not shown.
2 changes: 2 additions & 0 deletions mksample.bat
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
javac -O -d . sample\

Binary file added odet/GlobalDetection.class
Binary file not shown.
Binary file added odet/ObjectDetection.class
Binary file not shown.
2 changes: 2 additions & 0 deletions runmot.bat
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
java odet.ObjectDetection test.db 20 100
java odet.GlobalDetection test.db 8 15
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions runsample.bat
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
java sample.SampleRegionInfo .\test 1009
222 changes: 222 additions & 0 deletions sample/RegionInfoDoc.txt
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@@ -0,0 +1,222 @@
[Usage of region information]

Each image will be segmented into regions defined by boundary boxes
and masks and described in *.OIF file. To know how to extract region
information please reference the sample code "" and

* Sample code
Each image will be segmented into regions defined by boundary boxes
and masks and are described in *.oif files. This program shows how
to extract region information from *.oif files.

This program is complied with ..\mksample.bat, and it is run with ..\runsample.bat.
** Please make sure the Java environment is well configured.

* Explanation about RegionInfo class
Region information can be handled using RegionInfo class. The following
is the explanation about the class.

1. Members

public int id -- region id
public int pixelnum -- number of pixels within the region
public float[] feat1 -- mean color of the region (feat1[0]:L, feat1[1]:u, feat1[2]:v )
public float[] feat2 -- motion parameters of the region. motion is compensated by the following equation:
x= feat2[0] + feat2[1] * x0 + feat2[2] * y0 + feat2[6] * x0 * x0 + feat2[7] * x0 * y0 + x0,
y= feat2[3] + feat2[4] * x0 + feat2[5] * y0 + feat2[6] * x0 * y0 + feat2[7] * y0 * y0 + y0
where (x0,y0) is a point in the current region and (x,y) is its corresponding point in the next frame.
public Point ul -- the coordinate of the upper-left corner of the bounding box
public Point lr -- the coordinate of the lower-right corner of the bounding box
public Hashtable con_regs -- List of the adjoining regions.
public boolean[][] mask -- Mask information indicating the region shape. The mask size is the same as the bounding box of the region. Hence mask[0][0] indicates the mask information at the upper-left point of bounding box.
public int tag -- This can be used for several way. In the Object/GlobalDetection, tag is used for distinguishing
foreground and background regions. If tag = 1, the region indicates foreground, otherwise, background.

2. Methods

public RegionInfo(int id, float[] clr, int x, int y)
int id -- region ID.
float[] clr -- the Luv value for the pixel at (x,y).
int x -- x coordinate of the pixel included in the region
int y -- y coordinate of the pixel included in the region
Constructor of RegionInfo object. This makes RegionInfo object for the region including a single pixel (x,y).
public RegionInfo(RegionInfo r)
RegionInfo r -- region information to be copied
Copy constructor of RegionInfo object.
public static final RegionInfo[] read(String fname)
String fileName -- The OIF file name from which the region information is read.
Returned values:
Array of RegionInfo objects, each of which indicates a region in the image.
This method reads region information from the file designated by fname, and return the array of RegionInfo objects.
public static final void write(String fname, RegionInfo[] rlist, int nextid, int fw, int fh, float[] gm_param )
String fname -- The OIF file name to which the region information is written.
RegionInfo[] rlist -- The array of region information
int nextid -- next region id (Currently this is not used, so any positive integer is all right)
int fw -- frame width (Currently this is not used, so any positive integer is all right)
int fh -- frame height (Currently this is not used, so any positive integer is all right)
float[] gm_param -- global motion parameters (Currently this is not used, but memory for these parameters should be allocated before calling. See the sample code.)
Returned values:
This method writes the array of region information rlist to the file designated by fname.
public final int perimeter()
Returned values:
The perimeter of this region
This method finds the perimeter of this region and return the value.
public final boolean imgxy( int x, int y )
int x -- x coordinate of the point
int y -- y coordinate of the point
Returned values:
True if the point is inside the region, and false otherwise.
This method is used for checking whether the point is inside the region or not.
public final boolean isBorder(int x,int y)
int x -- x coordinate of the point
int y -- y coordinate of the point
Returned values:
True if it is a point on the border, and false otherwise.
This method is used for checking whether the point is on the border or not.
public final boolean isNeighbor(int x, int y)
int x -- x coordinate of the point
int y -- y coordinate of the point
Returned values:
True if it is an adjoining point, and false otherwise.
This method is used for checking whether the point adjoins this region or not.
public static void merge(RegionInfo r0,RegionInfo r1)
RegionInfo r0 -- the first region information, which carries the merge result.
RegionInfo r1 -- the second region information.
Returned values:
Regions r0 and r1 are merged. The merge result is included in r0.
public RegionInfo nearestNeighbor(float sqthresh, float[] w)
float sqthresh -- threshold to determine the upper-limit of mean color distance.
float[] w -- weight for calculating the mean color distance of the regions.
Returned values:
RegionInfo object with the closest mean color to this region.
This method finds the region with the closest mean color to this region among the adjoining regions,
and the found region information is returned. If the difference in the mean colors are more than
sqthresh for all the adjoining regions, the function returns null instead. The distance is calculated
d = w[0]*w[0]*DL*DL + w[1]*w[1]*Du*Du + w[2]*w[2]*Dv*Dv,
where DL, Du and Dv denote the difference of mean L, u and v values between two regions.
public final void connect(RegionInfo nb)
RegionInfo nb -- region information to be connected to this region
Returned values:
Connect the region nb to this region.
public final void disconnect()
Returned values:
Disconnect this region from all the adjoining regions.
public final int[] getConnectList()
Returned values:
List of the IDs of the adjoining region.
This method returns the list of the IDs of the adjoining region.
public static boolean[][] getMask(RegionInfo[] rlist, Rectangle rect)
RegionInfo[] rlist -- region information array.
Rectangle rect -- bouding box of combined mask.
Returned values:
2D boolean array indicating the combined mask information.
This method is used for geting combined mask of a list of regions. The mask size equals
the given bounding box.
public static Rectangle getBoundingBox(RegionInfo[] rlist)
RegionInfo[] rlist -- A list of the regions.
Returned values:
Rectangle object indicating the bouding box of the regions included in rlist.
This method returns the bounding box for the region included in the list rlist.
public void printRandomColor()
Returned values:
This method displays the color of the region in a region image to the stdout.
public final int intersectPixels(boolean[][] mask0, Point mask_ul)
boolean[][] mask0 -- the gievn mask information
Point mask_ul -- coordinate of the upper-left corner of the mask
Returned values:
The number of pixels included in intersection.
This methold counts the number of pixels in intersection region with mask0.
public final boolean[][] intersect(boolean[][] mask0, Point mask_ul)
boolean[][] mask0 -- the given mask information.
Point mask_ul -- coordinate of upper-left corner of the given mask.
Returned values:
Mask for intersection
This method computes the intersection of the region with a given mask.
public static boolean[][] getCloseOpenMask(RegionInfo[] rlist, Rectangle rect, float close_r, float open_r)
RegionInfo rlist -- Region information array
Rectangle rect -- Bounding box of combined mask
float close_r -- The radius of closing operator
float open_r -- The radius of opening operator
Returned values:
Resultant mask.
This method is used for getting morphologocal-closed mask of a list of regions. The mask size equals the given bounding box.
public static boolean[][] getOpenCloseMask(RegionInfo[] rlist, Rectangle rect, float open_r, float close_r)
RegionInfo rlist -- Region information array
Rectangle rect -- Bounding box of combined mask
float open_r -- The radius of opening operator
float close_r -- The radius of closing operator
Returned values:
Resultant mask.
This method is used for getting morphological-opened then closed mask of a list of regions. The mask size equals the given bounding box.
Binary file added sample/SampleRegionInfo.class
Binary file not shown.

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