This repository contains some Pyhton scripts for converting a solidworks 3D mesh into a mesh readable by Fenics
There are three possible ways:
Direct conversion of a mesh exported from SolidWorks Simulation (INP format) using meshio. This is done by the script More documentation in the file itself.
Direct conversion of a mesh exported from SolidWorks Simulation (GEO format). This is done by the script More documentation in the file itself. This maintains information about elements belonging to different Soidworks parts by assigning those elements a different Fenics domain.
Conversion of a mesh exported from SolidWorks Simulation (GEO format) into Tetgen format. This is done by the script One can then maniuplate the Tetgen mesh using Tetgen (refinement, quality, etc) and then export it to Fenics using This process maintains information about elements belonging to different Soidworks parts by assigning those elements a different Fenics domain. More documentation in the files themselves.